Chapter 17 - San Lang's feelings

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Shang Xi Zhen, China.

June 10th, 2019 - 10pm

As Xie Lian kept his eyes shut, his body shaking in fear, he jumped as he heard the sudden crash of a metallic object hitting the floor. Opening his eyes, he looked up slowly, shocked at what he saw.

He saw White No Face slouched over, a thick-red liquid dripping from his stomach as the end of a sword stuck out from both sides of him. Standing beside him, the one holding the sword was none other than the one Xie Lian had called out to...

San Lang.

Xie Lian watched as Hua Cheng leant in, whispering in a rough, angry tone.

"If you ever want to kill me, maybe don't use a broken sword." Hua Cheng dug the sword deeper into him, Bai Wuxiang grunting and yelling in pain as Hua Cheng continued speaking.

"And, a good rule to not anger me... Never, and I mean never! Hurt Gege again." And just like that, he pulled the sword out of White No Face in one quick move, Bai Wuxiang falling to the floor as blood flew out his stomach and mouth.

Standing still for a moment, Hua Cheng's head slowly turned to face Xie Lian, noticing he was hurt. Hua Cheng rushed over, gently taking off the handcuffs, Xie Lian gripping his arm in pain as Hua Cheng wrapped bandages around him.

"Here, I took some from the hospital..." Yet, as he continued wrapping up Xie Lian's arm, he was quick to notice he was no longer twitching or shaking in pain. Looking into Xie Lian's eyes, Hua Cheng saw his face was bright red, eye's wide. Hua Cheng quickly understood why, laughing.

"Sorry, Nan Feng and Fu Yao told me you went here while I was getting changed so I had no time to finish buttoning up my shirt, hence the reason it's only half done-up." Xie Lian gulped, looking away, wiping his eyes.

Once Hua Cheng finished wrapping the bandages, he stood up straight, tightening the knot on the back of his head which kept his eyepatch still. As he did, he watched in shock as Xie Lian leapt to his feet, jumping forwards at Hua Cheng, the taller man almost falling back as he felt the pressure of Xie Lian's lips against his. Hua Cheng remained frozen, unsure of what to do. As Xie Lian continued to kiss him, however, Hua Cheng slowly brought his hand to Xie Lian's waist, kissing back the smaller boy gently. After the kiss remained for a while, Xie Lian slowly backed away, moving forwards again but this time pulling Hua Cheng into a tight hug as he felt tears rush out his eyes, unable to retain themselves.

"Stop getting hurt, you idiot! I'm scared that you'll get hurt and not wake up! You've just been lucky so far but luck doesn't last forever!" Hua Cheng watched as Xie Lian continued to cry more and more, moving his hand up to the older boy's head and softly caressing his hair, a small laughter escaping as he wiped away the tears falling from Xie Lian's eyes. Then, he went quiet, breaking the hug.

"Fu Yao and Nan Feng told me that before you left, you tried to shoot yourself... Is that true?"

Xie Lian fell silent, gulping a bit.

"It's true... I thought that I was just useless and I should've listened to you the first time you told me not to get involved with this stuff... I was so angry at myself that I couldn't bear it anymore and-" Falling silent, Xie Lian's eyes widened as Hua Cheng's arms wrapped tightly around him, whispering softly and patiently into his ear.

"Who's the idiot now then? Gege, never try that again, ok?" Xie Lian was quick to nod, hugging Hua Cheng back just as tight.

After a while of hugging, Hua Cheng looked down at his watch, quickly backing up and grabbing Xie Lian's hand.

"Hurry, we need to get out of here right now." Xie Lian, confused, looked at him.

"Why?" Hua Cheng, however, began to drag Xie Lian out of the building.

"Just don't stop running!"

As they ran through the building, Xie Lian noticed all the broken bodies lying dead on the ground, looking back up at Hua Cheng, almost in disbelief it was him who did all this.

After ages of running, Hua Cheng gently pinned Xie Lian up against the side of a dark blue jeep, his arm wrapped around his shoulders as he leant in close.

"Look in the direction we just ran from."

Almost as if it were perfectly timed, as soon as Xie Lian looked over, a bright explosion lifted from the ground, destroying the building Bai Wuxiang once lived in. Xie Lian watched in awe, unable to look away. As he stared at the fire's burning up, he felt the warmth of Hua Cheng's breath against his neck as he spoke.

"The war's now over, Gege... Please don't worry anymore..." Xie Lian froze for a moment, looking back at Hua Cheng who was, again, leaning in. Then, all of a sudden, Hua Cheng kissed Xie Lian.

Xie Lian was quick to kiss back, both boys continuing to do so for a while until Xie Lian felt Hua Cheng's tongue against his, quickly backing away.

"Sorry, was tongue too much?" Hua Cheng's tone was almost teasing in Xie Lian's ears, causing the smaller boy's face to grow bright red.

"No, I-I was just surprised... Also, um, Hua Cheng." The taller boy smiled as he heard Xie Lian use his real name, a small shiver of delight running down him.

"Yes, Xie Lian?" Xie Lian's body felt the same effect, looking away.

"What... Do you think of me?" Hua Cheng froze, not expecting this question.


"Like, how do you view me? Do you like me? Do you like-like me? Do you only see me as a member or an ex-member or something more? What do you actually think about me, etcetera..." Hua Cheng smiled gently at all these questions.

"Gege, I... I see you as someone who I should repay duties for. You helped me grow back then and I am thankful for that, so I wanted to do the same for you. Gege, I think you're very polite, charming, beautiful, adventurous, valuable... Overall, someone very special and dear to me."

Xie Lian's face grew bright red, looking down at the ground.

"Would you... Ever say this to someone else? Maybe a woman perhaps?" Hua Cheng smirked lightly, shaking his head.

"I would never... For a very specific reason." Xie Lian was quick to pick up on this.

"What's the reason?" Hua Cheng leant close, a smirk still imprinted on his face.

"I love you, Gege... And only you."

(1140 words)

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