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An heir's oath

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An heir's oath.

A sold loyalty to a prince born, in this case, a cursed inheritors defender whose only job is to protect his master. He can kill people if he doubted them and none would suspect his logic. He is a general. An Armin.

Hann Slantis is a living promise. And we were a bunch of misfits from the very destination he would be awaiting threats from. The pouch of coins gets heavier the more I think of who gave it to me.

I look around to detect a pole, preferably so that I could hit my skull on it and call it a dream. There was no way I was a hair depth close to my end a while ago after I had spent years to reach today.

"That was him"

Dorin declares with a harsh whisper for the second time. With Slate hung over his shoulder- gloriously passed out. it wasn't odd that Dorin was overcome with how bizarre this day had tuned out. We were reading through our paths, learning trades and behaviours- understanding this city with the sight of an eagle for a moment.

But next, not so much.

We weren't doused with admiration anymore. In its place, a dread had taken its roots in our spirits. So when the Armin had introduced his title- Slate had passed out.

He barely held himself before, so we embraced the reasoning with open arms as we concernedly crouched over the drooling lad who we know nothing about. We called him our dearest friend and roped it as an excuse to help him rest. We didn't quit putting a distance between us- not unless we were riped with surety of any such uniformed officials breathing the same air as us.

All time I felt his eyes on us. On me. I hated how scared it made me feel.

"That was indeed him"

We were standing in a quiet passage outside an inn, I turn and hold Dorin's troubled gaze.

"I know," I say. They were my initial words and something Dorin had been perceiving.

"Then why didn't you say anything?" He sighs, running his free fingers through his hair. The flush showed through his tan as I was suddenly taken hostage by guilt. Preoccupied with my hoarding and need to search for a safe place I had entirely forgotten about him.

"Forgive me for my ignorance. I can't seem to think properly"

He merely watches me, and then his features soften.

"I understand," he says "But you have to tell me what it is, communication is required in order for me to be of some help. I can do more than chop woods and carry this gear of a man per see" he smiles, he does it to amputee the tension that seems to loom with each stop.

It works its splendors, he was my refuge. And it makes it impossible for me to bunch his nerves up when he already was carrying a load.

"I think we can buckle up for a good rest now and let the worry wake us in the morning" I shove my hand inside the pocket of my trousers and pull out the bag of credits I earned. Keld has been known to harbour the desires of sinful gamblers and a fortress of sensuality in its heart. The only time in the year it receives some decent tourists are when they host the annual fiesta. The festival of found.

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