Chapter 0 - Introduction

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Look, I'ma be straight up with y'all. I personally can't stand the introductory get-to-know-you BS, so I'll just go ahead and get straight to the point.

I, Alice Jones-

Oh, sorry.

I, Alice Kingsley, along with my brothers, are being forced by the state to move in with our biological father, who, mind you, we have never met before. Well, at least none of us remember anything about the man or our other siblings for that matter.

The reason behind this is that we are basically orphans since our mother died of cancer when we were twelve, and our stepfather died last week when he and I were involved in a hit-and-run.

One of the shitty, and many, things that boggle my mind is the fact that social services is forcing us to live with our biological father who has recently been granted full custody of us even though our uncle tried to fight the system to adopt us himself.

So now we have to live with a whole new family and make new friends as we are being forced to leave behind our friends, our stepfather's family, and basically our entire lives.

That's right.

Our lives are officially being uprooted since we are having to move states as well.

A whole new life is being thrust upon us without any consideration for what we want.

A new life. A new house. A new freaking state.

But that's not even half of it.

We apparently have four other brothers from before our parents split. He got four of the kids, while mom got three. An even spit, I guess. Well, more or less, although I am grateful that they didn't split us apart.

On top of that, daddy dearest's wife also has three kids from her previous marriage, while the couple only had one child together.

Now this is the part where fate decides to slap me in the face because get this.

They are all boys.

Yep, you heard that right. Eight new brothers who I will have to live with.

Hell, I can barely stand the two that I already have sometimes without wanting to rip their heads off every five seconds. But now I have ten brothers to contend with?!

Someone, kill me now.

Please, I beg of you.

If you think that I'm joking, I will literally get down and beg on my knees while offering you a knife.

Alright, that was a bit much.

I'm kidding.

I'm kidding.

*waves hand dismissively*

Sort of.

Anywho... *clears throat*

I wouldn't wish this kind of shit fate on anyone. Hell, I wouldn't even wish this on my worst enemy.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to pack my life away into a few boxes before we leave tomorrow.

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