14: Love vs Fear

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Annabeth POV

Immunotherapy is given to the human body using an infusion into your bloodstream. Since my cancer is at my kidneys, the fastest way there is through my blood. When, it's first administered, all I feel is cold.

After that, a few hours go by with nothing.

I feel just like normal for a couple hours of peace. After that, the symptoms slowly start. I feel myself getting tired, chilly, weak, and feverish.

Your own immune system is changing and adapting to fight better against the cancer. This sudden change had negative side effects on the body.

For me, the biggest problem is my lethargy.

My mo stayed with me every day that I got a new infusion of drugs. I was seeing a whole new side of Athena ever since I was diagnosed.

I didn't realize how present of a mother she wanted to me. I guess I had always been so strong that my mother didn't need to be by my side. I had never shown her the vulnerability needed to have her come and support me.

Anyway, I hate immunotherapy treatment because I hate the feeling of being sick and exhausted all the time.

"Annabeth, it's okay. You don't need to fight the sleep and exhaustion," Athena whispered to me.

"I know, but I feel weak," I replied.

Athena dimmed the lights before putting on vocal recording of The Great Gatsby.

My mother and I started reading it together since I have so much time at the clinic. Also, I chose this book to write an essay on for my tutor. I was still studying and attending classes, but it was at the comfort of my own pace.

"Just sleep, Annabeth. You don't need to be scared of resting," my mother assured.

But, I am scared.

The cancer and it's treatment was doing things to my body, weakening it and tiring it.

I didn't like being so vulnerable.

It was a fear of mine.

I just need to deal with it. I hav e to find a way to cope with the fear.

But, right now, I'm just going to sleep.


When I awoke, I found myself wrapped in Percy's arms, which startled me. I don't remember falling asleep with Percy, so he must've came in earlier this morning. I was surprised that I didn't wake up, but that should show how exhausted and weak my body was becoming.

When I opened my eyes, Percy was looking down at me, his sea-green eyes alight with happiness.

"Morning," Percy greeted with a cheerful voice.

"Morning," I told him as I leaned up to kiss him. The minute our lips touched, we were interrupted.

"Hey! No PDA! How many times do I have to tell you all. I'd like to keep my lunch in my stomach," Leo told them.

"Oh, come on. They're cute," Frank said, and then once he realized what he said, he cleared his throat and said in a deeper voice, "I mean, come on, it's not like you haven't walked in on them doing it. It."

Frank gestures to Jason and Piper, who flushed red while Leo continued to gag. Yeah, Leo walked in on Jason and Poper once. Apparently, it wasn't a pleasant experiences

I laughed to myself before turning back to the entire group again and asked, "When did you guys get here?"

"About 15 minutes ago," Hazel said.

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