18 | Truth or Dare

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Chapter Eighteen
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┌─────── ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ ───────┐Chapter Eighteen TRUTH OR DARE└─────── ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ ───────┘

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The first few months few by and before we knew it the time was appraoching the holiday break. This year seemed to be much more uneventful than last year. I focused more on my studies, and I found that when I actually studied I was pretty decent at transfiguration. That was the class that I had previously been bad at.

Sebastian was still working on his anger that he had pent up from the summer. He spent most of his free time in the undercroft teaching himself spells that he would later teach to the rest of us. I think it is helping him, learning new spells. He is still sad sometimes, it is normal. I can't even begin to imagine what he is going through. I spend some of my time in the undercroft with him and I pracices the spells with him. I think he appreciates that. He still hasn't talked to me about that night and I haven't questioned him.

Anne has threw herself completely into her studies. Her grades when from good to excellent. She is easily the smartest witch of our year. She spends all of her free time in the library either studying for her classes, doing homework, or simply reading for fun. She doesn't talk about that night either. Despite her crush on Ominis, she has helped him with his relationship with the Hufflepuff girl and gave him tips on when to sneak out to meet her since they can't be seen in public.

Ominis seems to be the only happy one out of our group. In classes he writes notes to Ava and sends them secretly to the girl beside him. They hold hands discretely and often sneak out at night and meet ontop of the astrology tower. He tells us that they just hold hands and look up at the stars and talk. I think it's cute. But I also know that we are still young and that it is more than likely not going to last.

Anne and myself spend many of our nights sitting up in our dorms talking quietly with one another. We shared our dorm with Imelda, a fellow Slytherin who had convinced Sebastian and Anne to try out for the quidditch team. They did after a bit of hesitation, quidditch reminded them of their parents because they loved the sport, the two tried out and made the team. Anne is the seeker and Sebastian is a chaser.

Imelda gave up on trying to get me to join, Anne has not. "There's still a spot left." She would say whenever the topic came up.

"Maybe next year," I would tell her.

But tonight we didn't talk about quidditch or anything related to the sport. We didn't talk about classes or what had occurred this summer. Instead the topic of boys came up again. I think her focusing so much on her crush is keeping her mind occupied from the loss she is feeling.

She sits on my bed, both of us lean our backs against the wall as we talk. I bring a blanket up over my lap and Anne holds a pillow. It is dark in the dorm room, only a candle bruning on my bedside table is the only souce of light. Imelda sleeps on the other side of the room. Usually there are four to a room but I guess we got lucky with just three.

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