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{~Y/n pov~}
{~ a month later~}

Bernard was listening in "move us to elf con 4!" I flipped a switch my dad came up "partridge in a pear tree" then Bernard kept listening in "these guys aren't stopping! Move us to elf con 1!" I flipped another switch and we got quiet but then we heard Santa clause is coming to town on the speaker "find out where that's coming from!" My dad whispered yelled a elf looked it up on the computer and it showed us the stables where the reindeer were

Bernard took my hand and him me and dad marched to the stable and we saw shook us it was Curtis kicking his feet in the air and a "woo!" While the music was playing then my dad marched up and then turned off the dancing Santa then a good 30 seconds went by then we heard "all clear!" On the speakers my dad patted Curtis on the shoulder "why don't we get you some good headphones this year? It's alright everybody get back to work!" He ordered the elves while walking off and I giggled "Curtis you're 900 years old!! Grow up!!" I put my hand on Bernard's shoulder to calm him down "Bernard!" My dad called Bernard looked for a second and then looked at Curtis and scoffed and walked off I followed behind and slightly woozy

We went outside the workshop walking "you know I didn't break any of the rules! According to the Santa hand book-" he tried to finish his sentence then Bernard cut him off "the hand book! Curtis, do you go pee-pee with that thing?..."

"It says elves are encouraged to listen to music! Makes them more productive and more creative and well alert- LOOK OUT!!" Curtis yelled and we all ducked Bernard held me close a reindeer flew over us all disoriented

Then he crashed "is he alright?" My dad asked " he's okay Santa!" An elf yelled from far away "wow that's gonna leave a mark- yeesh is that Blitzen looks like Prancer, w-who is that?" My dad asked confusingly "that was Chet reindeer in training!" I replied since I usually helped in the stables and other things "oh...well please tell me that it's early in his training- wow nice fall-" my dad said while walking off then I saw Judy and Abby hanging in the distance I walked off

"Y/n, when are you gonna tell them?" Judy asked while handing me her famous hot cocoa "not now- I'll wait till the perfect moment and then drop the bomb!" I smiled and Abby sipped her cocoa then Judy looked at me "I got news for Santa he's not gonna like it-"

I crossed my legs and raised an eyebrow "what's the news?" I asked curiously "well Charlie is on the naughty list" my eyes widened and I coughed "are you sure it's not a mistake? Or different Charlie Calvin?!" Judy shook her head and I sighed "actually I'm not even surprised...he's probably going through his bad boy stage...well I gotta go I have to catch up with Bernard and my dad and Curtis so I can tell them-" I smiled

I was walking over until I heard Bernard yelling at Curtis "you need to tell them right now!" Curtis looked down and sighed "but they looks so happy right now.." then he threw his hands around "why do I have to be the one to tell them?!" Bernard scoffed "because! I'm the head elf I don't give bad news! It's one of the perks of my seniority! Now tell them!" I walked over "tell us what B?..." Bernard's eyes widened

He told me what was going to happen soon, we went outside the workshop and saw my dad playing tinsel football with the elves "READY SET!" I heard an elf yell "I'm comin' after you buddy-" I heard my dad tell an elf which made me smile seeing how much fun he was having

"SEVEN SWANS A-SWIMMING! SIX GEESE A-LAYING!" The elf yelled again "FIVE GOLDEN RINGS!!" We all yelled together "HIKE!!" We watched all the elves attack dad and pass the ball to each other and they pilled on top of him which made him laugh "you guys aren't elves you're wizards! No matter how many times you guys do that I never see it comin'" then Bernard looked at my dad "Santa?" My dad looked at Bernard "we need to talk" Bernard finished

Bernard looked at me and Curtis worryingly and I looked at them, dad was putting on his overalls "that's weird isn't it, this fit yesterday didn't they?" my dad said "uh-oh" said the puppets "Hot cocoa for you Santa" she brought in a tray "this isn't a good time, Abby!" I hit Bernard slightly for raising his voice "I sent dasher down for Brazilian cocoa beans" I replied after hitting him and looking at my dad and standing next to Abby, my dad smirked at me and Abby "what's the bad news?..." Abby and I smiled "what do you meaaaan?" We said in unison "whenever y/n plays the designer bean card and you bring hot cocoa that means generally you have bad news-" Bernard stood next to my dad smirking at me then Abby looked at me worryingly she handed him the naughty and nice list

"What are you doing with the naughty and nice list?" My dad said while opening up the scroll "just don't shoot the's Charlie" Abby said while looking down nervously "sheen? I thought he straightened out last year!" I looked at my dad worryingly "not that Charlie...our Charlie..." Bernard glanced at me and back at Santa "my Charlie. My son Charlie? He's on the naughty list?" The puppets screamed and hid behind the curtains "listen there gotta be a mistake..."

Abby looked at his sadly "we don't make mistakes, I'm sorry Santa. Please excuse me." She walked out while Curtis walked in with a machine "how could this happen? Is okay his what is this what happened you and Curtis were trying to tell me?" Curtis walked in and smiled "great you told him! Let's get you ready for that meeting!" My dad walked over sadly "I can't have the meeting here I'm gonna have to see Charlie" then Bernard jerked his head to Curtis "number 2 tell him right now!" My dad was annoyed at this point "tell me what guys? come on come clean!"

Curtis looked at my dad "Santa there's a clause!" My dad nodded "yeah that would be me" then Curtis sighed "nooo I mean there's another Santa clause!" Then my dad rolled his eyes "Curtis if you haven't noticed this time of year there's plenty of 'Santa clauses'" Curtis nodded "yes but there's another Santa clause! There was a first clause but now there's also a second clause!" Me and the puppets yelled "get on with it!" My dad nodded in agreement

"when the last Santa clause fell off your roof you put on his coat and found this!" He place the card, The Santa clause card in a card holder on his machine "right 'he who wears the coat takes on the responsibilities of Santa clause' something like that and of course the rest is history! Right?" Then Bernard butted in

"But it seems our number 2 elf the keeper of he handbook over looked THE SINGLE. MOST IMPORTANT. DETAIL! IN THE HISTORY OF CHRISTMAS!" I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down then Curtis looked at him blankly not caring " wow one mistake in 900 years..." which annoyed Bernard more Then he pulled out a magnifying glass "look!" Bernard slightly yelled My dad stutters "I can't see that-" then Bernard pulls out another magnifying glass

But honestly I wasn't gonna stay there for all that so I walked out then while waiting outside the room I hear my dad go "HOLY MATRIMONY I GOTTA GET MARRIED!!" Which made me get up immediately I got into the room "yes it's the Mrs. Clause" then the puppets started singing the classic wedding song then my dad sighs "well what if I don't wanna get married?" he tightened his belt and his belly shrank "oh dear- THE DESANTAFICATION PROCESS HAS BEGUN!" Curtis yelled

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