Chapter 37

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This morning is our last morning before Charles is leaving for the penultimate race. I woke up already without him by my side. I looked around me confused, but ended up closing my eyes for a little while longer.

After like 5 minutes I slowly stretched out and stood up. Walking into the kitchen my nose caught a nice smell of pancakes or something. "Hello? Good morning." I said, when I appeared there. "Baby you scared me a bit!" Charles turned around quickly and laughed softly locking his eyes with mine. "I ordered waffles for the start of our special day!" he announced proudly and pushed back a chair for me as a gentleman. He let me choose, which waffles do I want and we began eating.

"So, special day you said huh?" I looked at him curiously. "Did you expect our last to be boring?" he asked annoyed. "We'll see at the end of the day. "I grinned and we finished eating.

"Ready for your best day?" he asked, when we cleaned up the kitchen. "Yes sir!" I smiled, he gave me a quick kiss, while laughing softly and sat on the couch. "Go get changed into something comfortable, but it's hot outside so probably not a hoodie." he winked at me. "Okay mom." I laughed and went upstairs.

I changed and stood downstairs in a minute. Charles was just staring at me. "What? Don't you dare say that I'll be cold." I checked out myself in the mirror. "You look absolutely stunning my love." he smiled softly and I turned from the mirror to him. "I love your smile." I said and he moved me close to him. He put his hand on my face and gently kissed me. "Ready to go?" He asked and I nodded.

We got in his car and drove somewhere unknown. "Ice cream?" he asked, when we got out of the ferrari. "Of course!" I said and caught his hand to go.

Holding our ice creams we kept walking around the city and were laughing about basically everything. "Time for next spot." Charles chuckled. "Uu there is more?" I asked excitedly. "You thought, I will just take you for ice cream, before leaving for two weeks?" he laughed. I shrugged, while smiling.

We entered some huge building and went through lit hall to underground, where were only one door. Charles opened them for me and I walked in looking around. "Bowling!" I screamed, when I saw everything in front of me. "Go get us shoes, I'll by some food and drinks." Charles said, gave me a kiss on a cheek and I left to find the shoes.

Charles put the drinks and some desserts on the table and I handed him the shoes. "Go on." He pointed on the balls and I happily went to find the size I can handle.

"Wohoo babe I didn't know you were a bowling master." he wrapped his arms around my waist, while looking at the score. "You don't know a lot of things about me." I grinned. He turned me around almost closing the gap between our faces. "Like?" he smiled. "Stop, you're making me nervous. Also your turn so show me some good move." I pulled myself away from him as he stood there just checking me out with his devious smile.

Obviously it ended with my win. "That was boring anyway." Charles was complaining as we made our way out of the building. "You're just a bad player that's it." I rolled my eyes. "Everytime I played I won!" he said proudly. "Well your girlfriend plays better." I said, making him tightly squeeze my hand.

"Last spot baby." he said and speeded up our pace. Beach. We both love beaches so ending the night on this place is beautiful. Charles pull out a blanket from the back of his car and place it on the sand.

He took his phone out of his pocket and put it next to his little JBL speaker. "May I have a dance milady?" he offered my his hand. I blushed at how deeply in love with him I really am. Holding hands we walked on the sand and danced. "You, me and the night sky with million stars." Charles said so calmly. "Your dad and Jules are probably watching so don't embarrass yourself by dancing badly." I smiled looking at his offended face. "You're driving me mad sometimes Isabella." he said. I grinned and connected our lips. "You also drive me crazy." he said bitting his lower lip.

We lay down on the blanket looking at the stars. "Marco I promise to love your little sister endlessly forever and I'll be taking care of her till the day I die." Charles whispered directly to the sky. My eyes filled up with tears. Charles put my head on his chest and started stroking my hair. "I will love you till my last breath, I promise." he said and kissed me on the hair. "I love you, I love you, I love you Charles." I said and looked at him. He kissed me so gently...

We came back home at 10pm. Charles started packing up and I went to brush my teeth. When I was laying in the bed, he came to say goodbye. Him and Arthur are leaving very early in the morning, so they are sleeping on the couch.

We hugged and kissed for the last time. "See you soon my girl." he waved at me and left. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with a little tears sliding down my cheeks.


Guys I'm so so sorry for posting the chapter later than I promised. Unfortunately something bad happened in my fam and I the main focus had to be on them yesterday and not the book. Sorry once again. Here it is now and also we're coming to an end so I hope yall are ready❤️

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