Such a Bore

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(First chapter!! Hope you like it. Close to 800 words!)

Scarlett Evans was just like her sister Lily. Except for the fact that Scarlett's hair was a shade redder and her eyes a touch greener, they were nearly identical. Well... in looks at the very least. Their personalities, however, are very different. In fact, they are so different that if you really knew them, you would say they were not identical at all.

Lily Evans was the favorite, the "golden child," the one who won every award, every prize, every compliment, and every gift, no matter if it was a beauty pageant or being valedictorian. She was smart, "top of her class'," vivacious, popular, and pretty. Her hair was a shining, healthy, red, with jade green eyes so sharp that when she was angry, they could practically cut through silver. Particularly when she was mad at James Potter, which, to be honest, was most of the time.

Scarlett Evans, on the other hand, was the type of child that was often forgotten about. When there was a vacation, she was always the first one volunteered to sleep on the couch or the one who had to stay home because "there wasn't enough space." Even though she looked almost like Lily, for some reason, being the youngest by two minutes left her an outsider to her parents, the "unplanned twin." She was much closer to Petunia than Lily, as Lily often looked down on Scarlett for being quieter and doing better in school than her. No one but Petunia, and Scarlett's best friend, Ada, knew that Lily was not actually first in her class, but Scarlett was. If people described Lily as pretty, then Scarlett would be called gorgeous. Sure, Lily was beautiful, but with hair that matched her name and eyes like emeralds that shone like the sun, Scarlett's beauty was a step up.

(✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨linnnneee brrrreeeeaaakkk✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨)

I stared out the window, sighing. Petunia was at a muggle beauty camp, Ada was in France, and she most definitely did not want to hang out with Lily, who was being much more stuck-up than usual. She clicked off the TV with a sigh and wandered to the kitchen to get a snack. As she walked through the door, she groaned quietly. Lily was on the phone right in front of the refrigerator. Scarlett looked left, then right. She knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but she had nothing else to do, and they were bound to talk about something interesting...

"Omg Marlene, I can't believe her!"

Who are they talking about? I leaned closer, listening intently.

Lily began practically yelling into the phone "She always says she has good grades, but I'm so much better! She's so unpopular, and she never puts effort into her looks or anything!"

I couldn't hear what Marlene McKinnon was saying over the phone, but from Lily's expression, she must have been agreeing with her.

Lily laughed meanly "Seriously! I don't know how we are related. She's such a bore, and I have to be honest, I'm much prettier."

My heart dropped. Was she talking about me? I ran upstairs, tears in my eyes, my snack forgotten. I knew that I didn't put much effort into socializing, or wearing makeup, but did my own sister really think of me that way? Unpopular, well that was true, but until now it didn't bother me. It's not like I try to socialize anyway! Ugly, I mean, I didn't wear makeup, but I thought I was at least average looking! Boring, now that one really hurts.

I wiped a tear from my eye. Just then I saw Petunia enter the shared room, back from her beauty camp. Even though Lily got her own room because she was the *ahem* favorite child, I didn't mind sharing a room with Petunia because she actually understood me.

"Hi Scarlett! Guess what we did at beauty camp today?"

I looked her in her eye and began sobbing. Through the tears pouring down my face, I managed to say what I had heard. Petunia's blue eyes widened angrily. She knew I had always felt inferior to Lily due to the fact that Lily was often praised for every little thing she did.

"That's it!" She declared, tossing her bright blonde hair behind her back. "Scar, I'm going to give you a makeover!"


"Honey, you're beautiful, but Lily always gets the attention because you don't do anything about it." She pulled my waist length red hair towards her as I winced.

"Do you see this hair? With just a little conditioning, you will shine next to Lily."

She ran to her fuchsia pink makeup drawer and pulled out different products ranging from mascara to primers of all shapes and sizes.

I paused for a moment, nervous, then remembered how I felt when Lily said those hurtful words to me.

"Ok. I'll do it."

Scarlett Red: A Marauders Era StoryWhere stories live. Discover now