16 Noxious

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At the end of the feast- the students celebrate with a toast. They sip on their drink, some hopped atop the table to dance, few hid or kept distance, ominous to the new environment . They roared with laughter, swayed to the tempo of beats and drums, while some stayed sober to regulate the mishaps. But the rest- they were far too gone with ecstasy to oversee the prison we were in.

We were approaching a war, they will be used. The ones who joined for the cause of roof and fame will surely be a victim. But the ones who thrill at the thought of serving their kingdom?

They will rise.

As for me- I am already a pawn that's been moved across.

Erix Morana -

The name stills my heart, his image- it taunts me. By the dark corner I sit with my mind wandering at the faces who hadn't accepted me. They talk- they wonder so much about me, of my mystery, of my ranking. Of my mentor?. I have garnered a mountain of attention that I wasn't accustomed to after the selection and the idea of being in the same room as the Northern Lord overpowers it all.

In the midst of a loud carnival night arranged for the fresh aspirants, I silently miss the serenity that comes with Ezdan. Dorin had long been escorted to the quarters of Hann Slantis. so were the rest of the four Aces. Slate Willow sat next to me, his cheery persona has diminished and I suspect it to be an aftermath of the attack in orphic. He is the only person I acquaint with here, and with his union with me, an Ace- none dare approach us.

"They must have escorted you" he mused, I see an outline of confusion in his soft features. his blonde curls are now cropped-short, much enough for his old line of an old scar to be visible "I heard most, if not all the Aces get taken to their private annexe with immediate effect"

It's true. I have been a lone wanderer since past two days. After regular classes I am taken to a boys quarters, I luckily share them with slate and another boy who has a feature of ever frightened frown soiled on his forehead. This was the week of sorting as they had told, the Ezdan hadn't made efforts to contact me and neither had I seen Marlon anywhere near the campus. We weren't allowed to leave the premise until a higher notice was permitted upon.

I am a kite in sky, I feel free. But occasionally I feel someone tug at my thread.

I am delusional. Because I know even if they don't flock around me, they still must be watching me to see if I stray.

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