Chapter 6 - Training Comes Back

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Yitingzhen, China.

July 9th, 2018 - 9am

Xie Lian remained in bed all night, almost not believing what had happened. Ling Wen had heard the news of Xie Lian being kicked out, causing her to quickly arrive to make sure he's ok. Ling Wen made her way upstairs, bringing up a tray of food for Xie Lian to have for breakfast. But, when she walked into the bedroom, she saw Xie Lian rummaging through his wardrobe as if he was desperately trying to find something. As she headed towards the fallen God, Xie Lian quickly straightened up, causing Ling Wen to jump back. As she looked at what he was holding, she saw Xie Lian holding a punching bag with a tight grip. Her shocked expression quickly faded out into a frown, the way he was holding the punching bag not fitting his innocent, angelic smile. Ling Wen rubbed her forehead, just letting out a sigh.

"What are you doing?"

"If San Lang doesn't think I'm strong enough, I want to work out so then he'll accept me." Ling Wen could only sigh once more as Xie Lian set up the punching bag.

"Xie Lian, may I ask why you seek so much approval from Hua Cheng?"

"Because I've known him for years. Now that I have the chance to see him, I don't want to lose that..." Ling Wen stared at Xie Lian for a moment, about to speak. Yet, as soon as she breathed in to talk, a loud bang was heard from the door being slammed open, both Xie Lian and Ling Wen quickly turned to see Fu Yao and Nan Feng both standing there, Ling Wen confused and Xie Lian delighted to see them.

"Nan Feng, Fu Yao! Why are you two here?" Fu Yao rolled his eyes at this question.

"What do you think? You're obviously not strong enough to train by yourself, so we're here to help." Xie Lian's eyes widened, smiling brightly.

"Thank you! I'm sure Ling Wen could've helped but you two being here is also really helpful!" Ling Wen rubbed her eyes.

"I'm afraid I can't help. I've been caught up in so much work I've hardly slept." Xie Lian frowned, nodding.

"Aw, alright. Guess it's just us 3... Let's begin the workout!"

Just like that, for the next 2 months, Fu Yao and Nan Feng would help Xie Lian work out, Ling Wen sometimes being able to help. Then, after those 2 months, a life-changing situation happened.

Yitingzhen, China.

September 16th, 2018 - 6pm

Xie Lian wiped sweat off of his forehead, panting after the 100m run he had just done. Fu Yao and Nan Feng, however, showed no sign of exhaustion.

"How on earth are you two so relaxed!?" Both of them sighed, Fu Yao replying.

"You're the one out of shape. Now come on, we'll continue tomorrow." Xie Lian smiled at the two boys.

"Actually, how about we all hang out a little?" Nan Feng and Fu Yao look at each other and then back at Xie Lian, Nan Feng nodding and answering.

"Yeah, that'll be fine." With a smile, Xie Lian clapped his hands together.


And just like that, Fu Yao, Nan Feng and Xie Lian all headed out for fun.

Once they all had finished watching a movie, Xie Lian checked the time, smiling at the two boys.

"How about I make dinner tonight? As a thank you!" Having tasted Xie Lian's cooking once before, both Fu Yao and Nan Feng quickly shot up, Nan Feng replying.

"Actually, Jun Wu wanted everyone back for dinner! W-We should get going now!" Xie Lian frowned, nodding.

"Aw~ Alright then... Tell San Lang I say hi!" Fu Yao raised an eyebrow.

"Why do you still wish for us to tell him when he never replies?" Xie Lian only smiled.

"I want him to know I still want to talk to him." Nan Feng rubbed his forehead.

"Alright then, we will... See you tomorrow." As they all waved goodbye, Xie Lian began heading home, tired from the amount of working out and walking he's done that day.

As soon as Xie Lian got home, he flopped himself onto his sofa, landing onto his stomach. As he let out a loud groan, Ling Wen looked over at him.

"Xie Lian, what's wrong?"

"Too much walking... I'm tired." As Xie Lian rolled onto his back, he watched Ling Wen stand up, searching through piles upon piles of paperwork. Then, after grabbing at least 30 pages, she walked towards Xie Lian, dropping them onto his legs.

"You should read this..." As Xie Lian sat up and began to flick through the pages, he could feel his own heart sink with terror.

"You can't be telling the truth... Please say this is a lie."

"Xie Lian..."

"TELL ME THIS IS A LIE!" Xie Lian threw the papers all over the room, standing up. He rushed upstairs, quickly changing into a button-up white shirt, a black tie, sleeve garters, suspenders, blue jeans and black boots. Then, once he was ready, he hurried down, running for the door until Ling Wen quickly shouted back.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm not leaving my old team behind! I'm looking for Fu Yao and Nan Feng!"

"You can't, It's too dangerous!"

"I couldn't care less! Ling Wen, you don't understand... San Lang has been part of a war and he survived... But he's young! Now that a new war has started... I'm helping him!" As Xie Lian rushed out, Ling wen tried to speak, yet she was too late.

"Xie Lian, you need to understand... Hua Cheng is in the most dangerous part of the war... Shang Xi Zhen."

(954 words)

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