20: Crying is Fine

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Percy POV

I couldn't hold it in anymore. As soon as Thalia came to help Annabeth, I started crying (sobbing) in the guest bedroom. I didn't know what happened, but it seemed like I was hurting Annabeth.

And, I would never ever hurt her.

My fingers pressed against my eyes, which wouldn't stop the tears from flowing.

Annabeth and I were having an amazing night. Having sex with Wise Girl was never a disappointment. It was hot, sexy, and passionate like it always felt. It was amazing. Phenomenal.

And then, it fell apart.

I wiped my cheek again to erase the tears. I needed to know if Annabeth was okay, but I couldn't get myself to move. We had to stop in the middle of sex because she was crying and shoving me away. I didn't know how to feel or respond.

Taking a deep breath, I finally looked up. My reflection in the mirror stated back. I was only wearing my navy blue boxers and nothing else. My face was sopped with tears while my stomach and shorts were slightly wet with other fluids. I looked a mess though.

"Seaweed Brain..."

I barely heard her whispered. My gaze wandered to Annabeth, standing at the doorway.

I stood up immediately.

"Wise Girl, I am so, so sorry. I don't know what happened or what I did. I—"

I choked, unable to continue. I sniffled while wiping my eyes again. "Annabeth, I would never hurt you, and I'm sorry if I did."

"It's not your fault," she said quietly.

"But, you were crying and telling me to stop. You were in pain," I expressed in agony.

"It's because I have cancer," Annabeth responded, walking closer to me, but I staggered away. I'm not going to let myself hurt her again.

"It's not your fault, Percy. It's the cancer. Apollo warned me that too much physical exertion will hurt my weak body," Annabeth explained. "You felt amazing, but my body couldn't handle it. It's not your fault, Seaweed Brain."

I registered her words in my head, but wasn't able to process them. It didn't make sense.

We were having such a good time. It was so pleasurable and so right. How could such good feelings and experiences harm anyone?

Annabeth reached me while I was distracted.

Her red dress pressed against my front side as her arms wrapped around my shoulders. She hugged me tightly while I stood frozen. And then, I finally was able to hug her back. I embraced her as tight as possible without squeezing her.

"We should break up," she said, her voice mumbling against my chest.

"No way," I countered.

Annabeth broke away from me and sat on the guest bed. She seemed so torn and confused, but she wasn't having any pain or hurt anymore.

"Percy, I'm not good enough for you. I'm weak, can't you see that. I'm so weak," Annabeth breathed shakily. "I can't even give you myself. We tried today because I was ready, yet I couldn't event give it up."

"Wise Girl, I don't care..."

I crouched in front of her. One of my knees hit the floor as I position myself in front of her at face level. I reached forward and cupped her chin. My other hand held Annabeth's hand firmly, occasionally brushing her skin supportively.

I made her gray eyes watch mine.

"Annabeth, you're going through so much, and the fact that you're still you emphasizes how strong you are. You are so brave and strong (not weak at all). If it's sex that you're worried about, I can wait. Remember that I was willing to wait this whole time. We can wait until you're completely ready and comfortable," I said with conviction.

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