17 | Girlfriend

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Chapter Seventeen
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┌─────── ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ ───────┐Chapter SeventeenGIRLFRIEND └─────── ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ ───────┘

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By the time the train arrived at Hogwarts and all the new students have been sorted into their houses, the tone of the night shifted. A once bright and happy evening turn dark and cold as the silence eveloped the room. There was two empty seats at the professors table.

Anne and Sebastian had sat next to each other, Anne had her head leaning against her brother's shoulder as Professor Black stood up and made his way over to the podium. Ominis and myself sat across from the twin on the other side of the table.

"As I am sure many of you have heard, the Sallows have passed." he says announcing the news to all of the students. "Er, the professors that is. Not their children." he stumbles through is words.

My eyes leave him and travel to my friends sitting in front of me. They both look down at the table trying to ignore the stares that are coming their way.

Professor Weasley walks up to the headmaster and she takes over giving the speech. "The Sallow were the kindest people I have ever met." she pauses to look over the faces of all the students. "Sometimes, on our journey through life we meet people who leave footprints on our minds. They challenge us to see things differently and to question our personal reality. They create a safe place to open our hearts to feel love and special. The Sallows has left gentle footprints on the minds, hearts, and soulds of all who knew and loved them. May we always remember the beauty of their love, their kindness, and the special way they touched our lives."

She finishes her speech and a few students clap, not the twins though. Sebastian is holding back his tears not wanting to cry in front of everyone. Anne on the other hand lets the tears flow down her face. I grab onto Ominis's hand as I feel my own eyes begin to tear up.

The feast appears before us but between the four of us we don't reach for anything. None of us hungry anymore. We sit there silently as the chatter starts back up within the walls of the great hall. I keep my head down, feeling the stares from other students but I didn't want to talk and I didn't want them to talk to the twins. They were having a hard enough time as it was, they didn't need to constanly be questioned by students.

Professor Weasley had explained that since it was such a short notice that the classes that the Sallows taught will not be offered this year and for students who were enrolled in those classes to get their schedule changed first thing in the morning. I wasn't taking one of their classes, I did last year and I didn't enjoy it. Instead I was taking care for magical creaatures as my elective and history of magic. I had opted out of Divination after all that had transpired last year.

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