Chapter 11

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Lillie opened her eyes, she yawned sleepily, Lillie sat down on the log. As she looked around, she noticed Jack nearby, who seemed to be pretending to be asleep. Lillie quietly got up and walked over to Jack, still feeling weird since she and Jack were working together to escape Foxy's hands. However, Lillie was sure she would run away with Alex to find her friends, only when would they do? Lillie was getting impatient every day, she dreamed of running away even now, but something stopped her.
"Is anyone watching us?" Lillie heard Jack's whisper. Lillie looked around carefully, it was empty, only she saw Alex asleep under the tree. Lillie felt terrible seeing Alex clutch at the bandaged belly, which made her lower her head.
"No." Lillie replied. Jack stood up, Lillie watched as Jack looked around, didn't he believe her words?
"Let's go discuss our plan in the woods, don't speak out loud." Jack muttered. Lillie nodded hesitantly, walking a little further from Jack with a tired expression on her face. She shook her head to pull herself together, she has to be  careful now. This plan has to work, if it doesn't work, who will find Roxanne and the rest? Lillie asked herself. The thought that they would never get away gave her the chills that she would not want to live in Foxy's group for the rest of her life. As they walked towards the forest, Lillie heard footsteps, she wanted to warn Jack, but she noticed his silhouette entering the forest. Lillie took a deep breath in and out, then continued to walk, but was suddenly stopped by Levis. She saw Foxy's loyal servant watch her closely. Lillie panicked when she went to the woods now? I need to concentrate. Lillie thought quickly.
“Where are you going?” Levis asked seriously.
"I'm going home, Foxy asked me to find .. pictures of Roxanne." Lillie lied, she tried to sound confident, but she only felt fear and anger towards Levis. Levis looked towards the forest, Lillie swallowed, she was afraid that Jack might come out of the forest.
"Then I will go with you." Levis said. Lillie shuddered, she wanted to somehow persuade the man not to come with her, but was afraid to say no to him. What am I going to do now? Lillie asked herself in fear. Levis started to drive, Lillie followed him with her head bowed, she dreamed very much now to run back to the Talk Tree to sleep peacefully. Jack came out of the woods, Levis stopped and straightened up. Lillie looked at Jack awkwardly, hoping Jack had a plan.
"What are you doing, Levis?" Jack asked calmly.
"I'm escorting her home, that's an order from Foxy." Levis growled impatiently. Jack looked at Lillie in mild surprise, Lillie smiled nervously. Jack's gaze told her everything.
"You know, I was just gonna take her there." Jack answered. Levis looked confused as he looked at Lillie and then at Jack.
"That's true?" Levis asked Lillie, anger in his voice.
"Y ... yeah, Foxy told Jack to keep an eye on me." Lillie said. Levis moved away from Lillie, he turned his back to both of them, Levis was looking out over the territory of the Tall Tree.
”Okay then, come back as soon as possible." Levis muttered, already starting to walk towards the Tall Tree. Lillie breathed a sigh of relief as she continued to follow Jack who laughed. She felt safer in the presence of Jack, but she didn't know why.
"Next time, be more persuasive." She heard Jack in front of her.
"I'm only..."
"Afraid?" Jack interrupted her. Lillie didn't answer him as if she agreed with him. I can't be brave in the company of these sadists. Lillie thought.
"You have nothing to fear, you are safe with me." Jack said. Lillie still didn't speak, she still hesitated whether to trust Jack or not, but she noticed that he was remarkably determined. Suddenly, Jack stopped, waiting for Lillie, and Lillie immediately looked in his direction.
"Nobody will hear or find us here." Jack assured him.
"How do you know that?" Lillie asked courageously. Jack sat down on the grass, he bowed his head, and Lillie sat in front of him, watching him.
"I know this because I'm patrolling myself with Foxy or Alfa." Jack answered. Lillie just nodded, not knowing what to say.
"As you and I were helping out with our base today, I noticed one important thing." Jack began to say seriously, "They let you move through the territory.”
Lillie noticed this as well, instead of being held captive, Foxy appreciated her efforts and help. Lillie realized he was being gentle with her only because she listened to him, she dreamed of showing her true face to Foxy, but Lillie knew it was too risky.
"It might be useful to us because your friend can't go where she wants like you." Jack replied. Lillie thought about a good plan for a moment, but shivered as she realized what Jack meant.
"Are you trying to tell me to somehow distract them?" Lillie asked softly. Jack shook his head immediately.
"We have to be ready to get away late at night, we'll have a better chance for you and me to get away." Jack said. Lillie shot him a glare, Jack didn't mention Alex, is it because Alex doesn't know about their cooperation?
"What about Alex?" Lillie asked seriously.
"Are you thinking about her?" Jack asked, surprised.
"Yes, don't you think I'm leaving her here." Lillie growled, stopping her eyes from looking at Jack. Jack sighed heavily as he tried to catch Lillie's eye, but Lillie ignored him.
"I thought you had an argument, you hurt her with a knife ...."
"It was Foxy who made me do it!" Lillie choked out, interrupting Jack.
Emotions started pouring out of her head, she saw herself listening to Foxy again to hurt Alex. Lillie tried not to cry, she couldn't show that it made her heartbroken in front of Jack.
"I'm sorry to hear that." Jack replied softly.
"It's ... it's not your fault, it's mine." Lillie said hesitantly. Jack looked at her in surprise, he looked like he was seeing a ghost.
"Wait what? Why?" Jack asked. Lillie looked up, she was looking boldly at Jack who was giving her a sympathetic look.
"I listened to Foxy, I didn't want to hurt anyone, just gain Foxy’s trust." Lillie replied. Jack looked sad and grabbed Lillie's hand, which made Lillie hesitate. She was speechless because she hadn't expected it from someone who was Foxy's servant.
“Don't blame yourself, it's Foxy's fault. I'm also trying to gain his trust so that he doesn't keep an eye on me. " Jack said. Lillie pushed Jack's hand away, she hesitated. It looks like we both have the same problem. Lillie thought desperately. She wondered how she could make Foxy trust them both. She remembered how Foxy always kept an eye on her when she wasn't being guarded by Stratus. How can they get rid of this problem now? Lillie lit up as her ingenuity awoke.
"Maybe we should do something kindly to prove our loyalty." Lillie said. But Jack didn't look confident, he was still worried and scared.
"The problem is that Foxy, Levis and Alfa, are thinking you are nothing important but a prisoner." Jack answered honestly.
Lillie didn't understand why Jack's behavior suddenly has changed.
"It is worth a try." Lillie insisted, looking at Jack.
"So how and when are we going to do this" good deed "?" Jack asked. Lillie looked up, leaves obscured the moon in the sky.
“See? This plan won't work. We only have to escape. " Jack said impatiently.
"Alex has to come with us!" Lillie demanded, desperately. Jack thought for a moment, Lillie was watching Jack then, she waa afraid of his decision. If he wants to leave Alex behind, then I'll leave him as well. Lillie thought furiously.
"I’ll try to talk to her somehow, if she agrees, she'll run away with us." Jack answered. Lillie was relieved that Jack agreed, but she felt uncomfortable hearing his menacing tone. She felt as if she was forcefully talking to him.
“I had a plan this morning, you'll have to try to get Foxy to look on the south because you got a vision of where the rest was. I will agree with this, trying to convince them that it is true. When Foxy decides to send his entire army, I will tell him that I will stay with you and Alex so you don't run away. When they are gone enough from us, we will run as far away from here as possible. " Jack said. Lillie was surprised, the whole plan seemed to be good, but she was hesitating on one thing, would Foxy send the entire army south because of her false vision?
"I hope we can make it." Lillie muttered. She heard Jack's heavy sigh and said, "Me too."
Lillie got up looking at the exit from the forest, she had the impression that someone would find them here.
"We should get back by now, Levis will suspect something." Lillie said quickly. Jack nodded, and he began to lead Lillie to the camp as quickly as possible. She already imagined how Foxy would believe in her vision and head south, finding none of her friends there. She felt great satisfaction and a greater willingness to cooperate.

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