Off to School

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(More than 800 words!!🎉 I'm going to try to get to 1000 the next chapter!)

"OMG YOU LOOK SO GOOD! People are going to be shocked!," Petunia practically screeched. After weeks of preparing, Petunia finally deemed Scarlett ready for the new school year at the train station.

"You are going to do so good my amazing, beautiful, kind daughter," Mrs.Evans cried, embracing Lily while Scarlett and Petunia stood off to the side awkwardly.

"I'm going to send you your care package soon!" With one last tight hug, Mr and Mrs.Evans sent Lily off to the train.

"I'll see you soon Scarlett!" Petunia shouted awkwardly when it became apparent that Mum and Dad weren't going to hug me too.

"Don't get in trouble!" My Dad finally yelled as the Hogwarts Express began to move away.

I sighed, used to the blatant favoritism towards Lily and began to make my way down the train, desperate to find Ada.

"Omg girl you look so good!" Ada Abott gushed. "I mean you have always been pretty but girl this outfit is slaying!"

I smiled. "Your too nice."

Ada grinned, her brown eyes sparkling. "I'm not joking though!" She lowered her voice to a whisper. "You-know-who is going to be obsessed with you!"

"ADA! Don't say that! You know who he likes and that's definitely not me!"

Ada sighed, accepting my denial. 2 hours later we made it to the school and after a long ride up in the carriages, which I still didn't know what were pulled by, we made it to The Great Hall. Whispers followed us in.

Who's she?

She looks kind of like that one mudblood in Gryffindor, what's her name, lilac?

She looks exactly like Lily!

Look at the color of her hair. It looks just like that one girl... you know the popular gryffindor?

I sighed. The whispers made me excited, but also sad. It showed me truly how unknown I was, even though I had gone to this school for over 4 years. Maybe Lily was right. I was unpopular, and maybe I was boring and ugly too... NO! I would not let Lily's hateful words get the best of me. I sat down nervously at the gryffindor table, scared of what everyone would say. I really liked my makeover, but what if everyone else didn't?

Ada gripped my hand reassuringly and my breath started to quicken. My body shook from fear.

What if people I don't even know judge me?

What if they hate my makeover?

What if i-

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore boomed brightly, interrupting my doubtful thoughts. I shivered. People were already looking my way and Lily seemed to be glaring at me.

"And now," Dumbledore continued, "please enjoy the feast!" Everyone smiled and began eating. Suddenly a hand tapped my shoulder.

"Helllllo." None other than Sirius Black and the rest of the school renowned Marauders stood behind me. I stared at them, confused. Why were they here?

"Sooooooo, who are you?" Sirius continued. "Actually wait, that doesn't matter. Will you go out with me? Or should I just assume we are already dating because I know you will say yes."

I stared at him, aghast. This boy didn't even know my name and he had the audacity to ask me out? The nerve!

"Are you a transfer student?" Peter squeaked, stepping out from behind Remus' tall and lanky frame.

"No! I have gone here since my first year. My name is... Scarlett Evans."

They gaped.

"Yes I know, Evans, as in Lily Evans. Get over it. I don't want much to do with a sister that pretended I didn't exist for 5 years." And with that, I walked out of the Great Hall, Ada on my heels, and dinner forgotten.

"Where did THAT come from?" Ada questioned as we sat on our dorm room floor that we shared with Lily, Marlene, Mary and two other girls in our grade, Destiny Shackbolt and Jessie Thomas. I just shook my head, speechless over what I had just said to some of the most popular boys in our grade, who also happened to apparently want to date me.

"Sirius Black is nothing but a playboy who tosses out girls like they are trash once he's done." Ada finally declared once it was clear I wasn't going to answer. "I'm glad you didn't get with him!"

"Why would he ask me out?" I finally said. "I look nothing like the usual blond bimbos he takes to bed." My eyes began to well up. "Was he making fun of me?"

"Girl NO!" Ada screamed. "In case you haven't noticed, you are beautiful! And let's not forget you are twins with one of the most pretty girls in school."

"Actually, let's forget that please," I smiled, my eyes watery.

We both fell onto our beds in fits of laughter, and I wiped my tears away, but before I fell asleep, I shuddered, thinking of what was to come tomorrow and what the school would think...

Scarlett Red: A Marauders Era StoryWhere stories live. Discover now