5 Arcane

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It was synonymous to the dome hall, but secondary in size with clear glass for a ceiling

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It was synonymous to the dome hall, but secondary in size with clear glass for a ceiling. You could see the visible sky through the canopy. A day same as the one during the founds fest.

Vivid, blue and brilliant.

Nothing seem to have varied much, except that- everything else did.

We took stairs to get here, countless turns and inspections later I arrived to his intended destination, in a space so white that I had to squint at the pale bronze man that had his head dunked, rummaging through a wooden crate with a suspended military posture somewhere. He looked every bit a normal man could. He even took off his over-suit and left the cotton shirt he wore within on him.

But that was far from my gripping concern.

When I followed him, the route we took was that of where I was intended in. The East Annexe. And if I wasn't mistaken, I had surpassed into a towering that's two-story above the underground base we had been bundled into. With General Slantis on lead- none had questioned me or asked of security protocols. From here I could see the arena I had lost my consciousness in.

It's a small circle of grey and brown in middle from up here.

I know the way from there. I can escape.

I can leave.

I may also die doing so. It's a better shot than constructing a bigger and better disaster in future. Only that I can't. I don't want to.

The bizarre decision of mine should inject a fright into my bones. But it doesn't. Not even a semblance of it elopes me because I know I would fail. I would fail to change a future. I would never be able to flee from those dreams and prophecy.

I know I will be found.

What I don't is if I might be punished for it.

He will know my name. He would address me by it. His voice, his lips, him- it's bound by a destiny to happen. So I wait- until I go mad with this strange abilities of mine that are unexplainable in their form.

When I had challenged Slantis I knew I wasn't in essence to hold back now.

My leverages, seem to be a curse that I can't run from. Because I always know where I end up even before I embark on it. It had been a promise when I fled from Ivyaki. It has become a bane after I met the man behind the voice that haunted me.

So I make the best of what I do, I pretend.

Pretend that I am swayed and anticipated to know where in the mob I belong. So when a copper sword gets tossed at me, I catch it. It's heavy on my palm, and cold too.

Lack of stumble and trip by my part impressed both of us. The General smiled and positioned his own sword in motion, coming to stand in front of me.

"A duel?" He rolls his shoulder at my query, i frown deeply."I thought the match was supposed to be a board play" I mumble, a hint of irritation in my tone seeps in. My gaze widens at the slip, but he merely chuckled and attacked first. He looked beautiful when he smiled, moved or made our swords clink.

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