15: Feeling Faint

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Annabeth POV

Percy usually comes down to the hospital after school, eager to see me. He smiled brightly every time he walked into my room. Percy had come here everyday since I was admitted. He usually stops at Taki's on the way there, picking up some pancakes for me, and was at the hospital by 3 o'clock.

I smiled as Percy walked straight into my room at the expected time. He knocked once before coming in, already knowing what Percy was to be met with.

His reaction was reflexive by now.

Sure enough, I was there in my bed, bent over a plastic bowl, puking my guts into it. My stomach hurt from the immunotherapy's side effects. The slight fever and chills don't help either.

Percy did what he does everyday. He put the pancakes on the table by my bed, turned around, and held my hair, while rubbing my back and talking to me.

"It's okay. It'll be over soon. I'm here. We're together," Percy kept going until I had finished.

Today, he continued with his sweet saying even after I was done and cleaned.

I weakly lifted my arms up, wrapping them around Percy's waist. He kissed the top of my head like usual. Then, Percy carefully pulled away, leaning in to give me a kiss, before telling me about the pancakes.

Even though it was routine at this point, my eyes lit up. Hospital food is generally terrible, so I motioned for him to hand her the bag.

"My favorite, right?" I asked him.

"Of course. Only the best for my Wise Girl," Percy informed before sitting in the chair next to my bed.

No sooner had I taken a bite, than had she spit it out in disgust.

"What!" Percy asked confused.

"This isn't my favorite, Percy!" Annabeth said frustratedly. My voice was soft and weak, but still loud enough for Percy to hear.

"Yes, it is! You can see the coconut!" He countered.

"Well, it tastes like metal," I replied.

"What do you think I did? Infused it with metal?" Percy said bemused.

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted our bantering. Dr. Apollo gently opened the door and poked his head inside.

"Excuse me, Annabeth. I forgot to mention that the treatment and oral medicines will mess with your tastebuds, per say. Foods that you liked before, you may not like anymore," Dr. Apollo explained, effectively ending our argument.

"See?" Percy said amused.

"Ugh! This sucks!" I said irritatedly, pushing the pancakes away me her, before starting to get out of bed. I was sick of this lifestyle.

"Woah, where do you think you're going?" Percy asked, stepping in front of me, preventing me from getting up.

"I need to walk around. I've been stuck in this bed forever!" I said, frustration boiling.

Percy made no move to get out of her way.

"I don't think that's the best idea," Percy told her. You're still pretty weak. "Why don't you just read another book instead."

"I need to get out of this room," I whined.

"Fine. I'll carry you then," Percy stated. He then picked her up bridal style without waiting for a response, and headed out of the room.

I didn't argue about him carrying me. First of all, my legs felt pretty weak from today's treatment. Also, I was just grateful that I'd be going out of this room. Percy had agreed and I didn't want to push my luck; however, Percy usually can't say no to me anyway.

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