Chapter 19

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Lillie felt cold on her body, she felt like she broke her bones. Before she opened her eyes, she realized she was lying in a comfortable bed. Lillie tried to remember what had happened before, but her headache was bothering her. She opened her eyes, then yawned. She didn't know where she was, Lillie saw that she was covered with a blanket. Am I home? Lillie asked herself. But as she looked at her bandaged hand, she remembered Jack begging Lillie to run away without him. Lillie stood up quickly, tried to calm her mind but she couldn't.
"No, Jack..." Lillie mumbled softly under her breath.
She suddenly hoped that Jack was still alive, only imprisoned by Foxy's minions. When Lillie felt quite strong pain in her legs, she refrained from getting out of bed. She didn't know what she was doing here and who had brought her here, had Foxy's minions found her? Lillie froze when she noticed the shadow of a figure on the wall at the entrance to the room, she quickly lay back in bed and pretended that she was still unconscious. Lillie felt the gaze of a stranger on her body, a moment later she heard a familiar voice, "I know you woke up."
Lillie got scared, so she stopped pretending and turned towards the stranger, she was surprised when her eyes saw Alfa who was watching her closely. Lillie didn't know what to say, she just looked at Alfa in confusion and surprise.
"Do you remember what happened earlier?" Alfa asked calmly.
Lillie still hesitated to answer Alfa who works with Foxy, she didn't even know if she could trust him like Jack. However, she decided to open up to him.
“Y…yeah,…I remember something.” Lillie said in a tired voice.
Alfa then walked over to the fireplace in which the fire was burning and sat down by it. Lillie was concerned about Alfa's behavior, she had a lot of questions in her head.
“All I remember is…Jack told me to run.” Lillie said.
"And don't you remember how three servants chased you?" Alfa asked.
Lillie felt strange, a moment later she remembered running away from them and jumped into the huge one
waterfall. H…how did I survive? Lillie thought.
“Where's Jack? Is he alive?" Lillie asked quickly.
Alfa just sighed heavily, as if he hesitated to say anything. Lillie watched Alfa impatiently.
She felt worse when Alfa said, “I'm sorry, Lillie. Jack wasn't as lucky as you and Alex."
Lillie couldn't believe what she heard, she didn't want to believe that Jack had died. Tears began to fall from Lillie's eyes, then she lost control of herself and began crying desperately loudly.
"He can't be dead! Please!" Lillie screamed, sobbing. Suddenly, Alfa abruptly got up and walked over to the bed where Lillie lay.
“I'm sorry this happened,…I really wanted to help you, but such help was too risky for me.” Alfa said.
"What do you mean?" Lillie asked desperately.
Alfa fell silent, then he stopped looking at Lillie. Lillie felt weirder, Alfa wanted to help them?
“Foxy's servants found things that belonged to Roxanne or Gold.” Alfa mumbled grimly, then he added, "I put them there on purpose so they'd finally head north."
Lillie was surprised, she wiped her tears with her sleeve, so it's the Alfa's doing?
“Why did you decide to help us?” Lillie asked quietly.
“Because I knew Alex was in trouble!” Alfa responded instantly.
Lillie's emotions began to spiral out of control again, tears were streaming down her cheeks again.
“So you only wanted to help us because Alex was in danger?” Lillie asked defiantly.
“No, I wanted to help you all.” Alfa growled menacingly.
"You're lying," Lillie began to say, "if you wanted to help us, you would have told us."
Alfa was silent for a moment, Lillie gave him a pleading look, but inside she felt despair and sadness. She missed Jack and wished to hear him again and hug him. She asked herself why he had to die and sacrifice himself.
“I preferred to act secretly.” Suddenly she heard Alfa.
Lillie began to sob again, imagining Jack lying in a pool of blood. She wished she could go back in time and help Jack so they could live together, but now everything seems to be destroyed.
“How do I know if I can trust you?” Lillie asked menacingly and desperately.
Alfa grabbed her arm and Lillie made a threatening face.
"I'm tired of being someone I don't want to be." Alfa answered seriously.
“What will I do now? I…hate to work alone.” Lillie mumbled.
"You're not alone, I'm sure Alex will want to help too." Alfa said quickly.
Lillie got out of bed, feeling pain in her legs then, but she was ignoring it. She started walking towards the exit, Lillie heard Alfa's footsteps behind her. It's impossible, Jack, you can't leave us now. Lillie thought sadly. Every time she thought about the love of her life, she felt much worse. When she left the house, she noticed that they were in the meadow. As Lillie looked more closely at the meadow, she remembered talking to Jack. She felt as if someone had stabbed her heart, would she ever see Jack again?
"Levis and Foxy pounced on him, that's all I saw before Jack died." She heard Alfa.
Lillie was sure it was Foxy who killed Jack in cold blood. Now she wanted to avenge Jack and herself for destroying their lives.
"Where is Alex?" Lillie asked.
"I don't know, I thought she was with you before..." Alfa couldn't tell what had happened.
“W…we have to find her.” Lillie said boldly.
Alfa looked at Lillie with unfamiliar feelings. Lillie was still staring at the meadow with tears in her eyes.
“I know where she could be, but are you sure you can go like this?” Alfa asked.
Lillie was starting to lose her patience.
“Yes, I'm fine. I don't care about the pain anymore, I just want this nightmare to end once and for all." Lillie growled.
Alfa nodded uncertainly, then he walked straight ahead. Lillie followed him, desperately ignoring the pain in her head and legs. She was filled with determination to get rid of Foxy and his minions.
It started to rain as Lillie and Alfa entered the forest. Lillie began to worry about Alex, remembering how her friend ran away when Jack distracted Foxy's minions. She hoped that with the help of Alfa she would find Alex as soon as possible. She didn't want to lose anyone else, she still felt bad about Jack's death.
“How do you know we'll find her here?” Lillie asked suddenly.
"I have my sources." Alfa answered her mysteriously.
Lillie fell silent, she just walked beside Alfa with a sad expression on her face. She noticed a river a bit further from them, to her surprise, Alfa went there. Lillie reluctantly followed Alfa, she felt strange around him.
Did she fall into that river? Lillie asked herself in horror. When they reached the river, Alfa started looking at the other side. Lillie then remembered how she, Jack and Alex had crossed a similar river. Lillie was surprised when she felt Alfa's hand on her hand.
"What are you doing?" Lillie asked menacingly.
"You'll find out in a moment." Alfa replied impatiently.
Lillie shivered as she noticed a dark mist appearing from Alfa's body. Lillie panicked but she said nothing to Alfa. As the mist reached Lillie, Lillie closed her eyes quickly in fear. She felt as if she were drowning in a dark mist, but when the dark sounds stopped, Lillie opened her eyes. She noticed that there was no river in front of her, only a forest. Lillie started to panic, does Alfa have powers?
"What have you done? Where is the river?" Lillie spoke quickly.
“I used a power called "teleportation.’’” Alfa said coldly.
"Power?" Lillie repeated in a terrified voice.
All she heard was Alfa's heavy sigh, then he let go of Lillie's hand and moved on. Lillie was still standing, confused. After a while, however, she moved not to lose Alfa. Lillie lowered her head, started thinking about Jack again and about their future that would never be.
She wondered if she would meet Jack after her own death, Lillie imagined paradise with Jack then. Lillie woke up when she bumped into Alfa, who was standing with his back to her. Lillie quickly skirted Alfa clumsily and stood next to him, shivering as she noticed Alex sleeping in the rain pool. Alfa ran over to Alex, then he sat down beside her. Lillie joined them a moment later.
“Is…is she alive?” she asked Alfa.
"Yeah, she’s just sleeping." Alfa said grimly.
Lillie watched as Alfa took Alex in his arms and then stood up.
“We have to take her to my shelter, come on.” Alfa said immediately, then he began to return. Lillie looked around, then tentatively followed Alfa back to his base.
Lillie was sitting next to Alex's bed. She waited impatiently for her friend to wake up and tell her everything that had happened. Worried that Alex was in bad shape, Lillie got up and looked at Alex who was sleeping peacefully. Then she wondered where the rest of her friends might be. Are they planning to come back to stop Foxy? Lillie had the impression that she wasn't waiting for Alex or Alfa, only for Jack, because she heard Jack's last words in her head, Lillie couldn't help but cry. I will miss you very much! Lillie thought. Suddenly Lillie heard Alex's soft moan as if she was waking up. Lillie stepped closer hopefully, then wiped away her tears with her hands. Alex opened her eyes then, when her gaze rested on Lillie, she quickly got up from the bed.
“Lillie?!'re alive!" Alex screamed quickly.
Lillie faked a smile, surprised when Alex violently hugged her.
“I thought they killed you, oh Lillie!” Alex stuttered desperately.
"It's all right now, Alex." Lillie mumbled softly, hugging Alex just the same. She heard Alex's soft sobbing, Lillie made a sad face and stopped hugging her friend. Alex looked around as if she was expecting to see someone else.
"Where's Jack?" Alex asked more calmly.
Lillie was speechless at Alex's question, then she looked in a different direction as if Lille was avoiding her friend's gaze. She didn't know what to answer because she missed Jack so much. She felt like her heart had shattered again.
"He’s not here anymore." Suddenly, she heard Alfa behind her.
"A...Alfa?" Alex shivered in fear. Lillie had her head down, she had the impression that she was a ghost that no one could see. Alex quickly got up and ran to Alfa. Lillie turned to them with a menacing expression. When she saw Alex and Alfa holding their hands, she felt more pain. This is how she imagined her and Jack in the future. But now that Jack's not here, that's never going to happen. When Alex turned her attention to Lillie, Lillie still didn't change her expression.
“Oh…I…I'm so sorry..Lillie.” Alex said, she added, "I saw how you...and Jack were very close."
"That's okay." Lillie answered desperately.
Alex wasn't sure though, she was giving Lillie a sympathetic look. Lillie was ignoring it, she couldn't believe it but jealousy had just hit her. She felt terrible about it, but tried to hold back the feeling so as not to hurt Alex's feelings.
"We have to find the rest." Lillie reminded them.
Alfa let go of Alex's hands and walked over to Lillie. Lillie raised one eyebrow as Alfa suddenly straightened up.
“They were at The Sisters' camp.” Alfa said softly.
“The Sisters?” Alex repeated oddly.
Alfa sighed heavily.
“The Sisters are witches who know powers.” Alfa replied menacingly.
"How do you know they were there?" Lillie asked.
"These are my powers." Alfa said.
As Alfa started walking towards the exit, Alex and Lillie followed him. Lillie noticed that Alfa was standing as if he was waiting for Lillie and Alex. She saw Alfa look up intently, Lillie and Alex were exchanging uncertain glances. The silence broke as Alfa spoke, "I know where we can find them."
“What are we waiting for then? Let's go!” Alex said.
"Okay, be careful though, Foxy's servants may be lurking anywhere since you've escaped." Alfa announced.
Lillie nodded with a serious face, Alex caught up with Alfa smiling friendly at him. As Alfa and Alex started walking, Lillie took one last look at the valley where she had recently lived. She felt bad that she had to leave now, but she was happy to be free of Foxy and his servants. I'll avenge us, Jack, I promise.

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