Chapter 35

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I was waiting for a long time, until I finally heard steps behind me. "You almost missed the sunset man, did Chloe stopped you?" I grinned, while enjoying the view. "I wasn't expecting Arthur to score so fast here." I heard laugh behind my back. I quickly turned around and saw Charles with his big perfect smile looking right at me. "Omg Charlie! What are you doing here?!" I screamed and jumped up to hug him. "I've missed you princess." he said and held me tightly. "Was this a plan of you two?!" I smiled looking into his eyes. "Maybe." he said and moved his face closer to mine. "You're perfect." I whispered. "And I love you." he said and kissed me. I smiled and put my hands around his neck to hold onto him.

We sat down and I rested my head on his shoulder. "I enjoy sunsets." he said and kissed my forehead. "Me too and I'm so happy you are here" I smiled. He was rubbing my back the whole time and when the sun disappeared, we grabbed all the stuff and headed back to the party.

I saw Arthur at the bar of course with Chloe. "Hello you traitor!" I said and punched him in the arm. "Don't tell me you didn't love the surprise." he smiled. I looked at Charles and chuckled. "I did ye." I said. "We have a lot to talk about brother." laughed Charles looking at him and Chloe. "I don't think so." Arthur tried to play it cool. "Well we're leaving so there can be more to tell. See you at home Arthur, but don't come too late." said Charles and hugged his brother. I hugged Chloe, then Arthur and we headed to our taxi.

When we got home, we were so tired. We only took a shower and both fell asleep immediately.

In the morning we woke up kinda late, but decided to stay in bed just to cuddle and enjoy each other's presence. "I will miss this so much." I sighed. "What are you talking about?" asked Charles confused. "Well in 2 days you're leaving to Brazil, then Abu Dhabi and I won't see you for a long time." I said sadly. "Don't think about this yet darling. Just enjoy our time right now and forget everything else." Charles smiled and brought me even closer to him.

"Ye forget everything, but not me!" said Arthur, who just appeared in the door. "Fuck man, you scared us." said Charles and threw a pillow at him. "Sorry not sorry." laughed Arthur. "What if we were naked huh?" I rolled my eyes. "Oh god no, you would not do something, when I'm around right? Say I'm right so I can stop being afraid." said Arthur and I laughed at him. "Leave us alone you annoying child." said Charles throwing another pillow at him. "You're a bad brother, you know." said Arthur and left while flipping us off. "Love you mate! See you in minutes." said Charles proudly and then looked at me. "You look brilliant." he smiled. "I just woke up." I said and covered my face. "Ye so? you look fucking breathtaking." he said and kissed me. We were cuddling for like another 15 minutes and then Charles went to Arthur, because they are going for a run every morning.

I got out of bed too and started cooking lunch. We all love pasta, so I made some with chicken and cream sauce.

When they got back and took a shower, I served the meal and they talked about the last upcoming races, while eating.

"Baby it was so delicious" said Charles and proudly showed his cleaned plate. "Thank you Charlie." I smiled. "I loved it like always mama." said Arthur and put our plates in dishwasher. "I really appreciate it son." I smiled and Arthur laughed. "Stop that please." Charles laughed and lay on the couch. "Stop what?" I laughed, while cleaning the kitchen. "He doesn't like me calling you mommy." laughed Arthur and I burst into laughter too, when I realised, how it actually sounds. "Call me mommy often please." I said to Arthur and headed to the living room to lay down with Charles.

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