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"What is wrong with my girl?..." (A/N: if you get that reference I love you) I looked at him and got teary eyed then began talking fast "she feels like a outcast but she doesn't try to show it I want to know what's wrong with her so I could possibly help her i hate seeing her sad!!"

Then Curtis' eyes widened "well for starters let me give you a back story on Bernard and this might explain a lot, Bernard isn't a fully elf either like you...his father was the Santa before your dad named Steven Callaway, Mr. Callaway fell in love with an elf named Sarah holiday, Bernard was born he didn't have elf ears until he first fell in love which was when he met his deceased girlfriend...then he met you he kept his ears because he was still in love, but then he met you and he gave Charlie the snow globe because it was pointless, cause he didn't have to watch his dad anymore or call for him so he gave it to Charlie and then he gave you the other snow globe to see whoever you loved which he mainly checked on family members but after his dad died he stopped caring and that's why he kept giving your dad attitude that night because your dad killed his dad"

I looked at him "you know you could've just told me she won't have them until she falls in love right? And that Bernard was human as well?"Curtis rolled his eyes "well I thought it would help jeez sorry, anyways so your father wants to...retire"

"WHAT?!" Curtis jumped at me yelling and his eyes widened "yeah...but he's looking for a replacement" he looked at me. I sighed "who do you think he's gonna choose? I know Charlie probably doesn't wanna do it he has a family of his own...and 'that's enough stress already' plus no one's done a better job than him kids have been 20x happier since 1994!" Curtis nodded in agreement i sighed and me and curtis looked at each other like 'now what?' Then I gasped "BERNARD!" Then Curtis looked at me like I was crazy "what?-" I stood up "BERNARD WOULD BE AMAZING AT BEING SANTA!"

Curtis' eyes widened "HOLY NIGHT YOUR RIGHT!" Then me and curtis were pacing back n forth plotting like we always do

{~Bernard's pov~}

I was waiting for y/n it was about 10pm now which she's never out this late so went back to find her I went to Curtis' office then I heard them plotting on making me the new 'Santa' I walked into the room "you know elves can't become Santa correct?" Then Curtis and y/n looked at me and curtis nodded "you're right bernard thanks!" Then the realization hit him and he jumped "Bernard! W-what are you doing here?!" I chuckled and shook my head and put my hand on y/n's waist "coming to get my wife, it's late and I don't need for her to go walk in the cold in the dark"

{~y/n's pov~}

I rolled my eyes "I can handle myself...thank you Bernard" I rolled my eyes and then kissed him deeply and he kissed me deeply "YUCK" I heard from Curtis and Bernard and I looked his way "shush because you and Judy do the exact same thing" Bernard smirked and I giggled. I played with his hair and he put his hands on my waist and we looked at each other lovingly "ahem!" Then Bernard and I looked at Curtis "i want to actually talk to you guys about something..." I looked at Bernard confused he looked at me confused as well

"Im also going to retire and I'm putting Betty in charge" Curtis sighed and I smiled and leaned my head on Bernard's shoulder and Bernard rubbed my arm and I teared up "I'm proud of you curtis you've kept this place up and running for 16,000 years (A/N: time in the North Pole works different than normal time for example 16 years here is 16,000) you went from that little elf that almost got us caught playing 'Santa clause Is Coming To Town' to Bernard Jr." I wiped my tears and Bernard kissed my head and then Curtis gagged "don't call me that ever again!" Then Bernard and I giggled

Bernard pat Curtis on the shoulder "goodnight sport" he walked off with me in his arm and we went to bed

Bernard and meWhere stories live. Discover now