3: You Hurt Me

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Annabeth POV

I was hoping that my sudden illness was just that, an illness. I was worried it was something much worse than that, but I put on a happy face. I was sure Percy could see through the chinks in my armor though.

Currently, Percy and I were at his small apartment, sharing the loveseat while watching Finding Nemo, Percy's favorite movie. I was practically sitting on top of Percy, his arm lazily thrown around my waist.

"Why can't everything feel like this?" I questioned out of the blue.

"What?" Percy replied, cocking his eyebrow in confusion.

"Like this. This just feels so... right and easy. No worry or confusion. It feels so nice."

"I'm not following you..." Percy stated. No surprise there.

"Okay. What I mean is, right now-"

"Agh shit Wise Girl. You got a nosebleed, stay right here I'll be right back," he interrupted me. He hastily jumped up from the chair into his kitchen.

I reached my fingers up from where they lay on the chair and touched my nose, pulling it back only to see red blood coating my skin.

"That's weird..." I mumbled.

"What's weird?"

Percy was back within seconds of going into the house, a towel in his hand dabbing at my nose.

"Well, it's just that, I've been getting nosebleeds for a while lately... I don't know what they're from though." I replied.

"When did you start getting them?" Percy asked, his voice full of concern.

"Around the time I started getting sick... Thalia was with me when I got it the first time." I trailed off hesitantly.

"What! Thalia knew you were having symptoms! Did she tell Dr. Apollo? Did you? Why didn't you tell me? Wise Girl, I need to know these things. Yo-" Percy started rambling.

"Seaweed Brain, I know I should have told you, but I didn't want you to worry even more. And yes, I told Apollo."

"And what did he say?"

"He... he got all pale and scribbled it down in his file or something..." I answered.

Percy gripped the towel so hard, his knuckles turned white. He was so worried and scared.

"Percy? Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but-"

He cut me off by connecting his lips to mine, a kiss unlike their normal ones; needy, fast, uncontrolled. This one short and chaste, but romantic, and conveyed his feelings towards me.

"I'm not upset about that. I just... I'm worried this is more than what we're thinking it is. What if it could k- What if you d-" Percy choked, unable to finish his sentence.

My heart jumped into my throat. He voiced the very thoughts that kept rolling in my head ever since it started getting worse.

"Look. I'll be fine. Apollo is the best doctor in the state. I'm in good hands." I tried giving him a reassuring smile, though she could tell he wasn't falling for it. "Come on... Let's go out to eat. Chipotle?" I asked him, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah... Sure."

Percy grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him, taking me inside to get changed, and then took me out to lunch.

I was grateful that Percy let the conversation drop.


I am dreading this stupid dinner my parents were taking me to. My parents are divorced, yet every once in a while, they tried to have these awkward dinners with me. The dinner would consist of silence between my dad, Helen, and Athena. It's usually up to me and my half-brothers to keep the conversation.

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