Chapter Seventeen

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The next day I fearfully walk to the bus stop and meet the boys. I already know what's going to happen: Cartman will be more of a dick than usual. 

"Hey guys." I say, standing next to Kenny since he was the one at the end. 

"Y/n! I am so glad to see you!" Cartman says, making his way between Kenny and I. 

I stare blankly ahead, already angry. 

"Cartman I am so glad to see you too." I say sarcastically, not moving a muscle. 

I notice Kyle and Stan look at each other for a minute. I felt bad that they were so out of the loop. 

When Cartman sees I have no reaction, he moves on to Kenny. "Kenny, I sure am feeling really hungry. Could you buy me some stuff from the vending machine today?" 

I quickly shoot Cartman a look. Despite me not saying anything, he still tries to argue. 

"Everything okay y/n?" He asks. 

"Fine." I say through gritted teeth. 

"Good." Cartman stops, and then simply goes back to where he was standing before. 

For a few minutes, everything is silent. I was mad at Cartman right now and so was Kenny. Stan and Kyle on the other hand, had no idea what was going on. 

"Um, you guys gonna tell us what that was about?" Stan asks. 

"Yeah, your friend is a dickhead." I reply. 

These leaves the others shocked. I could say mean things if I wanted to, but I rarely did. 

"Yeah.. okay." Kyle says, deciding to ignore the current situation. Luckily for him, the bus comes. 

*Kenny's POV*

At school, I walk y/n to her classroom and go to mine. Before I can make it, Butters approaches me. 

"What's going on Butters?" I ask. He was playing with his hands so I assumed there was an issue of some sort. 

"Well, I've gotta tell you something Kenny." He said

He lead me over to a hallway where no one else was. He was looking around carefully, as if someone were there. 

"I've just come to you cause well you're my friend, and y/n is my friend too." He began. 

Once he mentioned y/n's name, I felt my heart sink. I put one hand on Butters's shoulder. "Butters, you have to get to the point." 

"Well, I don't want no trouble, but well, Clyde's been saying some things that I just thought you should know about." 

"What did he say Butters?" 

Butters looked to the ground. "He's been telling everyone that y/n is a...a slut." 

I'll kill him

"Did he say anything else?" 

Butters shakes his head. "I'm real sorry Kenny, I don't wanna start no drama." 

"It's fine Butters, I'm glad you told me." I said, walking away. 

I knew what class Clyde would be in, he had his right next to mine at this time. 

I waited the entire class period for Clyde to exit the classroom. I thought about what I would say to him. I decided I would give him a chance to explain, maybe Butters had heard something wrong. 

Once Clyde came out, I put my arm in front of him to stop him going any further. 

"Come with me." I said, my hand on his back as I led him into the bathroom. 

"W-what are you doing?" 

I leaned against the sink. "I heard you've been saying shit about y/n. Is that true?" 

His expression turns angry. "Fuck off Kenny, I know what I know." 

"You don't know anything. If I hear you say something, or if I hear anything from anyone about her and I know it came from you, I'll beat you ass. Understand?" 

I turned to walk away, satisfied with the simple warning I had given him. 

Before I can even open the door, I hear him mumble under his breath: "Why do you care so much anyway, did you fuck her?" 

Suddenly, I feel an anger come over me. I pushed my arm back as far as I could take it and pulled back with all my force, right into the side of Clyde's face. Almost instantly, I see blood spatter from his mouth as he gets knocked onto the floor. 

"You better shut the fuck up Clyde." I say as I am actually able to leave the bathroom this time. 

I decide not to go to lunch, I wasn't ready to deal with Cartman and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold back. I decided to just go on a walk around the school. 

*Y/n's POV

I sat down for lunch, unsure of where Kenny was. I didn't question it though, as I was sure everything was okay. 

A group of three girls had walked past me. "Hey y/n, suck anyone off lately?" One says. "Slut." The other coughs. 

What the fuck. 

I take my seat at the lunch table. So far only Cartman and Kyle were here. "What the hell is going on today?" Kyle asks. 

"I have no idea." I responded. 

I started to eat, I didn't really care much about what others said. It was just obnoxious if anything. 

Soon enough, Wendy and Stan come and sit with us, then Heidi and Bebe. But still no Kenny. 

Where the hell is he? 

I wasn't worried per se, but it wasn't like Kenny to just not show up. Everyone in our group always knew what was going on with the others. I don't ask any questions to anyone else, but luckily Stan does. 

"Where's Kenny?" 

Before anyone can answer him, Butters comes running in. 

"Fellas! Come quick! It's Clyde." 

We rush to the bathroom, only to find Clyde laying unconcious on the floor.

Even Cartman was shocked. "What the fuck."

"Do you know what happened?" Bebe asks. I looked at her. Her face became pale as she watched Clyde's blood splattered face. 

"All I know is that he was telling people y/n is a slut and-" Butters begins, stumbling over his words. 

"Wait what?" Kyle and I say almost at the same time. 

Then Butters explains himself.

I feel my eyes widen as I realized what had happened. 

"Dude are you kidding me?" I hear Kyle yell as I leave the bathroom and go to find Kenny. 


"Kenny?" I ask, finding him on a bench towards the back of the school. "What happened." 

He tells me what Butters had told him and what Clyde had said. His hand was now a red, but it seemed fine enough. 

I sit beside him and he puts his arm around me. "I was pissed." He said. I take his swollen hand and kiss it. 

"It's okay Kenny, it's okay." 

I honestly didn't really care. If Clyde could say such things then he was going to get what was coming to him. 

"Cartman say anything?" 

I shake my head. "Too shocked." We laugh. 

I lay my head down on his shoulder. 

"Maybe we should tell everyone about us." He says.  

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