Chapter 3

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It didn't take long and Charles drank a few drinks that got him pretty quick. We were laughing about almost everything and they were describing all the drivers so i don't have to be that confuse.

"Okay! I'm gonna go talk to Yuki for a while, see you later guys! Have fun but not too much!" he laughed and left. I realised it's just me and Charles now and none of us were saying something. Luckily Charles broke the silence after a while. "So, you are Marco's sister and you're 21 right? That's all i know and i wanna know more!" he look right into my eyes and i hate eye contacts so i got really nervous. "Well you also know my name i hope, cause my name is not Marco's sister." i said. "Right, Bella." he smiled.

His smile. His smile is just so beautiful and he looks so kind and nice with his cute smile. "I grew up in Milano, but my parents decided to move to Monaco when i was 15. I've never cared about F1 and this race was like a second race i've ever watched in my life. My dad used to go to all the Marco's races or watched it on tv when he couldn't go and ehm..." I felt a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Bella, are you okay?" Charles jumped down from his chair and looked actually worried.
"My dad died 5 months ago and mom flew back to Milano right after the funeral, so now i live with Marco and I promised myself to go to every race, because Marco loved dad's support and when he's not here, I'll take care of him." Another tear rolled from my eye and i stood up to go to the bathroom.

Charles took my hand and stopped me. "Hey, I'm so sorry Bella, I, I had no idea. I would never ask you about that if i knew before. My father died too. It hurts a lot but you'll get use to it after some time. You also have more people here now and that will surely help." he said and he put his hand on my cheek to remove the tears.

"Thank you Charles and I'm also really sorry for your loss." He slowly pulled me into a hug and i felt really safe in that moment.

"Would you mind escort me to the dance floor?" he asked. "Im gonna be there first!" i said and started running down the stairs to the dance floor. It wasn't the best idea for sure. I tripped but luckily someone caught me.

"You need to be more careful beautiful"
"Oh Lance hii, ehm nice to see you again"
he smiled and he was still holding me. "You headed to dance floor, which means you want to dance here I am!"
"No offence Lance i already-" i wanted to continue but Charles finally got to us. "She's dancing with me right now mate so you better put her down." he said and Lance actually put me back on the floor.

"Thank you Lance for saving my life, see you later okay?" i don't even know why i said that but i was being nice like always. "Damn you are faster than i thought. Are you professional runner?" "Ye so funny now let's dance." i rolled my eyes and we went on the dance floor.

After like half hour of dancing my legs started to hurt a lot. I was also really thirsty. "Are you okay Bella?" Charles stopped and look at me. "Im okay just thirsty." i smiled. "I'll get water, stay here and don't move so i can find you." he walked away and i stood there between others dancing.

"Hey Bella" i knew that voice after today's day very well. "Hi Lance" I turned around to look at him. "Finally we can dance" he smiled and put his hands around my waist. I was really tired to do something so i just tried to defend myself with words. "Lance please, can you let go off me, I'm waiting for water and I'm really tired that i can't dance anymore." i said and tried to pull away. "Bella come on, you look amazing and definitely not tired, one dance and i'll bring you water."  his hand were still on my hips and he was pulling me closer to him. i was getting really mad but my tiredness was very effective that i couldn't pull myself away. Also he's so strong and he didn't want to let go."Lance really I-, just let go off me."

"Did you not hear her?! Put your hands away Lance!" I felt Charles's hand around my waist and he pulled me next to him. "I'm sorry it took so long. " he apologised and took my hand.
"Leclerc how are you? It's nice to see you but we were dancing and you interrupted us." said Lance surprisingly calmly.

"I think you had enough dancing" said Charles and looked at him seriously. "Please Lance just leave." i said. "I hope I"ll see you on the track next weekend." he smiled and kissed me on a cheek. "Just go Lance." said Charles and i felt that he was getting actually annoyed by Lance being still here. They looked at each other and Lance walked away whispering something to himself.

"Are you okay Bell?" asked Charles and I put on a little smile and nodded. "Im really tired" I looked at Marco dancing with some girls and laughed. "Im just gonna call a taxi." i said and started walking upstairs to take my things and leave...

If we have each other... | Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now