Chapter Twenty-one

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"What are you talking about fatboy?" Kyle asked.

"Well you see..." Cartman wandered to each one of us. When he came up to me, he ruffled my hair a little bit. "I've been working with Clyde. He's a smart fellow that one."

I smacked his hand off of my head. I looked to see Stan, Kyle, Wendy, Clyde and even Annie all staring at Cartman now. Clyde's face was bloody and pink.

"You see y/n, once I found out about you and Kenny, I knew I had to have my fun. Poor old Clyde here was just so... what's the word..? Hurt, he was so hurt when you rejected him, and I couldn't let him suffer." He said, playing a game of fake pity.

"Come on dude." Stan said, seeing right through his little game. Kyle felt them same way. "Oh fuck off." He said.

"You little fucking prick." Kenny said as he walked toward Cartman, pointing his finger at him. "What the fuck would you do that for?"

"You both did nothing for me when I requested that you would owe me!" Cartman yelled.

I looked at Wendy, who came up to me and put her arm around me. "It's okay." She said.

Kenny yelled back. "You fucker! You really really think we would really care about anything you thought? What kind of a friend are you? Trying to sabotage me?"

"Sorry Kenny." Cartman waved his hands around as if Kenny thought he was more important then he really was.

"Oh, you do not want to fuck with me right now Cartman!" Kenny continued as the anger built up in his eyes. I knew I could not do anything, and so I stayed put.

"Fuck him up!" Clyde weakly exclaimed, causing Kyle to grab him by the shirt. "Shut the fuck up dude." He warned.

Then Cartman shoved Kenny, but unfortunately for Cartman, Kenny barely moved. He stepped back a bit, and then punched Cartman right in the face with full force.

Wendy hugged me. I think even she was surprised to see this.

Cartman did nothing but hold his eye and begin to cry. "Fuck you Kenny!" He said, sobbing nearly uncontrollably.

"Just go the fuck home Cartman!" Kenny said, then he went back over to Clyde. "If you ever pull some shit like this again, you won't want to know what will happen." He said.

Clyde went inside and Cartman ran off, presumably going home.

The rest of us remained there for some time, silent. Wendy was still hugging me. I was glad she was able to see how worried I actually was. I didn't want to show it, but somehow she just knew.

The air was cold and night would come soon. Kenny wasn't able to look at me for some time. Stan and Kyle stood by his side. We could all feel the tension, we all knew that despite the problems they have faced before, this one would take a while to be fixed.

It was quiet now, it felt like everything was over.

Annie came over to Wendy and I, breaking the silence. "I'm sorry y/n." She whispered, her delicate voice barely comprehensible.

"It's okay." I said. I knew that it wasn't worth it to blame her for anything.

After a while longer, Kenny came back over to me. I felt myself become teary-eyed. I wasn't sure if it was because of the cold or because the situation had finally hit me. Wendy moved out of the way so Kenny could embrace me now.

One arm wrapped around my lower back as the other held my head. I tried to hug him as tight as I could so that he could really feel me. I wasn't the one who fought two of my friends today, he was. So I tried my best to let him know I was here.

"Do you want to go to my place Kenny?" I whispered in his ear.

"That sounds like a great idea." He responded.

I watched as the others talked. "We're gonna go now." I said, they only nodded.


At my house, Kenny barely spoke. We had to be really quiet coming in since my parents were home, but now in my room, he was still quiet. I quickly got changed.

I sat beside him on my bed. "What's wrong?" I asked.

He put his around me and pulled me close to him. "It's just not fun fighting your friends." He put his hand on my knee.

"I know, I'm sorry." I said, placing my hand over his. "It'll be okay. Things will heal." I quickly kissed him.

He nodded to show understanding, but the sadness in his eyes made me continue our talk.

"Tomorrow, we'll go meet with Stan and Kyle, we'll talk to them about how everyone can come together and fix this issue. Everyone will see that Clyde started this. They'll understand."

He was silent while I continued.

"We'll work things out individually with everyone. Cartman will have to come around on his own for betraying you like that." I finished.

"You're right, let's do that." He said, and I saw he felt better. "Thanks for being here with me."

I smiled. "Always."

He lowered the hood of his parka and kissed me, then pulls away.

I laid next to him and he put his arm around me. I was so tired. "Goodnight baby." Kenny said.

"Goodnight." I replied.

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