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This is partly a get to know the characters update, along with having a few teasers of what's to come.

(There are two sets of triplets in the Kingsley family. I will often refer to them as the younger triplets (Mason, Alice, and Timothy) and older triplets (Cody, Corey, Colby).)

Note: I would like to mention that the younger triplets were not kidnapped or taken away by their mother, Victoria. The parents simply divorced, and she got custody of the youngest three children.

The Main Characters:


Mason Kingsley - 17

Out of the younger triplets, Mason is the most protective, especially when it comes to Alice. He will do anything and everything to protect Ali from others, and his protectiveness over her grew after her disastrous relationship with his late friend, Ambrose, who he wanted to kill for hurting his sister.

Mason has never been a social butterfly, but he also has the easiest time making friends out of the three. He, too, is typically the spokesperson in their tight-knit group, since he is the oldest of the three.

Alice Kingsley - 17

Alice loves to meet new people, although she still has a hard time making friends because she is a self-proclaimed introvert along with having really bad anxiety at times. However, once she becomes comfortable around someone, she never shuts up.

Her best friends are her brothers, and she wouldn't have it any other way. Although she is excited to meet her newly discovered brothers, she can't help but doubt herself about whether or not they will accept her.

Timothy Kingsley - 17

Timothy can be a tad bit aggressive and possessive over his sister. He knows that she can handle herself if something were to happen, however, he will never let anything bad happen to her as long as he can help it.

Like his siblings, he, too, enjoys the cowboy lifestyle and everything that it entails. However, he's not too sure what the three of them are going to do to pass the time now, since they typically spent the majority of the day on horseback at the ranch in Montana.

Moreover, he doesn't necessarily mind the idea of having a bigger family, but he still doesn't plan to welcome them with open arms.

The Kingsley Family:

Alexander Kingsley - old

Alexander is the ex-Don of the American Mafia, and he is very protective of his family. He doesn't take it well when his family is threatened, but thankfully, they haven't been threatened in several years. Especially since he made an alliance with the Italian mafia, who have since moved in next door.

However, in this case, next door means around five miles away, since both mansions are surrounded by open fields and forests.

Rebecca Kingsley - 48

Rebecca is the true epitome of the loving stepmother. Even when she married Alexander years ago, she has always treated his four sons like they were her own. She is a small, yet kindhearted woman who will do anything to help her family and make sure that they are happy and healthy.

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