The One where I Hurt People

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Chapter 24

The One where I Hurt People

I never meant to hurt Kaessie in such a way that I did, nor did I mean to hurt Layla. I figured that Kaessie had everything figured out. I figured that everything would be okay. And I was getting sick of putting my feelings and happiness to the side, so I took a chance with Harry, like I didn't know I wanted to.

It wasn't supposed to be the way that it ended up at all. He was supposed to be with Taylor. He was supposed to be with her at that moment, but I was there, instead. If she was there, none of this would be happening.

But I'm glad it did, because the moment literally changed my life, probably forever.

I was crying my heart out in Louis and Eleanor's hotel room. I just wanted to help my friends. I just wanted to guide them, tell them how to work this out. But I couldn't. I didn't know how to fix any of it. And it was killing me inside to know that deep down, it was almost all my fault.

Kaessie had bought plane tickets to Alaska with Harry to see the Northern Lights, something she's always wanted to do. But they 'mysteriously disappeared.' Disappeared, yes they did, but it was no mystery, seeing as they were heavy in my pants pocket.

Layla was making Harry a cake to try to win him over, but—conveniently—had the wrong labels on the salt and the sugar. And by 'conveniently,' I mean that maybe I had a bit of fun with tape.

Meanwhile, Evelyn was trying to drive wedge through Niall and Layla, but I couldn't let that happen. So that's when Liam got a nice e-mail from a nice persona dropping him a nice hint about Tom Daley.

And then, I helped Niall with his advances on Layla. Instead of having him buy her a hideous, god-awful grandmother blouse, he got a very generous text message from a certain someone pointing out a dress that Layla may or may not have fallen in love with in Hollister.

Last, but not least, I diminished Harry's chances with Kaessie. He would send her 'good morning beautiful' texts every single morning. Ever time, but while Kaessie was sleeping, I'd sneak into her room every morning—ever day—to delete them. The same with the good night texts. Then, when Harry sent her a dozen of roses one day, I put them on Eleanor's step and put a fake note from Louis. To top it all off, when Harry made dinner reservations to a fancy restaurant to meet Kaessie, I sneaked the note asking her out into the trash, so it looked like she stood him up.

I was trying to help out everyone with their problems, but I felt like I made them all worse. I was tugging at my hair, collapsing on the ground, trying not to scream from all the pent-up anger and frustration I had in me right now.

"Hey, Tay- Oh, Kamryn?" Harry's British accent rang through the room. I cried harder. "What's wrong-"

"I just wanted everything to work out!" I sobbed. "But instead it's all worse!"

"That's not true, Ryn-"

"Yes it is! I'm a train wreck, I shoulda never came to Madison Square Garden! Worse, I shoulda never went to Imperials-"

"Don't say that, it was one of the best things you did, we all love you here."

"Then why do I feel like I just screwed everything up!"

"It's not your fault, Ryn-"

"I did it, alright! I'm the reason Kaessie stood you up, or that she didn't get your text messages or your roses, and that you never got her plane tickets and that I helped Liam win Kaessie and helped Niall win Layla and now I'm just crumbling myself!"

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