Died alone

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// A/N: mention of suicide at the end!!

{~y/n pov~}
Me and Bernard got a divorce last month which was apparently the first elf divorce ever, Carol and buddy and Sandra help me with the kids Holly has been asking about her dad a lot I avoid the conversation but Carol keeps telling me to talk to Holly about it but I refuse to

Me and the kids are moving to New York to have a normal life I mean the kids aren't 'normal' but I want them to be happy and enjoy the 'human' world where they aren't surrounded by elves you know

{~3 months later~}

Me and Holly and the twins moved to New York just to find out...I'm pregnant again, just because it's Bernard's I'm not going to get an abortion it's my last good memory of him, I was dropping the kids off at school and I was going to work and we had a good couple of days in New York

{~1 year later~}
~Bernard pov~
I couldn't take it anymore it's been a year y/n was meant for me and I was meant for her we made each other happy we were in love I'm in love with her why can't she see what I see? I just want her...

{~Santa/ Scott's pov~}

as Santa I see everything and seeing what's going on with Bernard and y/n I worry and I worry for their children I mean hey I'm Santa clause children are my priority! So I did what any Santa Claus would do and I went to go fix this- I went to see Bernard first I saw him drinking eggnog

"Hey big B how's my favorite ex head elf doing?" I looked at him worried, Bernard was a little tipsy from the eggnog "i-I'm alright a little sad but I'm alright! I mean I'm doing as good as a guy who's gotten his kids taken away from him could be, ya know?..." I know the pain Bernard felt "I understand and I was in the Same predicament with Laura and Neil over charlie and I'm just saying show y/n your slightly sane to handle children now and that you miss her and maybe spark some old school romance you know?" I nudged him

Bernard smiled a bit and shrugged "sure why not?" And then I nodded and smiled then I got a gut feeling "I'm gonna talk to y/n don't do anything dumb while I'm out?" I gave him and serious look then he looked at me and laughed "HA that's Curtis' job" i honestly wanted to laugh but I wasn't going to then I left to go to see y/n in New York I landed on her roof with a "Ho Ho Ho"

{~y/n's pov~}

My eyes widened "oh my god what is he doing here?-" that was my first thought then my eyes widened even more"what if he brought Bernard? Maybe he's here to apologize? And then we could be happy again-...I do want that...I've been waiting for him to finally come back after a year..." my dad came in through the chimney and the kids ran to him "grandpa!" My dad smiled and then and hugged them individually

{~santa/Scott's pov~}

I saw a baby in y/n's I mean I know I'm santa and I'm supposed to see and know everything but I didn't know about this- "who's that?" I walked closer and got closer to the baby and smiled at it "BJ" then I looked at y/n like she was crazy "BJ?" Then she nodded "Bernard Jr. I named him after his dad of course...he's the last memory I have of him since..Bernard didn't chase after me when I left..." then I looked at her confused "chase after you? You wanted him to come after you?!" I put my hand over my mouth and then y/n nodded a tear ran down her cheek "he was going to but I stopped him-"

{~in Bernard's room~}

After y/n left Bernard started packing to go get her back I told him not to because she needed to blow some steam off and she'd be back with his kids but that never happened so Bernard just cried for days and weeks and when he wasn't crying he was drinking eggnog

{~flashback over~}

Then something about y/n something died a light inside her "so he would've came...if you didn't stop him" then I nodded and looked down and took off my hat then she just sniffled and then I went pale y/n noticed "what's wrong dad?-" then I looked at her "it's Bernard"

{~at the North Pole~}

We were too late Bernard hung himself with black licorice y/n turned away put her face in my chest

Bernard had a his funeral and many people and elves attended it

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