Chapter 8

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Lillie sat silently, staring up at the sky. It has been several hours since she spoke to Alex, Lillie tried to convince her that she would try to gain Foxy's trust, and then she and Alex would run away when the opportunity arose. Lillie had already thought that Roxanne and the others might not come back, she felt terrible with that thought, with each passing hour her hope that her group would come back diminished. What if they found a new home forgetting about us? Lillie asked herself mentally. Lillie wanted to calm her thoughts, but felt helpless. She could still see the dead Zara in a pool of blood in her mind. Will I ever forget it? She asked mentally. She felt guilty for Zara's death, Lillie dreamed of going back in time and stopping Foxy, but knew it was impossible. She missed the old times so much, she had the feeling that she is going crazy here. But Lillie stopped showing despair, only courage. If they don't come back, we'll save ourselves. Lillie thought menacingly. Lillie shook her head, trying to stop thinking about bad things. She was sure that holding on to bad thoughts would get her nothing, there was still a chance to escape. Suddenly Lillie looked in the direction where Alex is trapped, she noticed Alfa talking to Alex there. Lillie dreamed of approaching them so that Alfa wouldn't do anything wrong to Alex, but she remembered Alex telling her that Alfa was her boyfriend. She was still not sure whether to trust Alfa, Alfa seemed more aggressive than Levis or Foxy. Lillie lowered her head, didn't even know if she was stronger than any of Foxy's servants. Lillie wanted to test her battle skills on Foxy's servant, she could use it. However, her thoughts vanished when she heard one of Foxy's servants talking to the guard who was guarding her.
"That order was given by Levis?" The guard asked incredulously.
"Yes, now let me talk to her." Foxy's servant snarled lowly. Lillie felt weird, was he talking about her? She shivered as the guard let the brown-haired man pass. Lillie swallowed, quickly stood up, not knowing what was going on.
"You're coming with me." He said to her. Lillie just nodded, then followed the servant. If I listen to them, I will gain their trust. Lillie was consoling herself mentally. Foxy's servant led Lillie into the woods that were close to their home. She wondered about one thing, what Foxy's servant would want from her.
"Come over there." He said to her. Lillie obediently entered the overgrown place, when her gaze emerged from him, she saw Foxy's servant waiting for her. Why did he bring me here? Lillie wondered.
"What do you need from me?" Lillie asked softly.
"My name is Jack," he began to say in a calm voice, "I am ... or was, a resident of Blox Town."
Lillie raised one eyebrow, not sure what Jack meant.
"Why are you telling me such things?" Lillie asked him. Jack looked around to make sure no one is watching them.
“I know you want to escape." Jack said. Lillie was shocked, but she quickly tried to pretend.
"What are you talking about?" Lillie asked.
"You don't have to pretend, I have seen for some time that you are trying to gain our boss's trust." Jack answered seriously. Lillie didn't know what to say, she felt as if someone had stepped on her pride.
"Is it wrong?" Lillie snarled sharply.
"Of course not, I just wanted to tell you that I also want to get away from these constant orders." Jack said. Lillie made a scowl, she thought Jack was trying to outsmart her. I can't trust anyone here. Lillie advised herself. Suddenly, from behind the ivies and bushes, she heard a patrol walking straight towards them. Lillie gave Jack a confused look.
"Trust me," he said, then added staring at Lillie, "and I'll help you get away.”
Before Lillie could say anything, she looked away and saw the patrol led by Levis. She saw his head lean towards Lillie and then Jack.
"What are you doing here?" Levis asked menacingly. "Nothing, it just helped me with something." Jack answered. Lillie stood silent, her mind whirling. This guy is quite weird, but can I trust him? Lillie asked herself.
"Prisoners are not allowed to leave the Tall Tree territory." Levis growled. Jack didn't answer, he just looked kindly at Lillie. Seeing this, Lillie stopped looking at Jack, she followed Jack back to the Tall Tree.
"Under no circumstances should you tell your boss about it." Levis said to Jack.
"Understood, what am I to say to him then?" Jack asked. Lillie looked at Levis who lowered his head a little, Lillie raised her eyebrows.
"Leave it to me.” Levis said darkly. Jack nodded, then started walking faster, Lillie moved faster as she noticed Jack's faster pace. When she entered the territory of Tall Tree right behind Jack, she noticed that Alex was sitting holding his bloody hand, Lillie shivered, she noticed that it was Foxy who did it, he was standing in front of her with a sharp object in his hand, Lillie reacted by walking towards them.
"What's going on here?" Lillie asked. Foxy looked at Lillie with one eyebrow raised. Lillie glared angrily at Foxy.
"None of your business." Foxy growled.
"Why did you do that?" Lillie asked calmly. Even though she felt a great deal of anger, she spoke calmly, she wanted to gain Foxy's trust as soon as possible.
"Get out of here." He ordered her sharply. Foxy pushed Lillie and she nearly lost her balance, but she managed not to fall off.
"Is it because she tried to escape?" Lillie asked. As she said this, Alex looked at her confusedly, tears was streaming from her eyes with the pain. Blood was dripping from Alex's hand, making Lillie feel terrible. I have to be strong, no matter what I have to do. Lillie thought. Foxy didn't answer her, he just looked back at Alex who was terrified. Lillie walked over to Alex, tried to pretend she was mad at her.
"Don't try to run away!" Lillie thundered.
Sorry, Alex. Lillie thought sadly. Alex just groaned in pain as she tried to stand up. Foxy deliberately pushed himself towards Lillie, giving her a furious glare.
"I'll take care of it, you have to go back to your place." Foxy growled. Lillie looked at Alex one last time, her expression turning to despondent seeing her friend like this. She didn't want to leave her with Foxy, but she felt the need to do so. She turned to the side where she had been sitting all day and started walking when suddenly a well-known guard grabbed her and dragged her with him. I can walk! Lillie called in her mind. Suddenly she was surprised at Foxy's voice. "Wait, Stratus.”
Stratus turned to Foxy, Lillie wished the monster would stop grabbing her with those big hands. Will it ever end? Lillie asked herself.
"Let go of our prisoner." Foxy ordered in a grim voice. Stratus released Lillie aggressively and she fell to the ground. Lillie snarled at Stratus, but he ignored it.
"If you know, I have a name." Lillie said.
"Of course," Foxy said, then he added, "Lillie.”
Lillie was still sitting awkwardly on the ground, she was afraid that if she dared to get up, Stratus would hit her, so she took no risk. She wondered what Foxy wanted from her.
"You want your friend to stop running, right?" Foxy asked. Lillie didn't understand why Foxy was asking her that, she felt stupid and weird. Did he starter to trust her? Lillie wasn't sure what to answer, she didn't want to say anything bad about Alex because she is her friend. She always trusts Alex now, not Foxy or Jack. Foxy waited patiently for her answer, but his eyes told her something, though she couldn't understand it.
"Yes ... I wish, I don't want her to get in more trouble." Lillie muttered. The blood from Alex's hand was already flowing to the ground, Lillie saw how her friend was suffering, she felt bad about it. I should help her, just like Zara. Lillie thought. She tried to hide her despair inside, she wasn't going to show how much she worried about Alex's health and her own.
“Glad to hear that," Foxy said, "then teach her to obey me."
Lillie grimaced her face as Foxy motioned for her to stand up, do so. How would I teach her? What is he talking about? Lillie thought.  Foxy smiled slightly contemptuously, is that a bad sign? Lillie sighed heavily, then she said, walking slowly towards Alex, “Okay, I'll see what I can do.”
Lillie froze as she felt Foxy's hand on her right shoulder, she glared at him feverishly. Foxy extended his hand with a sharp tool to her, Lillie noticed that the sharp tool was in the blood, Lillie was wondering if it was Alex's or Zara's blood.
"Show what you can do." Foxy said. Lillie's mind started to run wild, she had bad thoughts in front of her, and she had to make up her mind as well. Does he want me to kill her? She asked in horror in her mind. Lillie took one step back, her eyes round with shock.
"What do you mean?" Lillie asked hesitantly.
"Make her stop running." Foxy said. Lillie began to hesitate, hurting Alex wouldn't stop her from running away. She was sure there was another option for Alex to stop running away.
"I ... I can't." She stammered uncertainly.
"Come on, don't be like your members." Foxy snorted impatiently. "Don't you remember they left you here all alone?”
They didn't leave, they ran for help. Lillie thought silently to herself. Even though she felt that Roxanne, Ash and the others would not be back, she was still hopeful that she would run away with Alex to find them, she refused to prove her loyalty to Foxy by hurting her friend. Do I have a choice at all? She asked herself mentally.
"You can get back at them now, or at least one of them." Foxy said. Lillie looked at Foxy with a faint sadness and concern. There was nothing she could do but hurt Alex. Hesitantly, Lillie snatched the sharp tool from Foxy's hand, then she began walking slowly towards Alex. Alex was sobbing louder as she tried to run away, but the intense pain in her hand made her unable to move. As Lillie was close to Alex, she remembered what Alex had once told her, "I can trust any friend.” Lillie felt Foxy and Stratus behind her, she hesitated to hurt her friend. She didn't want to make Alex's suffering any longer. I am forced to do this, I can do it, I have to do it. Lillie thought quickly.
"Lillie, please don't do this!" Alex said in a panic voice. Lillie hesitated again, she thought she was going to cry, but Lillie tried to stay calm.
"Don’t listen to her." She heard Foxy. Lillie's hands were shaking, she couldn't hurt any person, not even a friend. It will take a while! Lillie thought.
"Don't be on their side!" Alex was shouting at her.
"Do it now." She heard Foxy's angry voice. Lillie closed her eyes then attacked Alex, then, she heard a painful scream as she stabbed her. Lillie fell to the ground panting, her ears began to squeal and she felt as if she could hear whispers in her head. After a few moments, Lillie regained consciousness, quickly opened her eyes, and began to breathe troubledly. As she rose to sit down, she noticed Alex in front of her, moaning in pain and crying. She saw her stomach bleeding, Lillie panicked. Oh no! What I've done?! Lillie cried out in her mind. Alex, unable to keep her balance, she fell to the ground with her whole body. She noticed that Alfa ran up to Alex, and then sat down next to her. Lillie was still panicked and froze in fear. How could I do this to my own friend? I'm terrible, I should be hurt, not her! Lillie screamed in her mind.
"Well done, Lillie." Suddenly she heard Foxy's contemptuous voice. Lillie was still staring at Alex who was probably dying, Alfa put his hand on her stomach, and then Lillie noticed the light on Alfa's hand. Seeing this, Lillie quickly got up, does Alfa have unusual powers? She forgot that Foxy was standing behind her and she collided lightly with him. Lillie turned sharply to face him with a scared expression on her face.
"Sorry." She apologized quickly to Foxy. I'm sorry Alex! Sorry! Lillie called out helplessly in her mind. Foxy merely looked at Levis who had approached them, then Foxy pointed his eyes at Lillie. Levis attacked Lillie, meanwhile she tried to get away from her attacker, Lillie tried to scream for help but to no avail. Levis started to beat Lillie on the head and when he dealt too hard a blow, she began to pass out. The last thing she saw was Jack, standing not far away from another servant, then she saw nothing, but darkness.
Lillie was running through the glowing clearing, laughing as she fell to the ground wanting to observe the stars, she felt that someone was spying on her. Lillie stood up, but she saw no one, suddenly as she looked ahead, she noticed Roxanne and Ash staring at her emotionlessly. Lillie felt uncomfortable, but it made her happy to see her friends.
"What have you done?" Roxanne asked.
"You hurt your own member." Ash said threateningly. Lillie shivered, she didn't know what to say, but she wanted to tell them she had to do it.
"You shouldn't belong to us." She heard Gold's voice behind her.
"It's ... it's not what you think!" Lillie called desperately. However, the members did not listen to her as if they had not heard her, Lillie suddenly heard negative insults.
"You are nothing but a failure!"
"Get out of our lives!"
"You must leave or you will die!"
Before Lillie could say anything, she woke up in the real world, panting. It was just a dream? She asked herself mentally. It looked so realstic. Lillie clutched her forehead, feeling a headache. A moment later she looked around, noticed that she was in some house. Where am I? Lillie asked herself mentally. Lillie got up from the wooden bed, she was feeling very strange. It seemed that all that had happened before was just a long bad dream, but when she wanted to open the door from the exit, the door did not open. Have ... have they locked me up here? Lillie was trembling in her mind. She began to hit on the door with her hands, Lillie was going to make sure there were guards there.
"Somebody is here?" Lillie called. No one answered, Lillie lowered her head, but suddenly she heard the door open with the keys. Lillie walked quickly to the door again, and Levis appeared in the doorway.
"Where am I? Is ... is Alex alive? " Lillie asked him.
"You'll find out when we get back to Tall Tree territory, understood?" Levis answered. Lillie didn't react, she noticed it was night now, had she been unconscious for so long?
"But what are we doing here?" Lillie asked.
"Be quiet, follow me, don't try anything stupid." Levis growled. Lillie nodded uncertainly, as she was returning with Levis, she remembered Jack's offer, Lillie noticed that he was one of Foxy's silent servants, was what he had said before was true? Lillie decided to trust him. This is our chance to get away. Lillie thought. Lillie looked around here and there, noticed that the house in which she was lying was wooden, but how did a house suddenly appear in the middle with no population? Lillie was asking herself a lot of questions in her mind, Foxy's plans seemed strange and suspicious to her now.  Was it because Lillie did as Foxy told her to do? Lillie was worried about Alex, hoping her friend had survived it. I didn't do it on purpose, I just wanted to ... prove that I don't want to be useless. Lillie thought. Earlier, Lillie had considered the whole situation a bad dream that was not real. Did my dream mean something? Did our friends leave us? Lillie asked herself. She couldn't believe her dream, she always trusted all members of the group. Suddenly, recognizing the place where meetings usually take place, she began to run, but again felt a strong pain in her head, so she refrained from running. Levis unexpectedly caught up with her, keeping an eye on her. When they got there, Lillie searched frantically for Alex, she was glad to see Alex sitting next to Alfa. Lillie looked quickly to Levis, then asked, “Is Jack here somewhere?”
Levis looked amazed when Lillie asked him about it, but he replied, "He's on patrol led by our boss."
"Okay, if they'll come back, would you let me know, please?" Lillie asked him calmly.
"I'll see what I can do." He growled, then walked away from her. Lillie was relieved that Levis was not mean to her, she decided to go towards Alex and Alfa. Lillie felt very guilty walking towards them when Alfa noticed her, he got up and blocked her way.
"What are you looking for?" Alfa asked menacingly.
"I want to talk to Alex, please let me pass." Lillie said.
When Lillie noticed that Alfa was not responding to her, she bypassed him and continued to walk towards her friend, but Alfa did not give her the win, he aggressively pushed her, throwing her a furious look.
"Get out of my sight, loser." Alfa snorted. Lillie looked at Alex, who had round eyes with terror. Is she afraid of me? Lillie asked herself. Feeling guilty, she gave up going to Alex. Lillie still couldn't stop thinking about what she had done to Alex, she had the feeling that she didn't even belong to their group anymore. I just wanted to apologize her, she will never forgive me. Lillie thought desperately. She sat down on a thick log that was near the tree, and then lay down and fell asleep.
Lillie was awakened by loud screams, hearing that Lillie quickly got up and walked towards the sounds that came from the tree where it is overgrown with bushes. Lillie hid when she noticed Alfa and Foxy behind the bushes, she began to eavesdrop on their conversation with curiosity.
"Have I ever let you hurt Alex?" She heard Alfa's angry voice. Lillie's heart started to beat faster, are they arguing?
"You shouldn't interfere in matters that are not yours." Foxy replied.
"That's what I told you when you were destroying my friendship with Roxanne!" Alfa thundered furiously. Lillie heard a strange noise as if someone had hit someone. Lillie realized that Alfa was not into Foxy.
"I never broke it, you did it to yourself." Foxy said, boredom was in his voice.
"Never touch Alex again!" Alfa shouted. Lillie suddenly imagined Foxy attacking Alfa, if they fought who would win?
"You can only threaten, remember that it was I who pulled you out of this void you were in." Foxy growled.
"I don’t care!" She heard Alfa. Lillie was surprised that Alfa was defending Alex, has there been a change in him? Does he regret joining Foxy? Lillie dreamed that it was true, that she would help Alfa to get out of this hell as soon as possible if he trusted her.
"Then why did you choose to be on my side?" Foxy asked sharply.
"To humiliate Roxanne for what she did!" Alfa said. "I never promised to be loyal to you.”
Lillie was shocked at this, she tried to look when she succeeded, she saw how Alfa was watching Foxy who seems to be calm. There was a silence, Lillie hid in the bushes again so Alfa or Foxy would not notice her.
"Either you leave Alex or I'll leave!" Alfa screamed. "Then I'll get back to Roxanne myself."
"Revenge is mine, for Roxanne you are nothing but a fool who cannot understand her feelings."
Lillie heard Alfa's mocking laugh.
"Are you talking about yourself?" Alfa asked menacingly.
"Honestly, we're both fools to her." Foxy said indifferently. Lillie heard Alfa growled in rage, but she couldn't understand what. She only wondered if Alfa would leave or not.
“It's because of you!" Alfa growled, and then Lillie heard footsteps near her hideout, Lillie shuddered. She quickly got up and began to run as quietly as possible, as she lay on the same log, she had already noticed Alfa walking towards the forest. Lillie remembered about Jack then, quickly stood up again as she felt safe, then looked around. She was saying Jack's name softly, hoping to find him somewhere, Lillie got scared when she noticed Jack behind her.
"You called me?" Jack asked. Lillie took a deep breath and exhaled, hoping her decision wouldn't affect her or Alex later on. I trust him. Lillie thought.
"I ... I'm in it, I trust you." Lillie said.
"Really?" Jack asked in a shocked voice. Lillie smiled and nodded. Jack looked like a happy child, and Lillie was amused at that. As the silence fell, Jack looked at Lillie seriously.
"Now, we're going to be plan our escape from this prison."

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