The Jokers

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Scarlett sat on her bed, tears rushing down her face. She knew what Lily was saying. They would never be close again. Even though Scarlett knew that Lily wasn't the biggest fan of hers, she didn't know it went this far. It hurt. It really did. Lily was just so stuck up and so rude! She yelled at her in front of practically the whole school, after she had just tried to help James!

"Scarlett. Are you okay?" Ada said, her eye squinting in concern.

I just stared at Ada for a second until bursting into tears. I know it might have been dramatic, but what Lily had said had felt like being stabbed in the heart. Ada rubbed my back reassuringly for a couple minutes until my tears died down. My heart felt cold. I narrowed my eyes slowly. That B**ch! I thought angrily, my sadness dying down to be replaced with red hot rage. It felt like flames had started in my stomach and it had slowly exploded into a volcano, taking away the coldness in my heart and been replaced with red hot fire.

"We need to get revenge." Ada suddenly said, her brows furrowed.

"What?" My eyes widened.

"You know what I mean. What Lily said... we are going to get back at her." I looked at Ada for a second before smiling.

"I know what to do."

"Pass me the green dye pellet ok?" I whispered to Ada two days later, as we nervously hovered over Lily's sleeping body, her face peaceful, as if she felt no regret from what had happened. She silently handed it to me, and with deep concentration, I placed it gently on the top of her orangey-red hair. The dye burst, but luckily it didn't wake Lily. The dye began seeping into her hair, slowly changing to do a yellowish neon green. With that I placed a note silently next to her head.

Regards from the Jokers. It read.

We giggled silently at each other before sneaking back to our beds and hopping in. This wasn't the only revenge we would serve however. We would wait until she thought that she was safe again. As they say, revenge is a dish best served cold.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!! MY HAIR!" Lily shrieked, her hands on her hair. She furiously wiped it with soap and put her head under the sink, but the dye stubbornly stayed in place. Lily's eyes widened with horror. Marlene and Mary rushed towards her and tried to wash the neon green out with no avail. The dye was staying in place, or at least for now. Our other roommates, Destiny and Jessie were standing to the sidel chuckling quietly. Even though Lily was popular in theory, in reality, most thought her to be stuck up, and after the other day with what she said to me, her 'popularity' had gone down even more.

Ada and I rushed down to the Great Hall, wanting to see everyone's reaction, as we knew Lily would never dare skip school. I caught James' eye for a second, before I shook my head and looked away. Just then, the doors of the great hall opened, and Lily, with Marlene and Mary trailing behind her, entered the great hall with a big yellow sun hat on. People chattered in confusion.

"Why is she wearing that hat?"

"TBH, that hat is low key ugly."

"She kinda looks weird in it to be honest!"

"Eww that hat looks like the sun threw up..."

Lily sat down with a thud, and in the hassle of getting situated at the table, her hat slipped slightly to the side, revealing a lock of bright green hair. She paled and hastily pulled it up.

"Ahh!" James screamed, looking at the color in disgust. Everyone in the great hall laughed, even Mary and Marlene, albeit quietly. Lily turned bright red in embarrassment before storming out of the great hall. I high-fived Ada, and we both dug into our breakfast with fervor.

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