Chapter Two || I'll Miss You

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Alice's POV

I don't want this. I don't want any of this.

All I want to do is to go back to a week ago and stop myself from asking our stepfather to take me out for a drive.

I wish that I hadn't convinced him to go with me.

I wished that he would have finally told me no.

I barely remember anything from the accident. It's all hazy in my mind when I try to make out the details, but my doctor said that it was normal since I hit my head.

The only thing that I remember is blinding lights and tires squealing before the impact.

I woke up two days later in the hospital with a mild concussion, a sprained wrist, a dislocated shoulder, three bruised ribs, and bruises practically all over my body, including my face. Somehow, I didn't sustain any injuries on my legs, apart from severe bruising and swelling.

The only reassuring thing about my injuries is that I have Wattpad healing, so I should be fine by the end of this week, if not the next.

My upper body took the brunt of the damage, but I'm sure that most of it had to do with the fact that my side of the truck received the least amount of impact.

When I saw the truck after I was finally released from the hospital, I broke down in tears once more. The truck was barely recognizable, considering it mostly just looked like mangled metal. Almost the entire driver's side of the car was caved in. What was left of the windows was a mess of jagged edges splattered in blood, and the top of the cab was partially caved in. I was later told that the truck had flipped numerous times after we collided with a big rig.

After seeing the extent of the damage, I knew without a doubt that there was no way that our dad could have survived.

I'm lucky to have survived.

The doctors told me that he died on impact. They said that he didn't feel any pain. They told me that it was a quick death.

They told me that there was nothing that I could have done.

But I could have...

I should have never asked him to go on a drive with me in the first place.

I'm the reason that he is dead.

Feeling a tear run down my cheek, I quickly wipe it away before I continue to follow behind my brother to the barn, ignoring the intense gazes of the guards as they follow our every movement whilst patrolling the surrounding area.

Although, I find their guarding pointless since the only thing that surrounds our house for miles is acres of pastures filled with cattle as they lazily graze.

I sigh quietly before grabbing a lead off its hook as I enter the barn.

Mason and I make quick work of settling the horses in the trailer while Timothy finishes putting in the last of the tack and feed. Although, I did notice that he finally let two of the guards help him.

The guards are getting on everyone's nerves. Mostly because one guard after the next is offering us help. Don't get me wrong, I am appreciative, especially because I can only move things with my left hand, but I feel like they are rushing us out of the house.

Then again, I know that this is exactly what they are doing. I'm sure that Alexander gave them a deadline for when he wants us to leave, but I've been dragging my feet since I want the opposite.

I don't want to leave my home, but now, there is nothing stopping me from leaving since everything I own is now packed away in the trailers.

"Are you okay, kiddo?" Uncle Randel mumbles into my hair as he pulls me in for a tight hug.

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