She Probably wouldn't go Anyway

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"It's been like 1 week since I updated! Sorry! 😅  Christmas was so busy and I had a lot to get done. Hope you like the chapter though)

"Sirius, I did it" James declared, sitting straight up on the couch in front of the fire in the Gryfindor common room.

"I-" he paused for dramatic effect. Sirius sat up straighter, watching him with rapt attention, the quaffle that he had been spinning forgotten on the ground.

"Asked Evans out." Sirius slumped back to the couch, his head falling, and his hands reaching to pick up the fallen quaffle.

"Why do you get me so excited? Obviously you asked out Lily! You do that practically every day!" But inside Sirius, was a little voice saying that James shouldn't ask her after what she had said to Scarlett.

"NO!" James burst out, startling Sirius so much that he fell off the couch, the quaffle once again falling, except this time it slammed into his lower leg, making a dull banging sound.

"Why are you yelling?" Sirius asked indignantly, rubbing his rapidly swelling and reddening ankle.

"You literally told me that you are asking out Lily. Lily Evans!" He finished angrily, jabbing at the air with his pointer finger to emphasize his point.

"Are you insane?" James practically yelled. "why would I ask out Evans if she said that stuff to Other Evans?"

"Other Evan???" Sirius burst out, his head aching from confusion.

James rolled his eyes. "Other Evans is obviously," he sighed dramatically, an odd look filling his eyes that Sirius warily recognized. "Scarlett."

"Oh no."

"Oh yes."



Sirius collapsed on the couch in exasperation. "How are you asking her out when you asked Lily out, the 'love of your life' three days ago?" He groaned. "you know what? I can't deal with this today, especially on the full moon."

James' eyes widened. "Uh oh." he muttered.

Sirius narrowed his eyes, "James, what did you do?"

James fiddled his hands nervously. "I might've, um, left her a note..."


James mumbled something under his breath, and Sirius glared at him until he finally relented.

"Your hair so red, like a blossoming flower,

Your eyes so green, when at me you glower,

Meet me tonight in the Astronomy tower." -J.P

Sirius rubbed his temple, ignoring how bad that poem was.

"Listen, mate, I skipped out on my date for the full moon. Remember what you said. "Remus is more important." Besides, Scarlett probably wasn't planning on going anyway. Remember how she rejected me? She probably thinks it's a prank anyway."

James reluctantly nodded in agreement, accepting his words.

However, little did he know, in a dorm not too far from his, a certain girl with "hair like a blossoming flower" was jumping with joy next to her best friend as she had just realized she had a chance with a boy that she thought would never notice her.

Scarlett Evans POV

"Ada, this isn't fake, is it?" Scarlett shouted breathlessly, all memories of the strange conversation that the two had overheard in Animagus form forgotten.

"I don't think so." She said, equally as breathlessly excited. "I mean, look at the handwriting, and also, it looks an awful lot like something that James Potter would say."

Scarlett, who would later deny any of this happening, squealed excitedly. 

"You know Ada, this is the reason that I denied Sirius. Even though James liked my sister, as soon as I had first seen James ask Lily out, I though that he was kinda romantic."

"Awww." Ada murmured, then narrowed her eyes. "This better not be a prank, you know the Marauders."

My shoulders fell slightly. If this what a prank then I would be crushed. Literally. I liked James a lot,  but I knew of his reputation of being a prankster, and of always liking Lily, so it seemed slightly unbelievable that he had asked me out. I shook out my fear. He probably maybe liked me! Me! I was equally as scared as I was excited. 

"Ok!" Ada clapped her hands. "No more worrying! You... need to get ready!"

Authors Note

Ok i need opinions!! Do you guys think that...

A) James skips the date to not betray Remus and Scarlett is crushed that he didn't come

B) James skips the full moon and his friends are crushed that he didn't come

C) James gets sidetracked and ends up skipping both because a certain someone who's name starts with an L intercepts him

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