Chapter 5

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The wind was blowing on Lillie's body, and when she opened her eyes, she felt like a prisoner. She was still lying in the same place, she had been sitting there all day while the patrols searched for Roxanne and the rest of the group. Lillie prayed that neither Foxy nor anyone else could find them. It was getting dark already, the night was coming and it was getting colder. Lillie looked at Alex who was sitting under a tree, guarded by two tall men. Lillie had the feeling that there was no hope to save herself, strong opponents from her had an eye on both of them all this time. Foxy was the only one with a few servants who stayed at the tall tree. He probably wants to make sure we don't run away. Lillie thought. Before she was about to look in the other direction, Foxy came out of the large brush with a tall man with a strange mask, he looked like a monster. Lillie saw Foxy look straight ahead even though his servant was talking to him as if he was focused only on himself. Lillie trembled every time she see Foxy or Alfa, the thought that they had once been members of their group terrified her. Suddenly, Foxy and a tall mysterious man stopped near Lillie and the guard who was guarding her, she felt she wanted to be eavesdropped on because they were so close. I need to know what they're up to, I'll tell Roxanne later. Lillie thought.
"They must have ran to the city, no one in the village saw them." She heard a tall man dressed in black. His cloak was waving slightly in the wind.
"Then they could bypass the village to outsmart us." Foxy replied.
"Where are we going now?" He asked Foxy. Lillie watched Foxy think for a moment, her heart racing. She was afraid that this search would soon find Ash or even Roxanne.
"Head south, maybe they escaped there." Foxy ordered.
"As you wish, boss." The tall man muttered, then began to walk back toward the thickets of which they had both entered the Great Tree. Lillie became concerned when Foxy stopped him, had he changed his mind?
"Before you organize a patrol, I want you to keep me company on the way home to our wanted." Foxy said. To home? Why does Foxy wants to go there? Lillie asked herself many questions, she thought his servants had long ago searched the house. Is he not sure it has been searched?
"Why?" The tall man asked, his black mask with a white smile flashing as he turned his head towards Foxy.
"I want to check if they left anything of value at home, maybe then we'll find out where they went." Foxy replied grimly. Something was telling Lillie to go with Foxy, maybe it would gain his trust? However, she was afraid to speak, she thought that Foxy would not agree to her going with him because she is not one of them.
Lillie began to fear, not knowing what to say when she noticed how Foxy and the tall man were already walking towards the woods where their home is.
"W-wait!" Lillie called quickly. Foxy paused, his gaze locked on Lillie a moment later, his cool gaze saying it all. Lillie quickly stood up, and Foxy's servant who was guarding her reacted quickly, blocking her way. Lillie ignored it as she looked at Foxy and the servant who was standing next to him.
"I will go with you." Lillie spoke up. Foxy shot her a questioning look as if he didn't believe her words, Lillie just made a serious face. She hoped Foxy would trust her because of it, but every minute she thought that Foxy would not trust her.
"You? Why would you like to go there? " The servant asked in a threatening voice. Lillie swallowed, feeling Foxy's servants would attack her before she could say anything. All Lillie knew was that she couldn't give up now when there was a chance.
"If I have to be here, I don't want to feel useless here, I want to be useful." Lillie said calmly.
"Don't get involved in your own affairs and shut up!" A tall man threatened her. Lillie lowered her head in disappointment, all hope was gone, only sadness. How can they trust me after this prior situation? Lillie asked herself sarcastically. Suddenly she noticed that the servant who was guarding her moved away. Lillie realized too late that Foxy had approached her.
"Why would you believe her, she is like the other prisoner, she will try to escape from you." The tall stranger growled. Lillie looked at Foxy, who glared at her intently, he seemed to be wondering what Lillie had offered him. Foxy smiled slightly, then turned to face his helper.
"She won't run away, I'm sure of it." Foxy answered. Lillie felt angry, she wanted to break that smile from Foxy and run away to find her friends.
"So I can go with you?" Lillie asked hesitantly.
"Yes." Foxy replied, then he stopped smiling and started towards the woods, Lillie abruptly behind him. She tried to stick to her back, Lillie wanted to walk in silence and not talk to Foxy. When they reached the forest, Lillie couldn't hear the sound of the feet anymore, she looked ahead and her eyes met Foxy who was waiting for her a bit further. Lillie looked around, wanted to be sure that Foxy's servants were not here, but the thought that Foxy was watching her stopped thinking about escaping, but she obediently walked towards him. Lillie was walking beside Foxy with her head bowed, feeling uncomfortable with his presence. Through her bad thoughts, she imagined Roxanne fighting Foxy, but losing to him and dying. Lillie woke quickly from her thoughts when she heard Foxy. “Why do you want to come with me?”
Lillie did not meet his eyes, but concentrated only on herself to speak fluently and calmly.
"I want to be useful." Lillie said. Foxy raised one eyebrow as if he didn't understand Lillie.
"I thought you were on Roxanne's side." He answered in a serious voice. "She has always relied only on her friends, and she does.”
"I'm not on anyone's side." Lillie lied sharply. Foxy didn't speak anymore, just stared straight ahead. Lillie was trembling slightly with fear, she no longer knew what to do to gain his trust. Try to talk to him, maybe you'll find out something. She prompted herself in her mind.
"Why do you want to search the house after your helpers have already searched it?" Lillie asked. She noticed the hesitation in Foxy's gaze, but that quickly faded as if to show he was in charge.
"You ask a lot of questions, keep quiet." Foxy growled. Lillie thought for a moment what to say to him, she realized that he wasn't going there for "valuable things", but for something else. He just wants to visit the house. Lillie thought. But why won't he tell me? Lillie, however, quickly reprimanded herself, because she is a prisoner. Foxy seemed to avoid Lillie's gaze as if he were ignoring her. Once she noticed a familiar color in the forest, she shivered. Home, sweet home. Lillie thought sadly, she began to miss her home. She remembered her and the whole group playing truth or dare outside. There was pain in her eyes, and she dreamed so badly that Roxanne and Ash were here. Hope they're in a safe place. Lillie thought.  Foxy shot Lillie a scowl, then said, "Before we enter this house, I advise you not to do any tricks or else you will die, understood?”
Lillie nodded quickly, and Foxy was already on his way to the door, Lillie abruptly followed him, her expression worried. She was afraid of what Foxy was up to when they both came into the apartment and Lillie locked the door behind her. She tried to find Foxy, who was visiting the house, wondering how many months he’d been gone. Lillie found Foxy in the living room and noticed that he was watching pictures of Gold or Roxanne and Dark. She saw the emptiness in his eyes.
 “What are you doing?” Lillie asked quietly. Foxy stopped looking at the pictures and took a deep breath. Is he sad? Lillie asked in her mind. She went to Foxy and looked at the picture in which Roxanne was happy with Gold. Lillie didn’t understand Foxy’s weird reaction, is it because Roxanne’s in the photo? Suddenly Foxy took the painting off the wall, and Lillie tried to stop him, but she stopped and thought it would end badly for her.
“What’s going on?” Lillie asked him. Before she could do anything, she trembled when Foxy threw the picture on the floor and broke the glass. 
“What have you done?!” Lillie asked.
Foxy gave her an angry look and pushed her hard, almost losing her balance.
“Shut up.” He told her. 
“Why did you do that?” Lillie asked him quickly. Foxy growled under his nose, Lillie felt Foxy was going to attack her, but he didn’t move.
“I’m fixing my mistake.” Foxy answered. 
“Mistake? What’s the point of destroying the photos? It won’t make up for anything!” Lillie said. Foxy didn’t answer, he left living room. 
“Where’s Roxanne’s room?” Foxy asked. Lillie gave him a sign to follow her, and she reluctantly went up the stairs to the first floor. She pointed her finger at the black wooden door, and Foxy went right there. Lillie walked in right behind him, she didn’t want Foxy to smash another photo out of anger. She had her eye on him, and this time she won’t let Foxy destroy anything, but to her surprise Foxy only stared at the book that was on the desk. His eyes got stuck with Lillie, which gave her a strange feeling. 
“Go downstairs.” Foxy ordered. Lillie walked out and closed the door behind her. She pretended to come down, she put her face closer to the door and watched her through the keyhole of the door. She saw Foxy touch the book he was watching when he touched it, it vanished like dust. Lillie trembled when she noticed that, she went down quietly, hoping Foxy couldn’t hear her. The silence made her feel at home, but she had the feeling that she was being watched. As she was about to go outside, Foxy's voice scared her.
"Stay where you are."
Lillie turned to Foxy, an invisible sadness in his eyes. Did he find anything in the room that broke him? Lillie had the feeling that Foxy might have been attracted to the photos Roxanne had. She remembered finding them in her desk in one of the drawers, Roxanne wanted Lillie not to tell anyone about it, she promised not to tell anyone.
"Are we going back to the Tall Tree?" She asked him calmly. Foxy was thoughtful for a moment, but shook his head slightly and looked at Lillie.
"Yes, you stay close to me." Foxy growled and pushed himself in her way. Lillie felt irritated and followed Foxy with great reluctance. Why does he still think I'm going to run away? Lillie thought. Lillie closed the door behind her, looked at her home full of memories for the last time, she felt she would never come back. Lillie sadly followed Foxy with her head bowed, asking herself why she had become Foxy's prisoner, although she did not wish it to anyone, she wanted to be free.
"Come closer." Foxy ordered. Lillie moved faster and started walking alongside Foxy. Suddenly she noticed that strange slyvettes were moving far from them in the background of the forest, Lillie shuddered, they were Foxy's servants.
"Why are your helpers a bit further away from us?" Lillie asked.
"They want to make sure you don't run away." Foxy told her. I'm not even going to run away! She screamed furiously in her mind.
"Okay, but you said .."
Foxy didn't let her finish.
"Forget what I said, it is a thing of the past."
Lillie raised one eyebrow, not understanding Foxy. Hearing Foxy's calm tone, Lillie wanted very much to ask Foxy to trust her, but tried not to. Don't do anything stupid, don't. She begged herself silently. She was afraid that one of Foxy's debts would attack her, but she was alert to the figures and Foxy. Lillie felt Foxy's eyes on her body, she ignored it and stared straight ahead.
"You still haven't answered honestly why you came with me." He said to her. Lillie gave him a questioning look, why did Foxy suddenly become curious? She thought she would never trust her after an earlier argument, but felt relieved that they were all going according to her plan.
"Because I want to be useful." She replied the same as before.
"Useful for me?" He asked grimly, though there was sarcasm in his voice. Lillie felt colder, does Foxy want to outsmart her?
"Even when I'm trapped, I can be useful." Lillie said quickly. Foxy looked around suspiciously as if he were alert to his servants.
"Is that what Roxanne taught you?" Foxy asked, her friend's name was underlined. Lillie had no idea what Foxy meant. She realized moments later that he thought Roxanne had taught her to be "useful" to the villains.
“No, that's who I am. I don't like when I'm useless, ”she said, then she stopped looking at Foxy. "I'm just doing it so you don't hurt Alex and me.”
Foxy looked threatening as if he was outraged by something. Lillie ignored it, all she wanted was to go to sleep in a comfortable place.
"Only because?" Foxy repeated. Lillie hesitated, her heart racing. She asked herself what he meant.
"Yes, you thought I was going to help someone who is trying to kill my friend?" Lillie asked desperately. Foxy raised one eyebrow and stopped looking at Lillie, she heard Foxy laugh softly.
"You don't even know how many things she did to me." Foxy growled, then he moved faster.
Lillie felt confused, what Roxanne could have done in the past? Is this why Foxy takes revenge on her? Lillie asked herself questions before, but she didn't know if Foxy was telling her the truth. Lillie caught up with Foxy who was no longer paying attention to her. So he wants to get back at Roxanne for some reason? Lillie asked herself. As they left the woods, Lillie felt more chill, she felt like a snowy night. Lillie suddenly felt courageous, felt that she had to say something.
"Then what did she do to you?" Lillie asked softly. Foxy seemed restless, he was silent, but after a few minutes, he spoke. "You won't understand anything."
Lillie began to imagine what bad Roxanne could do, forcing herself to find out.
"I'll try to understand you, I ...”
Lillie stopped speaking as she saw Alfa and two unknown men walking towards them. Lillie was walking slower now, Foxy rushed when he noticed Alfa. Lillie stopped when she was quite close to Foxy.
"Has anything happened while I was away?" Foxy asked. Lillie looked at Alfa, who straightened to show that he is tall.
"They found Roxanne." Alfa said, though there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice. Lillie froze with fear. She tried to calm down, but began to lose control of herself. No, that's not true! Lillie screamed in her mind. Foxy started towards the Tall Tree without a answer, Lillie ran after him. I need to find out if it's true! Lillie thought. As she entered the Tall Tree territory right behind Foxy, she began to look around furiously for a familiar figure. She stopped looking around as she noticed Foxy's servants walking towards them, and Lillie began to tremble slightly with fear. All the servants allowed two servants to pass who were holding the woman with black hair and white clothes. Lillie felt a great relief when she didn't recognize the woman's face. It's not Roxanne! Lillie thought happily. However, she was afraid of the fate of the girl, similar to Roxanne. She saw the two servants throwing her to the ground, Lillie felt compassion for this girl.
"Who is this?" Foxy asked menacingly.
"They claim it's Roxanne." Alfa answered first, standing on the other side of Foxy's. The servants looked at the situation nervously. Foxy looked at the girl who was lying on the ground and was coughing up the dirt on her face.
"You idiots, this isn't Roxanne!" Foxy raised his voice.
The servants began to drift away from Foxy in fear. Lillie didn't understand why no one was paying attention to her, she looked at Foxy who looked bored and pissed.
“I am not Roxanne! My name is Zara, I have nothing to do with it! " The girl screamed in terror. Foxy didn't speak, just rolled his eyes in embarrassment.
"Where did you find her?" The man who had the mask asked. Lillie realized it was the same man who spoke to Foxy earlier. Without a word, she watched what was happening.
"Near the village." One of the servants answered.
"Please let me leave!" Zara pleaded, tears was streaming down her cheeks. Lillie felt as if her heart was being trampled on, she dreamed very much to help the girl, but she watched helplessly. I don't want any trouble later. Lillie thought. There was an awkward silence, only Zara's sobbing could be heard. Suddenly, Foxy walked over to the girl who was still lying on the ground. Zara looked terrified, Lillie was sure that Foxy would not let her go now.
"Will you let me go?" Zara asked him.
Lillie was afraid of what ideas Foxy had in his head now, would he imprison Zara like her and Alex? Foxy suddenly grabbed the girl by the hair and began to violently pull her towards the boulder where Ella usually spoke. Lillie felt the same pain as Zara. As Foxy pulled her, Zara screamed in pain. Lillie saw Foxy's servants gather under the speech boulder. Seeing this, Lillie began to push herself desperately to get to the front. When she was successful she began to watch with sadness and fear.
"What are you going to do?" Alfa asked. Foxy said nothing, he let go of Zara's hair as they both got to the boulder. Lillie suddenly noticed Alex who was confused and don't know what is going on. Lillie, however, did not move towards her, she wanted to know what Foxy was is going to do with Zara.
"You know, you remind me of Roxanne, begging for mercy and forgiveness." Foxy said grimly. Zara was too stunned by the pain, she looked like she didn't understand what was happening around her. Let her out, Lillie thought menacingly, then thought, she has nothing to do with it.
"She thinks she'll convince me of this," Foxy began to say, "but it's the past, she will never win against me.”
Lillie froze as Foxy pinned Zara to a rock, then she noticed Foxy taking something out of his pocket. Before Lillie could realize what it was, Foxy slit Zara's throat with a sharp tool. Lillie gasped in a panic, blood from Zara's neck gushing at Foxy and the boulder. Lillie heard Zara trying to catch her breath, but moments later Zara stopped fighting. Lillie began to pant anxiously, tried to calm herself, she didn't believe what she was seeing. Foxy knocked the dead Zara off a boulder, Lillie saw death in Zara's eyes. Why did he do it? What for? Lillie asked herself in panic. Lillie felt that Foxy saw her reaction, which gave him satisfaction.
"This is how those inattentive will end." Foxy said. Lillie heard the whispers of Foxy's servants around her, she thought they were as scared as she was. Only Alfa and the man with the mask stood unmoved and erect.
"I don't care what you think, these are my orders and rules.” Foxy said loudly. Lillie felt strange at the word "rules", she was sure that the rules would be bad.
"If no one will obeys them, they will die in torment." He threatened Foxy, then he added more aggressively, "you have to find the real Roxanne, not just an ordinary, stupid and useless bitch."
Lillie's tears slowly started to run down her cheeks, she felt bad about the death of an innocent girl. You should save her. She thought to herself.
"Have I made myself clear?" Foxy growled emotionlessly. Lillie looked at the crowd of Foxy's servants, and they nodded quickly. They're afraid they'll end up like Zara. Lillie thought.
"Great, from today only Alfa and Levis will be the rules of patrols." Foxy announced. Alfa and the masked man exchanged proud looks at their names. Lillie stopped looking at the two men after that, only her gaze fixed on Foxy.
"Go away, you are going to look for our treasures tomorrow in the morning." Foxy said.
As everyone parted, she shivered as Foxy walked toward her, but he passed her by. Before he could get past her, however, she heard his voice, "That's how your friends will end up when I’ll find them."
Lillie was about to answer him, but one of Foxy's servants grabbed her and dragged her towards where she had been sitting all day. Lillie looked at Foxy one last time, who followed Alfa and Levis with a cold look. Lillie coughed, still couldn't believe Foxy had killed this girl. She felt the urge to avenge her death. You won't be in charge for long, I promise you.

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