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-Third Person Point of View-


The cool evening breeze thrusted itself through the park. The creak of an old swing heard, but the laughter that followed covered up the noise completely. "Hey Raion..." Her voice was low, this was unnlike her. Sage being overly serious certainly meant buisness.

"Whats wrong?" He held her swing steady, brows furrowing at her sudden change in expressions. Sage glanced up at the moon, "I wasn't going to tell you because I didn't want you to worry but.." she trailed off, fidning her voice currently failing her. How she loved her best friend with all her heart, she would never want to tell him things to cause him to stress.

Raions mind was racing with millions of possiblities, " Sage." His voice frim, "tell me." He commanded. The love he had for her was one in a million, undying, fully devoted. Though many tell him hes just a kid and knows nothing of love, they couldnt be any more wrong. When he gazes at her, he feels as if the world had stopped, as if his mind wants to capture this exact moment for millions of light years.

"...You'll worry." She sighed, "I already worry about you." He walked to stand in front of her, grabbing her hands, "now you're giving me a reason to." He chcukled, in return she laughed.

"When I was on my way to you, I encoutered rogue ninja.. Now I dont know what village they belong to but the mark on their bandanas were clear. They surrounded me.. " She paused looking up into his eyes, her own widened seeing the anger that laced his pale purple eyes, "But they didn't harm me which is what I found weird.. They stareed at me for some time before saying, 'it will activate soon.' "

Sage got up and lifted her shirt. "Soon after, this began acting up.." Raion stared intently at the mark on her stomach, a swirl of some sort.

"...It" Sage put her shirt back down, "hurts." she muttered quietly with a frown. She hated admitting pain, it was like it's a weakness.

Raion pulled Sage up into an embrace, "We will figure this out.. Let's focusing on getting Daitan here okay?" He rubbed her back in a soothing motion.

"...Okay." She huffed out, her voice low. The two pulled away, "Let me take you home." Raion grabbed her hand intertwining their fingers. Sage tried to pull away but his grip was rather strong.

"I'm not a little girl Raion, don't worry. Your mom seems like she'll worry if you go home so late." Her blue eyes shimmered in the moonlight, diamonds. Raion had thought, her eyes looked like diamonds cut from the finest of stone.

Her deep skin basked in the light and almsot illuminated under the glare of the street light. In this moment, and always, she was breathtaking.

"...You're right. You're not a little girl, but I care about you."

"I care about you too Raion, but-"

"I love you." Raion blurted out, his bashful smile still on his face, as he was in tranced by hers. "Raion.... You don't mean that." she sighed turned her head.

Raion grabbed her chin, forcing her eyes to his. "I do... I mean it more than ever."

His face flushed red, the expression on her face one he had never seen before. "....Alright.." a smile appeared on her face. Her eyes getting smaller, the wider she smiled.

"Alright?" Raion raised a brow, "you can take me home." Her fingers no longer limp in his hand but clutching back just as hard. Raion did not push her for an answer to his confession he knew Sage, he knew that when it came to expressing her feelings she found it hard but in this moment, he felt she conveyed them in a different manner.

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