Chapter One

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"Y/n! You wouldn't want to miss the bus!" My mother called out to me from downstairs. 

"Okay mom I'm almost ready!" I replied. 

Today would be my first day in South Park High School. I had just moved away from y/h/t and although I was scared, I think a change would be good for me. 

In my old high school, I had gone through a lot. I have supportive parents and good friends but there was always something missing. 

I finish getting ready and head downstairs to meet my mom just as she leaves for work. "I'm leaving now y/n." She says. "Your father will get home before I do, think about what you want for dinner." She then kisses my head and leaves. 

I grab my bookbag and my jacket and I run to the bus stop. When I arrive, I notice four boys standing there. One has a green hat, the other has a blue hat with a little ready poofball on top. 

Beside him is a heavier boy, who is currently arguing with the green hat boy. The blue hat boy is trying to tell them to shut up. 

The last boy just stands there. He wears an orange parka with the hood up. The only thing I can really see is his eyes. 

I walk over. I don't say anything because the two boys are busy arguing. However, the second I stay put at the bus stop they then stop arguing and watch me. 

I look over at them. They just look at me. I open my mouth to say something but I'm interrupted by the boy with the green hat. 

"Hey wait a minute, you're the girl from the house with the moving trucks in front of it. You're new here, aren't you." He says. 

I nod. "I'm y/n." I say. 

He smiles. "I'm Kyle." Then, he points to the boy with the blue hat. "This is Stan." 

"Hey y/n." Stan says. 

"This is Eric Cartman. But you can call him fatass if you want." Kyle says. 

"I'm not fat you fucking jew!" Eric yells. 

I guess I feel the shock on my face because Stan says "don't worry, that's normal." 

"Oh alright." I nod, smiling a bit. 

"Oh and this is Kenny." Kyle continues. 

Kenny looks at me. "Mmmph mph mmph" He says. I'm pretty sure he was trying to say "what's up" or something like that, but I barely understood. 

"So where are you from?" Kyle asks, and I wonder if anyone here actually understands Kenny.

"I'm from y/h/t." I say. 

Their eyes widen. "Woah dude! That's far!" Stan says. I only nod. 

"Mmmph mmph mmmph mph." Kenny says. 

I have absolutely no idea what he just said, so I look at him confused. 

Kyle picks up on this. "Oh, he asked you why you moved here." He explains. 

"Ohh, just because living here is cheaper than where I lived before. My parents thought a nice little mountain town would be good for us." I say. 

"Of course they did." Eric mumbles. I shoot him a look. 

Besides Eric, these boys seemed pretty friendly. Still, I wondered about Kenny. Maybe it was the fact that I couldn't understand him at all but I think it would be cool to know him better. 

The bus arrives and we all get on. Stan and Kyle sit next to each other and so do Kenny and Eric. I sit on a vacant seat until the next stop when a blonde haired boy joins me. 

"W-well I don't think I've seen you here before!" He says. 

I smile. "No, I'm new here." 

"Well that's just great! It's always nice to meet someone new. I'm Butters!" 

I already liked this boy. He seemed sweet. "Y/n." I replied, smiling. 

At school, the boys help me get to the office where I recieve my new schedule. We look them over together. I had a good amount of classes with the boys. Some where all of us were together and some were we weren't. Either way, I was fine. 

Today, my first class was with just Kyle, and so the rest of the boys went to their other class, telling us they'd meet us later. 

Kyle showed me to class and I let the teacher know I was new here and showed my schedule. Then, I took a sit beside Kyle. 

On the other side of me, there was another blonde haired boy who was shaking uncontrollably. Throughout the lesson, if he got called on he would make a screaming noise before every response. 

When class ends, Kyle and I get up to go meet with the boys for our next class. 

As I get up, the boy next to me twitches so hard that he hits my desk. "AGH! Sorry!" He says. 

"It's okay don't worry about it!" I say, reaching my hand in a sympathizing motion. 

"Y/n. This is Tweek." Kyle says. "Yeah, he's always like this." 

"Agh!" Tweek replies and leaves the classroom. 

I think I'm going to like it here. 

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