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~Adoption Center~

Mark: Ma'am please ! One more day and we'll give him back !!

Yugyeom: I'm begging you Mrs. Kim and Mr. Choi !!

Mrs. Kim: Darling, it wouldn't hurt letting them have Kookie for other day would it ?

Mr. Choi: Ugh. I hate when your right mon chéri..

Young-Jae: *whispers to Jinyoung* bro is that a k-drama ?..

Jinyoung: *whispers back* I have no idea bro..

Mrs. Kim: It's settled then ! We'll pick him up tomorrow ! Please pack his stuff we want him to be as comfortable as he needs to be.

Young-Jae: Yes, of course no worries madam !

Jay: Since when did he get so respectful ?

Mark: No idea..


Yugyeom: Oi ! *nudges him*

BamBam: Oh my bad.. *whisper shout* yay bitch !

All face palm but BamBam

Yugyeom: I meant removing the bad word not whispering it ! There's a baby here you know ?!

BamBam: OHHHH that's what you meant ! Sorry sorry ! Forgive your hyung *bows*

Yugyeom: Ugh fine. You're lucky..

BamBam: Yah, cause you love meee~

Yugyeom: Oh my fucking god get the hell out.

Jay: Hey !

Yugyeom: Okay, now that was just out of frustration !!

Mark: Yeah yeah let's go I got a class to train.

Young-Jae: what time is it ?

Jinyoung: 8:30 why ?

Young-Jae: oh cause I need to meet my mom for breakfast peace out !

~With Mark~

Mark: Guys gather around..

All gather.

Mark: So..This is Jungkook's last day..

Jin: What chu mean ?..

Mark: Well..see Jungkook is an orphan and um..he's getting I really only have today to spend time with him..and I just wanna give you guys that opportunity as well since he's one of the first people he's ever met probably..

Mark was on the verge of tears..why ? He doesn't know. The only feeling is he can feel right now is his heart stinging. With pain and guilt. It was his idea to put him into adoption, why is he feeling bad ?

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