Chapter 29

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We ordered so much food, so after it all disappeared we couldn't even move. "I'm so full." I said and patted my belly. "Literally." agreed Luisa. The boys laughed, but definitely felt the same way. "So what now?" I asked. "Party time!" smiled Lando. He's the biggest party animal ever. "I feel like I'm gonna throw up, if I dance." I laughed. "We have to go, it's a F1 party, because there are only two more races left." said Pierre and him and Lando were so excited. I nodded and Luisa did too.

We took a taxi to the hotel to change into something more fancy.

We took a taxi to the hotel to change into something more fancy

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I took this dress and Luisa also changed into another one.

We got back in a taxi and he drove us to the building, where the party was happening.

When we entered, there were a lot of people already. We went to say hi to everyone and talk about this rest week.

"It's so nice to see you again Bella!" said Carlos and hugged me. "You too Carlos! How are you? How is your chill week going?" I asked. "I'm doing very well and enjoying it the best way possible!" he smiled happily. "How about you?" he asked back. "Well it didn't start well, but now it seems to get better day by day." I said. "Oh sorry, I forgot about what happened. I hope you will get better and better." he smiled and hugged me again. I sat down to the table and I was drinking champagne.

"Are you coming?!" Pierre asked when he ran up to me. "Not now! Go enjoy it with the boys." I laughed and he disappeared.

I was talking to Luisa, when I saw her shocked face. "What?!" I asked looking at her confused. "Don't turn around." she said. I only laughed and looked behind me. Charles entered the room looking absolutely handsome as always, but his smile was nowhere to find.

"Oh no no no! I completely forgot about that he could be here!" I said and covered my face with my hands. "Chill, he went to the boys." she smiled and I looked at the dance floor. "Good." I sighed and looked at Luisa. "Do you still feel something for him." she asked and I looked at Charles again. "No I- stop asking stupid questions." I said and rolled my eyes.

The music slowed down and Lando stole Luisa from me to go dance. "Where is Pierre?" I asled him, while laughing, because he was very drunk. "He went outside with Esteban and Yuki." said Lando and dragged Luisa to dance. I was laughing looking at them and still drinking my champagne.

"May I have this dance?" said a voice next to me. "I looked at the person even tho I knew immediately, who it is. "Charles..." That was the only thing I could get out of my mouth. "I know...Just one dance, please Bell." he said and offered me his hand. I sighed and gave him my hand.

We got on the dance floor and he pulled me close to him. We began to dance. No words, just dancing to a beautiful slow song. I felt his every breath and his hand on my back. "You look prettier than the whole sky tonight." he said quietly. "Thank you." I whispered and smiled a bit, but I tried to hide it right away.

Being with him again, almost no talking just his touch and his presence, made me forget everything and I felt like we are back at the times, when the world was only ours. That was how I felt now dancing with him.

It was one song and then another song and another one. It felt like forever. I slowly put my head on his shoulder and he smiled. "If you're tired, I will lead you back to your seat." he said. "Please don't stop." I whispered quietly and I felt a smile on his face. "I wish we could do this forever." he said and put his head on mine.

When another song ended I woke up and realised what just happened. "I- I need to go to the bathroom." I said and ran away. I looked at myself in the mirror. "God you're so stupid and naive and-" "No you're not Bell." Luisa interrupted me and hugged me. "No for real I am." I sighed. "Why would you say that?" She laughed. "Did you see it?! I'm dating Pierre for not even a week and everything seemed like it's going to be the best relationship ever. However of course he had to appear and destroy everything!" I said and Luisa just stood there silent. "What?!" I asked, when she wasn't saying anything. "I saw you dancing with him, I think it's completely okay if you still love him." she said. "I don't!" I said, but deeply inside I felt the rhythm of my heartbeat, when she said the word LOVE....

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