Spell breaking

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{~Bernard POV~}
I was pacing around trying to figure out a way to not have to sleep on the couch without having to forgive Curtis, I went to our local library then I went to the lowest floor they had which was full of magical items and books and I went to look at all then enchanted books "y/n wouldn't mind me...just using a little magic on her- right?-"

I found this one light blue book and I looked who it was written by "frost has a book?- yuck" then I grabbed it and looked at it and actually his book was genius I read this one page on how to get people to listen to you and forgive you and there were a few other things that came with the forgiveness, I saw there was a huge warning side but I didn't read it I went back to the first level of the library and checked it out the librarian looked at me strange and then I took the book and left

I was practicing on how to do what I needed and got what I needed and made y/n hot cocoa and I knocked on our bedroom door see usually when y/n is half asleep she can process anything I handed y/n her hot cocoa and she smiled at me and i kissed her cheek I started playing our favorite song baby it's cold outside she smiled at me again and then I got her to stand up she sang "I really can't stay~" and then I smiled "baby it's cold outside~" then I put my hand on her waist "I got to go away"

{~20 seconds later~}

"The neighbors might think~" she sang then I saw it I saw it in her eyes "baby it's bad out there~" she looked at me with a smile on her face "hey what's in this...drink?" I saw her tip over and then I picked her up and took the hot cocoa out of her hand I laid her in bed and put the hot cocoa up and I kissed her and held her hand "this is what's best for both of us..."

I saw her waking up and she smiled at me and I smiled at her "hi snowbell, so I was wondering do I have to sleep on the couch still?....I'm really sorry for what I've done..." and then she shook her head and I smiled "I forgive you it's fine you were right anyways Holly could've gotten seriously hurt" I smiled a bit and kissed her hand

Later that day me and y/n were cleaning and she broke some glass her eyes widened "I'm so sorry! Please don't be mad at me I-I-I didn't mean to do that! Please for give me!" Then I looked at her kinda sorta confused "snowbell it's fine" but then I noticed she started crying I went to grab her hand she backed away I knew I fucked up I went to look at the book and read the warning 'don't try this on people with trauma, ptsd, anxiety, depression, etc' I face Palmed I went to go tell Santa what I've done

"Bernard, you used a spell on my daughter to forgive you? When all you had to do was apologize to Curtis? You know she's going to be a lot more upset with you once she finds out right?" Santa put his hand on my shoulder and I nodded soon Santa went into me and y/n's room and went to fix her I sat in a chair and sat there looking at the ground

Maybe about 30 minutes later she came into the room I smiled at her looking sad she walked up to me I walked up to her "y/n...I-"


I opened my eyes I held my cheek tears ran down her face and she was crying her dad was in the doorway and I just stood there In shock "how could you?! All because I wanted you to forgive Curtis?! I'm done! I can't take it anymore!! I've been lenient with you!! You're crazy!! Would you really go this length just for me not to be upset with you?!"

Something in my snapped "OF COURSE I WOULD BECAUSE I LOVE YOU BUT YOU DON'T LOVE ME THE WAY I LOVE YOU!!" I fell to my knees y/n backed up and looked at me like I was crazy "I-I- I MEAN I WAS MEANT TO BE YOURS!! AND YOU WERE MEANT FOR ME!!" She shook her head and backed away once again "I'm done with you I can't!" I stood up "come on baby....we're in love you were meant to be mine" I went in to hug her she shook her head and ran off and Santa walked to me "what is wrong with you? I think you need to go back home for a while..."

And so I did

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