20 Hiraeth

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My hideous clothing will blend with the night

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My hideous clothing will blend with the night. Moving with my shadows I draw in a massive black velvet cloak and use a golden pin to fasten it. Pulling in a brown glove my fingers arch within it, tingling with the knowledge of what it might touch tonight.

The Derns wall.

A page of Arran's confinement.

To distract from the stringent thoughts of what I might see, I shuffle through the massive wardrobe that swarms with clothing tailored to my fit. Extravagant fabric and silk shirts hung loosely by the rack and amid the throngs of shirts is a small door to wooden chest. Tension grows between my brows at the mystery of it. The opening it is the first stage.

Gaping is the second.

Delicate dresses, neatly folded within sat idle for me to stare at. I don't dare skim it. But I want to. Oh God if anything more at present I wish to do than leap at it and don it on.

I drop it close, shut the door to the armoir, and walk out of the room when I heard a knock.

"That was precisely fast," says Erix the sooner I peel the door ajar. He is dressed immaculately in an Armin suit-only that a white band slashed across his chest. His eyes decline from the top of me to the bottom, a small smile lifts up his entire face.

"Prepared I see"

"You said you'll send someone"

A fraudulent painstaking look takes over his features and he presses his hand over his heart.

"Am I not better than someone?" His tone is joking, his eyes aren't. He appears to thrill in my misery. With him hovering around me like a fly it's doubtful that I could do what I intend to be doing. But he is the best means to enter Arrans chasm. My shoulder brushes with his arm as I step out, it was unintentional but he found a way to acknowledge it.

"Desperate to feel me?" he strikes again and my eyes couldn't help but roll at his obsession with self.

"Think what you may" I regret the second it leaves me. He walks beside leading the way, I am yet to learn the path of this manor. I could barely remember where we came from.

"See, I had a hunch that you were more than what you let be" he moves snugly with his long legs, I haste my speed to reach him but ended up staring at the back of his arrogant head. I am a girl raised as a boy in the cursed land of ivyaki away from civilization. How less different he thought I would be?

By different I precise that I could survive much happily with three pairs of clothes and boiled potatoes for the rest of my life if it meant ever not seeing Ezdan and Morana faces.

"Awfully quiet. aren't you today" There are so many pillars in here as we leave the mansion which I might go and hit my head on. Perhaps then the bad fortune I am blessed with might take pity on me and vapor.

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