I'm so good at D A D D Y I N G

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When red leaves for work every day, he leaves their two sons alone with his husband duck. Duck smacks there heads when they make a mistake, but David (smart yellow I forgot to mention that) always is a very good boy for his adopted father. But.. Duck enjoys to pick on the dumber twin.

The boys were playing Mario Kart, and suddenly, David beats his brother. Manny gets angry at the game and stims of anger and says "s-st-stupid g-game!". Duck spits out his coffee, rolls his news paper up, and smacks his adoptive sons head. "WATCH YOUR FAWKING LANGUAGE" He says and smacks the boy with his hand next. "Sorry..." the autistic pig says. Bowing his head with a pouty face. "Now, who wants cookies! There in the oven! Straight from the box! I made them myself!"

(You know those little circle cookies your grandma buys then heats up in the oven for a bit? It's those but duck is claiming he made them)

"Me! Me!" Manny raises his hand and kicks his feet. "Aren't those from the bo-" duck throws the news paper at David and he pouts.

"Darling! I'm home" red says as he walks through the door. "Oh, welcome welcome. Come have some cookies! I put extra poison in them JUST for you <3" duck says, holding out a plate of cookies. "Oh yum.. Poison is my favorite, you put the rat poison in them this time right?" red says, then notices David push his cookie away in disgust. "Oh come on, David, we were just mucking around! Now, who wants there daily surprise dad brought homes~?" they both seem excited and Manny stims as red opens a bag. Red has always spoiled the twins since their other dad beats them with news paper, so there ha to be a good cop for the bad cop.

"Oh where's MY gift? Is it for Morgan?" duck asks with a giggle as he hugs his lover from behind. "Actually, yea, it is" he gave the boys a book, and a horse plushy. (Guess which kid he gave the plushy to lol)

Duck blushes and the two sent the twins outside to play, and went upstairs to "wrestle." "ewwww" David said, backing away from his parents. "Oh! I wanna wrestle! I wanna wrestle!" Manny said raising his hand. "Ah, ah, ah, butter sparkles will be sad if you don't introduce her to her brand new horsey friends, now run along" many rushes out the door to play with his dolls and David walks out in a straight line with his head held high. "Now, Morgan doesn't want to stay home anymore.. Wanna.. Go out with it?" duck says with a wink. "Oh you know it, little duckling~" and with that, red swooped his lover up and walked upstairs.

(I'll write part two tomorrow ;) bye horny fuckers <3)

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