Mental health

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⚠️trigger warning SA and SH⚠️

{~Bernard's pov~}

She mumbled something
I looked at her confused "what's wrong?..."then she hugged me and started ranting I could barely hear her over her sobs and sniffles but then I heard her say "he touched me and when I told him no he said 'if you won't let me hit imagine how upset Elf boy probably is considering you haven't let him get in those panties' then I let him continued to let him touch me!"

I bawl my fist up and then I remembered I can't be angry around her then she sniffled I loosened my hands and then I titled her head towards me and wiped her tears and kissed her "baby there's nothing to fear I'm right here and don't worry I won't let frost get near you at all..." then she sniffled and nodded and hugged me tightly

{~y/n pov~}

I hugged Bernard tightly and then he played with my now elf ears and smiled at me "you're twice as beautiful as you were before snowbells I love you okay? Don't let anyone tell you otherwise...alright?" I looked at him and nodded and one more tear fell down my face and he wiped the tear and kissed my cheek "permission to beat Jacks ass ma'am?" He said while saluting

{~Bernard's pov~}

She smiled at me and nods " of course B...just let me throw in a punch as well?..." I nodded instantly and got up "you do know we have to tell your dad about this right, Love?" then she looked up at me and nodded and then I smiled and kissed her forehead she smiled at me and yawned "sleepy?" I asked

Y/n nodded and I laid her down in bed and kissed her head and she fell asleep and I went to see Santa "Santa I-" he cut me off like always "I know what happened...and I'm going to have a counsel meeting to see if we can completely remove frost-"

"Santa you know we can't do that! A-and even if we did sir it wouldn't accomplish anything! Y/n would still be traumatized and frost will find a way to get back into the pole!" I said panicking and sighing

Santa nodded in agreement "I honestly don't know what to do...I'm gonna get Charlie he usually cheers up y/n..." he began to get up "wait no...I have a better idea Santa.." Santa nodded at me and I left the room

Me and Curtis and Judy were talking and planning it took us weeks because we were also so busy with working on the toys and Judy had to check on Santa and bring him hot cocoa every hour but since she was the least busiest out of all of us she got majority of the stuff we were secretly working on done and so did Curtis I was busy working on the pole keeping it and order and helping y/n out

She was a total wreck if I'm being honest with ya she was self harming every five seconds I've caught her on multiple occasions and had to held her close to me "baby, there's no reason in harming yourself I'm here for you now and your dad and the counsel banned him into the South Pole with the penguins..."

"There is a reason...if I make myself ugly he won't want me no one will want me and maybe I won't be touched as much-...wait did you just say he's with the penguins?..."

I nodded quickly "yeah so now he's just alone and he can't hurt any-" y/n tears up "HES GONNA HURT THE PENGUINS!!" With all honestly I wanted to laugh but I had to comfort her because I love her and she is my girlfriend and eventually more...

A/N: so I'm gonna try to update more I've been making so many Bernard edits 💀😭 and other stuff

Bernard and meWhere stories live. Discover now