Chapter 21

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Yn pov
Dae came running to the staff room "Ms. Yn...  Han was fighting with the boys of the class. Both are bleeding  and are taken to the principals office." As a class teacher I had to handle the situation. "Dae what exactly happend?" I asked the boy who came to inform me.
"The 4 friends bullied someone and locked the person in the store room that's why he fought with them."
I felt guilty, I thought Han was also part of the incident where as he dosent even know but why did he had to fight.
I got up from the chair to go to Mr. Kang's cabin. Ms. Lee started taunting... "like teacher like students, if she knew to control the students this wouldn't have happend." I just glared at her and left as I really dint had time to argue with her.
We entered the cabin and saw Mrs. Jisung was about to slap Han I stopped her.
"Mr. Kang I know what Han did was wrong but let us listen why be did that."

Han pov
Ms. Yn supported me, she gave me a chance to explain my self and stood besides me.
I explained the whole incident. Ms. Yn also told everything. The next thing actually showed that money and position has lots of power.

My mother who was about to slap me spoke "Ms. Yn you should have told about this to Mr. Kang first only because of you our kids who were best friends faught and I was about to slap my lovely son."

"Yes Mrs. Jisung this new teacher has caused a lot of trouble in the school, not even a month and my son fought with his best friend. I guess Sir you take strict action against her so that this things never happen." Other parent spoke I was speechless, how can someone be like this and yes now I realised even I did the same thing before and how the other person must have felt.

Yn pov
There was limit for everything and this was too much, like how this people can speak like this? How?
I got so angry I spoke with that anger.
"Excuse me, ma'am I guess there is some problem in understanding the situation by both of you'll. The kids tried to bully a student and the teacher. To this extent that the person was not able to sleep peacefully and is still scared. You'll should be the one correcting them and not target-  my sentence was cut by Mr. Kang
"Ms yn you spoke a lot I guess you should give your resignation and lea-
His words were not complete junkook entered.  "What is going on?" "Nothing sir you don't worry I will handle the situation and meet you in your cabin."

Junkook's pov
I looked at yn, her eyes were filled with tears. I asked the boys who were looking as if they were in a boxing ring.
"What happend to you two, it looks like you both had WWE and came.
What's your name?"
"Han jisung sir."
"What happend Han?" He was about to say his mother pulled him back.
So I asked yn may be his mother dosnet want him to answer "Ms. Yn what happend?" I knew she won't be able to explain and remain quiet but Han said "Sir I'll tell you what happend" and explained the whole situation. 
"Han go back to your class."
Han looked at yn she smiled and assured him. "Okay sir." He left
"Yes Mr. Kang  where were we?"
"Sir I told yn to resign and go"
"may I know the reason" I asked and Mr. Kang came closer to me and whispered "sir they are trustees we get fund for our school, she is just a tr. We can hire more if we want." I had enough.

"Mr. Kang as a chairperson I'm ordering you to mail me your resignation by tomorrow."  "But sir-"
"if I  throw you out you will not get job anywhere so I am telling you to resign respectfully." I said calmly. Yn was just stunned when I  just told the principal to resign.
The trustee were shocked too. They were like "sir Mr. Kang has done nothing why are you telling him to resign."
"This year I am keeping the same trustees next year I am going to change you all. I don't want people who cannot teach their kids what is right and wrong." They dint utter a word.

"Yn- I mean Ms. Yn you can go to the class." she dint move she was just processing. I called out her name again "ms. yn go back to your class and continue your work." "Ye- yes. Sir" she bowed and left.
I told everyone to leave except for those bullies. "Is that true what Han said"
"no sir, we were not there in the school. Ms. Yn and Han both lied."
I clenched my fist what type of kids you all are after what I did to Principal and your parents you'll still have guts to stand in front of me look in my eyes and lie.
You know what I dint wanted to do this but you 4 are very stubborn so I guess now something has to be done.
  I called my driver
"Hello keep the car ready I am sending with 4 guest."
One of the girl said "Sir where are we going."
" because ull were honest and they simply tried to frame you and one of your friend got hurt I am taking you'll out for lunch. Which you will never forget.  I blindfolded the kids and made them sit in the car. 2nd girl asked "Sir is it really that speciall restaurant that you are blind folding us."
"Yes dear you will be surprised when you will reach there."

They all went with my driver to my secret place. There was one of Lee's man from whom we wanted his information. I told my driver to torcher him infornt of these kids in such a way that they never forget and should think 100 times before trying to bully others.

             *****TIME SKIP*****

As I have told Mr. Kang to resign there should be someone who should take his place. So
I called my friend "hello buddy how are you?"

"I'm good what about you? And how come you remembered this friend suddenly?"

"I wanted you to take a transfer and come to my school."

"Your school?" He asked in confusion.
"Yes my school I'm the chairperson of the XX school.
So I am requesting you to take transfer and come to my school as a principal.
You have to join tomorrow."

"What? It won't be possible as it takes time."

"Don't worry I will do. You just come and join from tomorrow."
Okay than meet you tomorrow at school."

"Okay junkook bye."

Who do you think junkook called? Who will be this new principal? How will this new principal be? And also what happened to those 4 kids.

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Mafia Is In Love With A Teacher (CHUBBY)  Junkook FFOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant