22: Fragile Conversations

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Percy POV

"Annabeth. Annabeth. Annabeeeeth. ANNABATH!" Thalia screamed

I winced while listening to Annabeth shift in her sleep. Thalia had no problem waking people up. Mot people, including myself, don't like waking people because they look so peaceful while sleeping. Annabeth groaned again and rolled over, facing the wall.

"Annabeth Chase, get your butt up," Thalia said, walking to the other side of the bed. "It's 12 in the afternoon."

Annabeth just pulled her blankets closer around her, trying to block out Thalia's voice.

I chuckled.

"Leave her alone, Pinecone Face," I said.

"Stay out of it, Kelp-head," Thalia rolled her eyes before turning back to my sleeping girlfriend.

"Fine. If that's the way you want it," Thalia said matter-of-factly.

Thalia walked out of the room. Annabeth fell back asleep immediately. I walked next to her bed and kiss her forehead. She seemed to smile in her sleep and leaned closer to me.

Annabeth looked so calm and adorable. I loved watching her sleep (not in a stalker way).

"Wise Girl," I whispered, kissing her on the cheek and kept them pressed against her skin.

"Either, get in bed, or go away," Annabeth mumbled into her blankets.

"Come on, Annabeth," I whispered again, moving down to kiss her neck.

Annabeth moaned, and tried to shove me away, but it was like pushing on a brick wall. She eventually gave up, and kissed me back.

But, I pulled away.

"Uh uh uh. You don't get to kiss me until you get out of bed," I said teasingly, pulling the blankets off of her.

Annabeth groaned at the sudden coldness, both from the lack of blankets and my kiss. Annabeth reached her arms up to me nonetheless.

Percy laughed, but consented. "Okay."

I reached down to pick my girlfriend up bridal style. She snuggled into my chest, fisting her hands in his shirt, and I took her downstairs.

"Ahh, look who finally decided to join us," Leo said. "Did you forget about the Relay for Life?"

"Come on, I need my sleep and energy for the relay," Annabeth replied. I set her down on the couch, but she already started to yawn.

It was disconcerting how lethargic she was being. Annabeth usually wasn't like that. The Relay for Life was later today, and we expected her to be joyful and excited for the event.

After all, Relay for Life was an event to commemorate Cancer survivors and fighters. Annabeth should be honored to be selected.

It was a great opportunity to show herself as a fighter. However, Annabeth didn't seem to be fighting much.

"Yeah, that's why we let you sleep till 12. For you to gather your energy," Leo said, referring to the Relay.

"Alright, what do you want to eat?" I asked Annabeth, trying to change the subject.

"I'm not hungry. I don't want to eat anything."

"Wise Girl," I warned.

"Percy," she countered back.

"Annabeth Chase," I said seriously.

"Percy, Stop it. I'm not hungry," Annabeth complained, turning her face away.

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