Chapter Five || Buying Happiness

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Alice's POV

With a sigh, I step into the truck, closing the door behind me. As I wait for my brothers to get situated, I feel Lolly clamber into my lap after having jumped on the front console from the back seats.

Cranking the engine, I drive slowly around the house, avoiding the stare from the numerous guards as I try to find the new path to the barn that Alexander mentioned.

After a minute, we went around the house to view the back. Ignoring the backyard, which consists of a pool that resides directly behind the house near a huge screened-in patio, I continue driving down a narrow strip of gravel that leads toward the open fields.

Once the gravel ended, I kept going once I noticed the barely worn path in the grass that was indented with tire marks. Further on, I round a set of trees and shrubs, passing what looks to be a large hedge garden, or possibly a maze. The barn finally comes into view about a half mile away.

Pulling up to the barn, I stop directly in front of the large barn doors so that we will have an easier time unloading everything from the trailer.

As we step out of the truck, Mason and Timothy walk towards the barn to remove the padlock, turn on the lights, and also to make sure that everything is in order before we begin to unload anything. I, on the other hand, walk around the building, trying to find the best spot to unhook and leave the horse trailer so that it isn't sitting in our way once we finish.

After finding a spot, I make my way into the barn to find Mason and Timothy.

Stopping dead in my tracks, I can't help but gape at the inside of the barn.

Like the exterior, the interior is just as new and fancy.

Honestly, it looks like a fancy mini-boarding stable or something. Although, I don't necessarily see the point in everything having to be this shiny, knowing that in a matter of days, it will only contain and smell like horse manure.

Walking down the aisle, I look around in awe as I attempt to find my brothers.

Even if I didn't already know that this barn is new, you can simply tell just by the level of cleanliness that it still has. I mean, come on. This is a barn. There's clean, and then there's brand spanking new.

I guess I should stop complaining since this is actually a very nice barn.

Well, I think this is technically a mini stable, not, in fact, a barn, because there is not an added section for storing machines. However, I still intend on calling it a barn, since we are technically storing the horse trailer underneath the extended awning on one side of the building.

Heck, it's probably the nicest stable that I have ever and will ever be in.

Alexander really outdid himself, since we truly only needed at least four stalls. Instead, he had a barn built with ten stalls, a large tack room, a feed room, a large loft, a hayloft, a small attached shed, and a small and large paddock, along with a ten-acre enclosed pasture for the horses to play and graze in.

"This place is just... wow," I gasp in awe, walking up behind my brothers after finding them in what looks to be a small office. The room mostly consists of a desk and bookshelf that are filled with books about horses. Flipping open a small address book from the desk, I notice that it is filled with different listings of vets, stables, feed and tack stores, along with competition arenas within a 200-mile radius.

"It is," Mason mumbles, taking my hand as we walk back to the trailer, "but I think it's still a bit much."

"I feel dirty," Timmy grumbles, from behind me as we wait for Mason to finish opening the trailer doors so that we can unload the horse tack and other supplies so that we can prepare the stalls and arrange everything in one go rather than putting this off.

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