Chapter 4

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Gold passed by Ash, she had a tired face. We can’t give up. Gold thought. As of this morning, they’re on their way to the biggest city in the world, Gold was worrying about Alex and Lillie. She missed her home, Alex and Lillie, she was hoping they are still alive. 
“We are walking by this path for an hour.” Ash was complaining.
“Don’t worry, we’ll make a stopover soon.” Gold answered her. Ash didn’t say a word. Everyone was staring forward, too fixated on the adventure. How long will it take? Gold wondered. She felt like she hadn’t eaten for two days, but she wanted to get into town as soon as possible to find Shiver. She was afraid of Foxy and Alfa, and Gold felt they are not alone, that they are being pursued by Foxy’s servants. Once they find Shiver, they’re gonna go home and try to stop Foxy. We have to win, we don’t let that bastard drop us. Gold thought harshly. 
“Everyone, I see the city.” Gold heard Dark. 
“We all see.” Roxanne said. Gold looked straight ahead and pushed forward, Dark was right, in front of them there was a city.
 “We’re making a stop here.” Ella said. Gold sighed, she was relieved because she can rest soon, but she was still afraid for her home. We can’t stop for a long time. Gold thought.  
“Remember, do not talk to anyone. We have to be as inconspicuous as possible if we want to get out of here later.” Ella said calmly. Gold agreed with Ella. She noticed that the city was overcrowded. When they entered the city, it could only hear people and music in different restaurants.
 “Let’s go there, we have to eat.” Ella said. Gold looked at the restaurant Ella pointed to, and the restaurant looked empty. Gold felt weird, but she followed the rest of the group.
 “I will take a place.” Ash said.
“I’ll go with Ash, we’ll meet in a minute.” Gold said to Roxanne. Roxanne nodded and followed Dark and Ella. Gold led them with a weary look, and as they vanished from her eyes, her gaze fell on Ash. 
“How about we sit here?” Ash asked reluctantly. Gold looked at the place, it was a piece away from the restaurant, less crowded and empty, as if this place had been waiting for her. 
“Yes.” Gold agreed. Ash took her seat next to Gold. Both sat in silence. Gold sighed heavily. She still had bad thoughts since she and the others left the house. Gold couldn’t believe there were a bunch of massive people in their house and two bad people she knew. This has to stop as soon as possible. Gold thought. 
“You never told us anything about Shiver.” Ash said suddenly. “How long have you known each other?”
Gold thought Ash still didn’t believe in her plan, so she ignored Ash’s strange tone. 
“I knew Shiver for a long time, longer than Roxanne and Ella, she taught me a magic called voodoo.” Gold told Ash. Ash’s face curled as if she had heard a joke, but she held back. Gold stopped talking, she felt uncomfortable, but she was also angry. Suddenly, as she looked into the crowd, she noticed a figure in the crowd that was familiar to her. Is that Whiteflower? Gold asked in her mind. Gold rose from her chair, tried to keep an eye on the figure and look at it closely. Something told her to follow the person she might knew. 
“I’ll be right back.” Gold quickly said and made her way to a crowded place. I hope he’s still here! Gold thought. She was trying to get through the crowd, trying to be like a ghost that doesn’t feel a touch of itself. She slowly lost hope when she no longer saw the distinctive clothes, but when she came out of the crowd, she found Whiteflower again. She dreamed of talking to him and telling him about their situation with Foxy. When she was on her way to Whiteflower, she suddenly felt severe pain and someone attacked her. The assailant blindfolded her hands, Gold tried to scream for help, but her head was covered. Did she feel the attacker take her somewhere, or was this a setup for her? What am I going to do now? I have to free myself! She called gold to mind. She started jerking off the attacker, hoping it would free him and escape. Suddenly, she could see again, and she saw an attacker pushing her against the wall, and they were in a dark alley. Gold tried to free herself from the stranger, thinking he was one of Foxy’s servants. 
“Who are you?” Gold asked sharply.
 “Shut your mouth!” The attacker threatened. Gold began to hit the assailant by legs, but then the assailant began to strangle her.
 “Give me everything you have.” The attacker growled and then loosened the grip on her throat. Gold didn’t answer the attacker, but she realized she had been kidnapped by a thief.  
“Give, or I’ll kill you!” The attacker screamed. 
“I will not give my things to a thief like you!” Gold screamed. The attacked covered Gold’s mouth with one hand, she struck the attacker aggressively with her feet, but he ignored it. 
“Then I’ll do it myself.” He answered. When he reached into her bag, she couldn’t feel thief's hands. Gold fell to the ground coughing and gasped for air. As she looked at the exit of the dark alley, she saw two silhouettes in front of her. Gold still felt the presence of the attacker. She did not hear a conversation between them, it squeaked in her ears. When she woke up, she attacked her opponent, but a silhouette pushed her back slightly and attacked the attacker. 
“It’s alright, lean on my shoulder.” She heard a familiar voice beside her. Whiteflower?
“No need.” Gold said anwsered quietly. She was already feeling full of energy, but she still felt pain in her neck and her injured arm. 
“Wait...Gold? Is that you?” Whiteflower asked, there was surprise in his voice. Gold nodded as she looked forward. She couldn’t believe what she saw. She saw Sting hit the attacker, and Gold rushed towards them both.
“Stop, you taught him a lesson!” Gold stopped him. Sting stopped beating the assailant, whose head was stained with blood, and out of fear the assailant suddenly got up and fled into a dark alley. It was quiet, Gold looked at Sting in fright, he looked angry and restless. He had to change after all these months. Gold thought. 
“What brings you here?” Whiteflower asked, then he approached them both. Gold was going to tell him, but Sting spoke first.
“What are you doing here? This place is not safe for a one girl like you.” 
 His voice was dark, just like Foxy’s. Gold realized that Sting had been through as much as Roxanne. Gold was miraculously happy to see him. She missed him and Whiteflower. 
“Our house is in danger.” Gold muttered. 
Sting and Whiteflower exchanged confused looks and then looked back at Gold.
 “You look tired, come with us.” Whiteflower said. Gold hesitated when Whiteflower came out of the dark alley, she can’t go without the rest.
“Wait, I can’t.” Gold said. Gold saw that Whiteflower raised an eyebrow casting a questioning look at her.
 “Are you not alone here?” Whiteflower asked. 
“I’m not, let me tell you everything.” Gold answered quickly. She felt like she was feeling weaker, but when Whiteflower saw this, he walked up to her and helped her keep her balance.
 “You’re still shocked by what happened, calm down.” Whiteflower mumbled. Sting watched them silently and made a sad face. Doesn’t he want to talk to me? Gold thought hesitantly. 
“I’m okay, I just feel thirsty.” Gold explained. Whiteflower gave her a bottle of water from his bag, Gold gave him a thankful look and then drank the water. After drinking as much water as she needed, she gave the water to Whiteflower.
 “So, will you tell us what happened?” Whiteflower asked as he approached Sting. Gold sighed hard, she didn’t want to talk about it, but she wanted Sting and Whiteflower to help them. She looked at them both and started to tell. “Last night, we were attacked by Foxy, who came back to kill Roxanne.” 
Whiteflower was surprised. Sting looked as if he didn’t believe Gold’s words.
“We miraculously escaped him and his servants, but they kidnapped our two members.” Gold added. When she remembered how Foxy almost killed Roxanne, she got terrified, Gold shook her head slightly to forget.
“So, what are you doing here?” Sting asked. Gold didn’t know what to say, they probably won’t believe her plan any more than Ash did. It’s worth telling them, Gold thought.
 “We’re going to the biggest city in the world to find a friend of mine who knows something about magic, named Shiver.” Gold explained. 
“Are you going to Blox Town?” Whiteflower asked. Gold was surprised that he guessed it, but now she knew Whiteflower and Sting could help her.
“Yes, we’re going there to find more members.” Gold said. 
“More members?” Sting raised an eyebrow. “Why?” 
Gold turned to the exit of the dark lane and looked straight ahead. 
“To be ready for another war.” 
Whiteflower walked toward Gold, he was frightened, and Sting stood behind them with a grim face. 
“That’s terrible. Why did Foxy do that?” Whiteflower asked. Gold told him how he and Roxanne were once a couple, how Foxy was nice to everyone, and then he disappeared without a word. 
“I hope you can come home as soon as possible.” Whiteflower said softly. Gold was disappointed, and she thought Whiteflower would ask her if he could join them. How can I ask them? Gold thought.
“Foxy would never do that. I don’t think so.” She heard Sting, then he said, “He’s not like that.”   
“The truth is different. He wants to kill Roxanne, I won’t let him do it.” Gold growled harshly. She regretted it when Sting remained silent with a menacing expression on his face. He still trusts Foxy. Gold thought awkwardly. This time Gold dared to ask them for help.
“We need more members, which means you can join us.”
Whiteflower doubted what Gold had said. She lost hope when she saw Whiteflower and Sting remain silent. 
“I know Roxanne banished you”, she tried again, “but that doesn’t mean you’re not welcome.” 
She noticed Whiteflower was getting a little cheerful, but Sting still seemed insecure. Is it because he doesn’t want to see Roxanne? Gold sighed heavily, walked towards the exit of the dark alley, she looked at Sting and Whiteflower one last time.
 “I understand if you don’t want to, I’m leaving now. It was good to see you.” Gold said. When she was about to leave, Sting stopped her, Gold did not understand the embarrassment in his face, but she did not speak. 
“Is that true?” Sting asked.
 “That’s the truth, Foxy wants to get rid of Roxanne.” Gold answered him. Sting looked around, Gold wanted to pass him and go on, but something stopped her. 
“I’m going with you, but I can’t believe it. I just don’t want him to hurt Roxy.” Sting explained quickly. Gold was happy, she wanted to hug Sting and thank him, but she refrained from it. She just nodded and looked at Whiteflower. 
“Will you come with us, Whiteflower?” Gold asked. Whiteflower jumped slightly at his name, and he was thoughtful, as if he was worried. Uncertainly he approached them both and sighed heavily.
“Okay, I’ll go too.” Whiteflower said.
Gold felt uncomfortable to hear Whiteflower’s disturbed voice, but she ignored it. 
“We have to find the rest, follow me.” Gold spoke and walked towards a crowded place. She didn’t look back when she was in the crowd because she couldn’t turn around. When she came out of the crowd, she immediately met a restaurant where they wanted to eat, Gold already saw Roxanne, Ash, Ella and Dark. When she sensed the presence of Whiteflower and Sting, she ran towards them. When everyone saw her, they all got up and set out to Gold.  
“Gold! Where have you been? We were a little bit worried” Ella said. Gold smiled innocently, she refused to tell them about the situation with the thief so as not to destroy the pleasant atmosphere. 
“It doesn’t matter, but we have volunteers who want to help us.” Gold said, she stared at each member after the other. Roxanne made a grim face when she discovered Whiteflower and Sting, Gold was sad to see that. When Roxanne stood right in front of Whiteflower and Sting, she snorted, “what are they doing here?”
Gold rushed into Roxanne’s path, she saw Roxanne’s eyes flashing with anxiety. 
“I’ll explain everything when we get out of this town.” Gold whispered to Roxanne.
 “I don’t think they’re coming with us, do they?” Roxanne asked. Gold didn’t answer her, she walked away from Roxanne and looked at Ella.
 “Are you ready to go, my dear leader?” Gold asked nicely. Ella looked insecure when she said that. “You haven’t eaten, eat first, then we’ll move on.” 
Gold took two pieces of pizza off the table and pointed her thumb up.
“Now we can go, I’ll eat on the way.” Gold said as she went on. Sting wanted to tell Roxanne something, but Roxanne followed Gold. 
“And welcome to our group again, Sting and Whiteflower.” Ella said. Dark watched Sting and Whiteflower when he was walking next to Ella. Gold rolled her eyes with amusement.
“Thank you, Ella.” Whiteflower said. 
“Let’s go. I’m sick of this town.” Gold was kidding, when she ate a slice of pizza. 
Loud noises from town began to slowly fade away as Gold and the others were already leaving town. She felt slightly unskilful seeing Roxanne walking with an upset face, she was afraid that her own friend was angry with her. She has to understand that the more of us there are, the better. Gold thought. She turned back to Sting and Whiteflower so that they would not feel bad in their company, Gold was walking next to Sting, when Sting looked at her, she smiled kindly at him. She felt better when Sting smiled at her as well, but there was still sadness in his eyes. Is it because Roxanne won't listen to him? Gold, however, did not want to believe it, she always found Roxanne nice and helpful, she would never think badly of her. She was aware that Roxanne did not respect Sting as she used to because he broke her rules. Suddenly, Gold noticed the members at the front stop. She pushed forward quickly, wanted to know what was going on. However, she did not notice anything wrong, she only saw Ella who was looking at her with a serious expression. Gold had the impression that she had done something wrong, but she was reminded that she was supposed to explain the presence of Sting and Whiteflower. Gold stopped thinking when she heard Ella. "Gold, I think now you have the opportunity to explain why Sting and Whiteflower are here."
Before Gold could speak casually, her gaze fixed on Roxanne, she looked anxious. She hesitated, but that didn't stop her from saying what was going on, Gold took a deep breath and exhaled.
"Sting and Whiteflower want to come with us to find Shiver." Gold said. Some members looked at each other with shock, Gold was afraid that Ella would order Sting and Whiteflower back to town. Ella just looked calmly at Sting and Whiteflower who were watching.
"Is it true?" Ella asked, her voice as calm and friendly as ever. Gold tried to stay in good thoughts, Sting and Whiteflower might be back in their group for the rest of their mission. The more members the better for us. Gold repeated in her houghts.
"Yes, we want to help you," Sting said and he added, "But if you want us to leave, we will go.”
Roxanne stepped into the center and glared at Sting, Gold thought that an argument could soon arise. But she couldn't believe it herself, she remembered Roxanne telling Sting that she would always support him. Gold thought she was seeing a different Roxanne now, but Gold had no intention of criticizing her decision.
"They are not one of us." Roxanne growled.
"They may not be, but they can help us." Gold replied. She noticed Sting giving her a grateful look, Gold felt cold inside, she felt uncomfortable with the way Sting was looking at her.
"They broke the rules a long time ago." Roxanne said. "They have no right to come back to us again."
"But we need more members to stop Foxy." Gold said quickly to Roxanne. Roxanne merely looked at Gold and was silent, but she spoke after a few minutes, “what for? To fight him? “
"Yes, that's the only way we can save our home." Gold explained.
"You don't understand anything, he won't go away until ..."
Suddenly Roxanne was interrupted by Dark.
"Wait, Roxanne." He began, "aren't they worth trusting?"
Gold shuddered as Roxanne snarled something under her breath and turned her back to Dark. Why is she doing this? She doesn’t want to fight? Gold asked herself in a panic.
“You don't understand either, Dark. You only defend them because you are friends with them. " Roxanne replied. Dark fell silent when he heard this, he lowered his head slightly and looked as if he regretted speaking.
"Let's take it easy." Ella said. "We can't argue now, it will make our situation worse, we all have to stick together."
"How are we have to stick together when there are rule breakers around us?" Roxanne asked. She doesn't trust them, Gold thought. Just because they broke the rules. Gold didn't know what to say, she wanted to say that Sting and Whiteflower didn't want to break these rules by a purpose.
"They're not rule breakers." Gold said.
"They broke the rules only once, we should give them a chance." Ash spoke up. Roxanne looked at Ash in disbelief, was she disappointed with her friend?
"I agree with Ash." Ella replied, “I'm sure Sting and Whiteflower are people we can trust."
"Why don't you listen to me?" Roxanne asked.
"I'm sure everyone respects your opinion, Roxanne," Dark said to her, then he added, "but Ella is our leader and we must obey her.”
Roxanne didn't speak anymore as if she didn't want to argue with Dark. Gold watched Roxanne return to where she was standing before, she felt a little bad, but she was sure that later Roxanne would agree with her.
"Thank you for giving us a second chance, we appreciate it." Whiteflower said friendly. Ella smiled and nodded.
"Everyone who is good deserves a second chance."
Whiteflower smiled back, then he and Sting nodded. Ella turned her back to all of them, looking at on their way. Gold also looked at the path that leads to the forest a bit further from them.
“There is still a long way to go, we cannot give up. It always seems impossible until it's done, but we have to be strong until the end. " Ella muttered.
"And we'll be strong, always." Gold answered her. Ella looked at Gold respectfully, Gold felt proud as if she was about to face Foxy and his servants. The journey won't take long, we'll come back for Alex and Lillie, and then this nightmare will be over.

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