Talk to him

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Judy and I were outside drinking eggnog "so how's things since you guys moved after the Kribble Krabble?" Judy took a sip and sighed "things are good y/n they really are it's just Curtis feels bad but he doesn't at the same time he wants to be friends with Bernard but the way they left off...I dunno" she looked pitiful then I hugged her slightly

"Bernard is gonna have to eventually forgive Curtis he keep hating him..."then I saw Judy smile and chuckle then a tear rolled down her face "trust me it's happened before they stopped talking for about 300 years.." then Judy wiped her tear

{~ Y/N POV~}

See what happened before Curtis left was Bernard and Curtis were baby sitting holly Bernard wanted to surprise me with a small lunch and holly was about 5 at that time Curtis went to get something "really quick" obviously whenever Curtis says he's gonna do something really quick we all know it won't be really quick in the process of Bernard and Curtis being gone Holly was playing around and she hurt herself she had a burn mark on her cheek Bernard came home to a crying holly
"CURTIS?!" He picked up holly quickly and kissed her forehead repeatedly "daddy is so sorry! Your mother is going to kill me!" He tried to make her stop crying but she wouldn't stop crying

I was at work with my dad then I looked at my dad "something doesn't feel right-" my dad looked at me and took my hand "if you need to go home go ahead I'll call in someone else for the time being okay? Tell Curtis and b-" we saw Curtis walking in town from my dads office window "isn't he supposed to be helping b-" I took a huge breath my dad looked at me "go ahead and go make sure everything is okay, I'll see you later alright?" I nodded me and my dad hugged and then I ran out of the workshop and to me and Bernard's house

I saw holly in Bernard's arms everything was normal "phew-" I put my hands on my knees and Bernard smiled at me "did you seriously doubt me?" I rolled my eyes "slightly why was Curtis-" then I saw the burn mark on holly "what in the Kris Kringle is that?-" Bernard nervously chuckled "look- I went to get you a lunch as a surprise for you cause you know you've been working so hard and I wanted to be nice-" I crossed my arms "so where was Curtis?"

Bernard shrugged which annoyed me more "I trusted you and him with our daughter now I know you two can't be trusted" I grabbed my daughter and held her close "you're sleeping on the couch! I don't want to hear no if and or buts about it!" Bernard gave me the sad eyes "but this is all Curtis' fault!! He was supposed to be watching her!" I shook my head and walked off with her


I was rubbing Judy's back "Curtis wants to move back here but you know it's small here so he'd be running into Bernard a lot more often" then I nodded "we should get them to talk you know...I don't even know why Curtis left maybe  it was reason-" Judy looked at me "he left so he could get me flowers cause he realized he didn't say happy anniversary at all that morning..." my eyes widened I mean that's reasonable and Judy nodded slightly "but I still feel bad because Holly got hurt in the process"

I nodded "it's fine" then me and her went back inside and me and Bernard were dancing to the music giggling and laughing I kissed him again and he kissed me his hands were on my ass and my arms were around his necks and he pulled away and smiled I smiled at him and then I gave him a sad look and looked at the ground then he grabbed my chin and made me look at him "what's wrong?" I looked him in his eyes "I feel bad because Curtis and Judy and their kids came all the way here to say happy anniversary to us and now you're treating them like strangers over one little incident.."

He felt bad then looked at the ground but looked at me "yeah one little incident that could've been a lot worse...holly could've died she's still part human snowbells" I looked at him "true but that happened about 5 years ago she's 10 now...sure she has a burn mark still but she doesn't let that discourage her she still plays with the other elves and has plenty of fun" Bernard nodded "true" I put my hand on his cheek "so talk to him for me please?"

Bernard nodded and sighed and went over to Curtis "look I'm sorry about what happened and I'm sorry that I blamed everything on you" Curtis smiled "it's oka-" Bernard cut him off instantly "because it was your fault if you never left!!" I face palmed I took Bernard off to the side "you sir are sleeping on the couch until he gets an actual apology" then Bernard's whined and gave me the eyes I almost gave in I shook my head and went home

Bernard and meWhere stories live. Discover now