Chapter Eight || It Never Pans Out

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Timothy's POV

I feel my entire body stiffen at just the thought of leaving Alice alone with someone I don't know. Someone we don't trust.

I stand beside Mason, stiffly watching as Marty, I think, hovers over Alice as she coughs up more blood after having harshly bumped into Harley only moments prior. That boneheaded wildebeest almost trampled her.

I feel sick to my stomach, watching as a bit of blood dribbles down her chin, leaving a faint red tinge even when she wipes the stream away with a tissue.

I, in no way, shape, or form, want to leave my twin sister with this man after only knowing him for a few hours. Hell, I probably won't trust him, even if I've known him for years.

But that's the bittersweet thing, I guess.

My triplets and I don't know a single thing about any of these people, and they just expect us to trust them wholeheartedly. I'm having a hard time finding the hidden joke because they have to be joking or else they are out of their goddamn minds. However, it's annoying how much they seemingly know about us when we didn't even know of their existence up until recently. Well, except for Alexander, that is. However, we really paid no mind to him after he, thankfully, lost the custody battle years prior after our mother passed since our dad, Gregory, was already our legal guardian.

I let out a quiet, yet unpleasant snort at the thought alone, catching Mason's attention slightly as he grips my shoulder when Marty, the talking zebra, gives us a challenging look, silently telling us to go. Instead, I look towards Alice, seeking her approval. I frown when she slowly nods her head, telling us to leave her with Marty-no, Marvin... Matthew; yes, that's it. I turn on my heel, walking in step with Mason as we aimlessly walk down the hall in an attempt to find the right room. Leading me towards the dining hall with a trailing Auston and Harley on our heels.

"Are you sure that it's a good idea to leave her alone with him?" I hissed into Mason's ear after having sidestepped, allowing the others to walk ahead of us as we now trailed behind our older stepbrothers to the dining hall. However, this certainly didn't stop the pair from constantly throwing us side glances over their shoulders to make sure that we continued following behind them as opposed to taking off in search of our sister.

"We hardly know the man, and this bumbling baboon," I sneer, gesturing towards Harley, "already proved that they are accident-prone. And if it wasn't already obvious, we seem to always be on the losing side of the kerfuffle," I grumble.

"Why are you talking about truffles?" A small voice asks. "Wait, what is a truffle, Benny?" I glance to the side and slightly down to see Daniel being led by Bentley, who is holding the former boy's hand.

"I thought he said 'huffle'," Bentley comments, sidestepping our group as they pass by, walking the other way. "You know, like Hufflepuff," he adds, only for the young boy to tilt his head in confusion. "Danny, have you not yet watched Harry Potter?" He questions.

"What is a hairy potter?" He asks, staring at his brother wide-eyed. "Is it a pot with a lot of hair?"

Shaking his head, Bentley remarks dryly, "I guess you've never heard of a Potterhead then, huh?"

"No," Danny pouts. "Can I be a pothead, too?"

"For fuck's sake," Harley groans. I almost forgot he was walking with us. Wishful thinking, I guess.

"Bentley," Austin warns, calling after the pair, "fix this. Now." I watch as our youngest stepbrother pales significantly, quickening his pace as he tries to rectify the situation by quickly explaining to a confused Danny about the wizarding world of Harry Potter.

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