Chapter Eleven

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The next we meet at Kyle's house again. Stan and Kyle are versing each other in their game as Kenny and Cartman wait their turn. 

Kenny sits next to me on Kyle's bed and Cartman sits on the floor below us. I

"Oh y/n, Wendy wants you to go over to her house later." Stan says. 

"Why?" I question. 

"She wants you to be with the girls and plan for the party."

"I don't even know where she lives." 

"I'll show you after this game." 

"Cool." I reply, finishing that conversation. 

I place my hand down beside me as I bring my legs to my chest, a position I always found to me the most comfortable. 

I feel Kenny move just slightly closer to me. He meets my hand with his. He knows I'm about to leave, and so he swiftly pulls me in and kisses me on the cheek, just quick enough so no one would see. 

Stan finishes his game and stands up. "Okay let's go." He tells me. 

"Bye, y/n." Kenny says, in a sing-songy voice and winks at me. 

"Jesus Christ." Cartman says. 

I didn't know what exactly Kenny was trying to do, but he was sure good at it. The way he kept certain things secret but was still vocal about his flirting attempts was sweet. 

I followed Stan outside. 

"You can come back whenever you want, but I think you'll have a great time with the girls and forget all about us." He jokes. 

"Oh I could never." I smile. 

It's quiet for a second. 

"You know I wasn't kidding, about Kenny." Stan says to me, the conversation suddenly feeling more intense than light-hearted. 


"He's entranced by you." 

I pause for a moment, knowing that I could never open my heart to the blonde haired immortal boy. 

"Stan, please don't." My voice matches the tone of the conversation.

He begins to speak again, but then cuts himself off once he realizes there would be nothing he could say or do. 

However, his words would reply over and over again in my mind the whole time I would be at Wendy's house. 

Once I arrived there, Wendy opened the door before we could even knock, somehow knowing we would be there already. 

"Hi babe." Stan says, approaching her and kissing her. 

She returns his quick kiss and then comes up to me to hug me. "Hi y/n!" Her bright voice certainly made me feel better about my previous discussion. 

Stan walks away with a simple goodbye as Wendy leads me to her room upstairs. 

Inside, I recognize Heidi and Bebe instantly, but there is one other girl with red hair, who I had never seen before. 

"Oh! I don't think you've ever met." Exclaims Wendy. 

"Y/n, this is Red. Red, this is y/n." She says, seemingly proud of her ability to connect people. 

"Hey Red." I say. 

Before Red can reply, Wendy gets right down to business. "Okay ladies, we're going to need to make this a really great party. We'll need to have everything you could think of." 

We spend the next hour or so brainstorming things we can do at the party. I have to admit I was having fun. Despite everything on the list being a typical party favor, the girls were able to make everything into something else. 

"Make sure we have a tissue box for Clyde." Bebe laughed. I had heard that the two had dated, but now I was thinking they broke up. 

"Who are you all gonna go with?" Heidi asked, sparking the rest of the girl's interests. 

I hesisted. For some reason it didn't occur to me that I would need to go to the party with just one person. I decided to remain silent. 

Bebe shrugged. "Maybe Kevin." 

"I'd want to go with Kyle." Heidi said, her voice becoming low and timid. 

Wendy placed her hand over Heidi's shoulder. "I know sweetie." Then, she looked around the room. "What about you Red?" 

"Kevin." She says as a matter of factly. 

No one asks Wendy since the answer was already blatant. 

I'm hoping they'll forget about me. I'm hoping because I don't even know the answer myself. As much as I wanted it to be Kenny, I was still keeping true to my word, at least for the most part. 

Despite my wishes, Heidi pipes up. "What about you y/n?" 

I take a sharp inhale. "Oh I'm not sure actually." I say, trying to hide my real intentions. 

"Y/n, you're not thinking of Kenny are you?" Wendy asks. 

Because of the shock on my face, I'm sure that they know that's exactly what I'm thinking of. Still, I try to deny it. 

"No of course not." I reply. 

"I hope not." Bebe says. "I've never seen someone be so obsessed with sex." 

Wendy laughs a bit, but I'm sure they were only half-joking. 

"He barely even speaks." Red adds. 

Once again I remain silent. Wendy notices this. 

"Look y/n, I'm sure he's not a bad guy. This is your choice to make. We just know about Kenny, that's all." 

"I know." I say. "I'm just not sure who I'm going with, that's all." 

Because of their words, I was now reminded of what Kenny is and does. There would be no chance between us. I needed to remember that. 

"We'll find someone for you." Heidi says. 

I smile in return, but still my wandering mind keeps dancing its way back to Kenny and the way he held me in his arms just two nights ago. It gave me goosebumps. 

Don't think about him. I remind myself. 

I find that I have to remind myself of this all night. 

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