22 | Gaunt Family Dinner

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Chapter Twenty Two
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┌─────── ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ ───────┐Chapter Twenty TwoGAUNT FAMILY DINNER└─────── ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ ───────┘

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As it would turn out, a lot of thing could go wrong. Ominis had written back to his parents and had told them that we would meet somewhere in public to avoid any chance of them trying to do something. They had agreed.

Today is the day that I meet them.

The three of us sit in the common room, it is mostly empty since it is a Saturday afternoon. I guess most people are at Hogsmeade or just exploring the castle and grounds. We sit around the fireplace, which is becoming our regular spot.
Believe it or not, Ominis is the only calm one in our group and he's not calm. In fact, he can't even sit down, he's been pacing back a forth in front of Sebastian and myself. I have never seen him so nervous.

Sebastian on the other hand is trying to keep it together for the two of us. But everytime he thinks I'm not looking, I see him cast a worried glance between Ominis and myself, and pick at his fingernails.

And then there's me. The thought of meeting the most feared family in the wizarding world hasn't left my mind since last night when Ominis asked me to. I couldn't even sleep last night because I couldn't turn my mind off. I kept worrying about what would happen, or about what we would talk about.

I glance up at Ominis as he paces in front of the firepalce. "Is this thing formal?" I ask him the question that has been bugging me all day. "Like should I wear a dress or will they think that I'm trying too hard? But if I wear regualr clothes they might think I'm not even trying." I say voicing my concerns. "I don't know what to wear."

Sebastian looks up from his book, I think he was just trying to take his mind off of the situation, and smiles at me. "Maybe somewhere inbetween." he suggests.

"No, they will expect you to dress formally." Ominis stops his pacing and glances in our direction. "You should wear a dress." he says.

I let out a huff, "I hate dresses." I mumble. "Like a long dress or like a short dress, a more casual one or a fancy one?"

Sbeastians seems to think about this, "I think you are putting too much thought into this." I glare at him and he holds his hands in surrender. "Alright, just go try on some and come back out here and we'll ask Ominis's opinion." He suggests.

Ominis lets out an annoyed sigh, "You do remember that I can't see her, right?" He asks glancing in Sebastian's direction.

Before Sebastian could respond, I panic. "I don't own a dress," I say, standing up and looking between my two friends. "Or I mean I do, but they aren't with me. They're at home."

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