Chapter 1

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,,Bella come on! We are already late!" i heard my brother shouting downstairs. He definitelly doesn't want to get Christian mad, but i need to look pretty for my first day on track.

I sprayed parfume all over my neck and clothes and ran downstairs to put my shoes on. Marco was already waiting in the car. I locked the door and finally got into his car.

,,What takes you so long everytime?!" he said annoyedly. ,,There will be a lot hot drivers! I need to look just perfect." i smiled. ,,You always look perfect Bell." he said and started the car. ,,But there is no way you and some driver will hook up! I forbid you this!" he smiled. ,,Oh come on brother!" he just laughed and continued to drive.

We arrived at the paddock and Marco ran to the redbull garage right away. ,,How nice of you leaving me here alone, when i don't know anything!" i shouted, but he was already gone.

,,Lucky for you, you don't have to be alone." said someone behind me. I quickly turned around and saw two people looking straight at me. ,,Ehm hi and you are?" i asked. ,,You're here and you don't know me?" the boy laughed. ,,Nope sorry mr famous i really have no idea, it's my first time here." i smiled. ,,Then you're excused! Im Lando, Lando Norris, driver of Mclaren and this is my girlfriend Luisa." they both smiled at me and the girl said hi to me.

,,Nice to meet you both, expecially you Luisa, cause I'm glad, I'm not the only girl here. I'm Isabella Zilber, Marco's younger sister." i said. ,,Ohh redbull girl, they are always hard to deal with." laughed Lando. ,,Is it possible, that I already hate you?!" i laughed and so did Luisa. ,,Well you are weird, cause everybody loves me here!" he said and punch me in the shoulder. ,,She's definitelly not the only one!" smiled Luisa. ,,You are my girlfriend, you don't hate me." he said and kissed her. ,,Well i need to go, but i'll leave you together so yall won't get lost." he smiled. ,,How nice of you." i smiled and rolled my eyes. We all laughed. Lando said goodbye and headed to the Mclaren garage.

,,So i guess you know it here, so can you please be my guide and help me with basically everything?" i nervously smiled at Luisa.

,,Of course! You seem so nice to me and also Lando I'm sure! Im shocked that you are driver's sister and don't know anything!" she laughed.

,,You and Lando are like my best friends here since now, cause yall are cool and also i don't know anybody else here. It's kinda weird, I agree. I never really cared about f1, but I just wanted to spend more time with my brother, since our dad passed away." i said and smiled a bit.

,,I'm so sorry Isabella, i promise you'll love it here and I'm happy that i have some other girl my age here!" she said and hugged me.

,,Thank you Luisa and call me Bella, it's more friendly. Now shall we go?" i said with smile and we started our tour around paddock.

After two hours of walking and talking we ran into few guys, all drivers.

,,Hey Luisa, how are you?"
,,Have you seen Lando?"

,,I'm good and i haven't seen Lando." Luisa said.

,,Haven't seen you here before." said one of the drivers and they all looked at me. ,,She's here for the first time. Bella this is Pierre, George, Carlos and Lewis."

,,Nice to meet you guys, I'm Isabella Zilber." i said. ,,Are you related to Marco?!" asked George. ,,Sister." i said. ,,Marco never told us that he has a hot sister." said Pierre. ,,He is ashamed that he is the ugly one, you know." i smiled. ,, I like you, you're funny." said Lewis. ,,Agree." said Carlos.

We were chatting for like 10 minutes and then my brother came. ,,I see you all met my sister." he smiled and put his arm around my shoulders.

,,How could you hide the information that you have a sister from us?!" said Lewis. ,,I wanted to keep her safe from all of you." they all laughed and when Lando got back it was time to go. ,,See you tonight!" said Carlos and walked away. ,,Omg Bella, there is a party tonight and you're invited!!" said Pierre. ,,No she's not going." said Marco. ,,I'll be there, see you later guys!" i smiled and they all went away except Lando, Luisa and my brother.

,,I hope you know what you are getting into by being part of this community." said Marco. ,,Don't worry brother, I'm glad i have some friends now." i said and he smiled and hugged me.

All four of us were walking to the cars when i saw Pierre talking to someone. I looked their way and the boy looked at me too. He smiled and i smiled back. ,,Wow." i said quietly. He had such a nice smile. I realised the eye contact is really long and turned to Luisa.

,,I heard the wow and you can be glad your brother or Lando didn't." we laughed. ,,Who's that?" i asked. ,, Charles Leclerc, driver of ferrari and a driver who is most likely gonna win the championship this year, if Max Verstappen won't beat him, cause they are like 6 points apart." she said. ,,Is he going to the party too?" i asked her. ,, I don't know, let's ask him when Marco and Lando are far away in front of us." she said. ,,Hey Pierre, Charles!" she shouted and waved at them. ,,No Luisa!! What are you doing?! Stop!" I took her hand to walked away but it was too late....

If we have each other... | Charles LeclercHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin