Chapter 14

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It was a warm morning and Gold could hear birds singing as soon as she opened her eyes. Gold quickly got up and put on her clothes, she was thinking about the only thing now, getting into the Void world and finding someone who might know why the phantoms and the ancestors of The Sisters are against each other. Gold still couldn't believe it was because of her that The Sisters had been "attacked" by Foxy and his minions. Gold left the house, looked around here and there, paused for a moment, looking down at The Sisters camp. Gold wondered what her friends are doing now, are they asleep? Do they think about what happened yesterday? Since she and her friends know the truth, The Sisters seem to be trustful but also scared Gold and her friends more. Gold only dreamed of helping The Sisters and fixing what Foxy had done. I have one option now, to get into the Void world. Gold thought. When she noticed Keira and Gestra enter the camp, Gold was stopped by Whiteflower, she was confused to see her friend here in the early morning.
"What are you doing?" Whiteflower asked seriously. Gold gave him a hesitant look, she thought Whiteflower was reading her mind.
"I'm asking you the same question." Gold replied defiantly. Whiteflower was silent for a moment, his eyes was flashing with concern.
"You can't go back to Void." Whiteflower said. Gold forced Whiteflower to let her pass, she wasn't going to argue now. She just wanted to know everything.
"I can't leave a question unanswered." Gold answered calmly. "I just want to know what's going on.”
"You already found out, Fauna told us everything." Whiteflower replied impatiently. Gold looked at the camp where Keira was already with Gestra. She started walking towards the entrance to the camp, but she stopped for a moment when she heard Whiteflower, "if they hurt you in Void, you will be hurt in the real world."
Gold didn't answer him, she continued to walk in confusion, she didn't think too much about Whiteflower's words. She had no idea why Whiteflower had decided to try to stop her. Nothing can stop me from discovering the truth. Gold thought. Gold felt a chill on her body as she entered the cave that leads to the entrance to the camp. When she emerged from the cave, she felt immediately warm, and her eyes saw Gestra and Keira. Gold glared at them suspiciously.
No, I can't trust them, I have to ask Shiver. Gold thought quickly. She only thought where Shiver was now, she felt relieved when she noticed Tara walking with her head bowed. Gold walked over to her with a friendly look.
"Hey, do you know where Shiver is?" Gold asked.
"She's ... at her house, why do you ask?" Tara answered softly. Gold sighed heavily, she did not know if it was worth trusting a wizard who obeys only her sisters. Gold quickly laughed artificially.
"Just asking, thanks." Gold muttered, then she started walking towards Shiver's house. As she walked along, she thought about Cristie, who had made up her mind to trust Foxy. Cristie's ghost looked sad when she said that they could only guard their relatives, friends in their world. Gold wondered if Foxy had done the ghost spell. Or it could have been some kind of ghost? However, Gold knew Foxy could be behind it. When Gold knocked on Shiver's door, her heart began to beat faster, hoping that her friend and mentor would agree to send her to the Void. Shiver opened the door when she noticed Gold, she smiled uneasily at the sight of her. Gold's face was still serious, she was already imagining herself in Void world.
"Hello, do you need something?" Shiver asked softly. Gold walked quickly inside without looking back. Shiver raised one eyebrow, giving Gold a wary glance.
"I need to talk to you." Gold said quickly. Shiver closed the door from the entrance, Gold noticed that a bit away Clarice was sitting on Shiver’s desk.
"Something happened?" She heard Clarice.
"Nothing's happening, please leave." Gold muttered, avoiding Clarice's eyes. But when Clarice approached her, Gold made a scowl.
"Why would I listen to the intruder?" Clarice asked sharply.
Shiver approached them both with a questioning look.
"Tell us what's going on, Gold." Shiver said. Gold hesitated, she just wanted to tell Shiver, not Clarice or anyone else. It must remain a secret, The Sisters won't help me, but I know I can count on Shiver. Gold thought uncertainly.
"I ... just wanted to tell this only you." Gold replied. Shiver and Clarice exchanged steady glances, then Clarice moved and left Shiver's house.
"So, will you tell me what's going on now?" Shiver asked.
"Yes, I need your help." Gold replied. Shiver sat down at her desk, Gold noticed Shiver waving her hand to go on. Gold trembled, as she calmed down she began to speak in a serious voice.
"I want to get into the Void world right now." Gold revealed. Shiver let out a surprised gasp, Gold ignored it, she waited for her friend to answer.
"Why? You know this world is dangerous, and besides, you are not one of us! " Shiver said quickly.
"I may not be, but thanks to the singing of Tara and Clio, I got there last." Gold reminded her. Shiver was silent for a moment, she adjusted the pen that was lying on her desk. Shiver seemed to be afraid of talking about this world.
"Why do you want to get there?" Shiver asked right away. Gold took a deep breath and exhaled, not sure Shiver knew that all the ghosts were trapped by the spell.
"I want to know the truth who cast the spell on them." Gold began to say, "The spirit of Cristie told me that a spell was cast on the ancestors of The Sisters, leaving them trapped in their own world.”
"Cristie? Have you seen her? " Shiver asked in shock. Gold remembered talking about her dream The Sisters before, describing ghost as white. Gold concentrated, now she knows she has to tell the truth.
"Yes, she saved my life." Gold replied.
"Why didn't you tell us about this earlier?" Shiver asked. Gold was speechless because of this, she still did not want to tell the truth why she then talked to Cristie. I prefer it to remain a secret. Gold thought.
"It doesn't matter anymore, but now I have to go back there again, thanks to The Sisters singing." Gold said, looking kindly at Shiver. Shiver looked unsure of herself, Gold looked at her pleadingly to make her understand what she meant.
"I don't understand, how the spell was cast on them?" Shiver asked softly.
"That's what Cristie told me, they can't be watch you because of this spell." Gold replied. Shiver sighed heavily, thinking what Gold was talking about. Gold hoped she had persuaded Shiver to agree to help her. Please agree! Gold pleaded silently.
"Who could do it?" Shiver asked calmly, but when she looked at Gold it seemed to her that Gold already knew the answer. Gold, however, stopped looking at Shiver, told herself that she would find out when she was in the Void world.
"I have to go there now, the sooner the better." Gold muttered.
"Shouldn't we tell your friends and The Sisters about this?" Shiver asked. Gold herself wondered if she should tell her friends or The Sisters anything, but Gold felt it was a waste of time.
"We'll tell them later when I come back from the Void world." Gold replied. As Gold headed for the door, Shiver blocked her way, her eyes was flashing with desperation.
"I can't get you there by myself, we need at least two The Sisters to get you to Void." Shiver explained. Gold fell silent at this, she couldn't believe Shiver's words because she thought Shiver was powerful even without The Sisters. Gold nodded, her
"Alright, let's go quick." Gold said, then she followed Shiver who left the house first. Gold was more afraid of Fauna's reaction, would she let her go? As they both entered the camp, Gold immediately spotted Fauna talking to Gestra and Keira. Near the forest, Gold noticed Ash with Clarice, Ella and Dark were talking near Fauna, Gestra and Keira. Roxanne was sitting alone with Whiteflower looking at everyone, when Roxanne noticed Gold, she quickly got up from the ground and started walking towards them.
"Good morning to both of you." Roxanne said uncertain.
Shiver nodded in greeting, and Gold remained silent with concern. Everything seemed to be calm, the singing of birds coming from the forest calmed her down. I hope they won't make me stay. Gold thought. Gold quickly stepped onto the rock where Fauna always sits, when the leader of The Sisters noticed this, she made a furious face. However, Gold did not let Fauna say anything.
"The Sisters and our group, gather under this rock, I have something important to say!" Gold announced quickly.
She couldn't take her eyes off Fauna who was giving her a questioning and serious look. Ash and Clarice started walking towards the camp, Sting immediately entered the camp with Clio, Aura, Hermione and Tara. Moments later, Whiteflower approached the boulder, as did Dark and Ella. After everyone was looking at Gold, she decided to speak.
"Now that we know about The Sisters' past, I want to help you and find out more." Gold began to speak in a low tone, "I have decided to return to the Void world again to find out who cast the ghosts and the phantoms.”
Everyone whispered among themselves, only Fauna stared at Gold the whole time.
"Know that when you get back there, you may die there." She heard Hermione speaking in an uncertain and serious voice.
"We won't let you go alone, it's dangerous." Ash said quickly. Gold shook her head in disappointment, thought it would be easy to convince The Sisters and her friends, but she was wrong.
"If she is the one that our ancestors told us, then it is worth sending her there." Fauna spoke up. Suddenly, all her friends began to protest.
“We will not agree to it! She can die there without anyone's help! "
"Gold is not going anywhere!"
"It's dangerous!"
Gold looked hopefully at Shiver, but the wizard didn't react. I can't give up that easily. Gold told herself, then gestured for everyone to be quiet.
"I understand you're worried about me, but I'll be fine, I promise, I have a plan." Gold argued, "I'm sure I won't be alone there."
"So who will be there with you?" Sting asked, there was uncertainty in his voice. Gold looked at Sting, but she didn't answered him, she was sure that Cristie would save her again as before.
“Trust me please. I want to help us and The Sisters, I want to know how Foxy's minions are ghosts from Void. " Gold said, then she added, "And when I find out everything, I'll go back to our world and tell you everything.”
Gold saw Ella and Roxanne exchange terrified glances, only The Sisters seemed to be calm.
"We are grateful that you want to help us, but for you as well as for us, the Void world is a danger." Gestra replied.
"I don't care," said Gold convincingly. "I love dangerous missions."
Everyone gasped in shock at it. Gold smiled slightly at her friends, hoping they trusted her. She knew they were worried about her, but she wanted to assure them she would be okay. The whispers stopped as Fauna stepped onto the stone, pausing next to Gold.
"The Sisters will help you, we are grateful to you, Gold." Fauna said calmly. Gold couldn't help but jump with excitement, she couldn't believe she had managed to convince Fauna. Gold then jumped off the stone, enjoying herself. Suddenly, all her friends approached her with thoughtful glances.
"If is it necessary, be careful." Ella replied, there was sadness and sympathy in her voice.
"Please be careful." Sting said to her. Gold smiled at her friends, she was proud that they were members of their own group.
"Don't run into evil spirits along the way, we believe in you." Roxanne said.
"Thank you." Gold replied happily. As she turned to face The Sisters, she noticed that each sister was standing side by side in a circle. Gold was confused, is that how The Sisters do the rituals? Fauna joined the circle, looking expectantly at Gold. Gold sighed heavily as she looked at Roxanne and Ella for the last time, both of whom were looking at her sadly. I can do it, I promise. Gold thought calmly. Then she entered The Sisters circle, stepping into the center of the circle. It's time to go back to this spooky place. Gold thought to herself. She remembered the first time she had been surrounded by The Sisters.
“Now, lie down and close your eyes. Think about the bad things. " Fauna ordered Gold. Gold lay down on the ground, her eyes were open for a moment, she was afraid to close her eyes a bit, but she was forced to close her eyes as The Sisters began to slowly sing the tune. A moment later, The Sisters' singing faded as Gold opened her eyes again, noting that she was lying in a dark abyss. I'm back! Gold was pleased in her mind. She started looking for a ghost, all she could see was fog and darkness. Gold decided to go straight, she hoped that this would allow some phantom to track her down. When she suddenly heard footsteps, Gold paused to make a battle position. She looked around carefully, when she noticed the apparition coming out of the darkness to attack her, Gold quickly attacked her opponent. The apparition avoided Gold's attack, after which Gold felt as if someone had stabbed her in the hand, the apparition disappeared into the darkness as if she was waiting again for a good moment to attack.
"I told you that when you came back here, you would die." She heard a voice recognizable to her, it was Zack.
"Show yourself, I don't want to fight!" Gold said boldly. She heard Zack's mocking laugh, it sounded like an echo in her head. Suddenly she felt someone's presence behind her back, her thoughts were right, because Zack attacked her out of the darkness. Gold looked at him quickly, glare at him.
"You came here to poison my world?" Zack asked darkly.
"No, I just want to find out the truth." Gold snapped. Zack walked back into the darkness, keeping an eye on Gold.
"Do you really think the truth will fix something?" Zack asked her. Gold looked for Zack again, but she couldn't see him anywhere. She was afraid that when she let Zack out of her sight, he would attack her. The whispers suddenly subsided, Gold thought that has Zack gone, but suddenly Zack came out of the darkness attacking her. Gold started to fight him furiously, but the monster was not giving her a win. Gold panicked when Zack pinned her to the ground, she felt a sharp tool against her
"I want to talk, I'm not gonna bring you trouble here!" Gold said quickly as she tried to free herself from Zack's grasp.
"Really? If you didn't want to bring trouble here, you wouldn't come back here at all. " She heard Zack's furious voice. In Gold, energy and bravery awoke, she aggressively knocked Zack off herself, when she wanted to look in Zack's direction, he was gone.
"I want to know why the apparitions are in the living world.” Gold muttered. Gold didn't hear any mocking laughs anymore, she thought she had silenced Zack because of it. Gold desperately started running straight, hoping she hadn't lost Zack. Suddenly, in the darkness, she saw his glowing mask.
"Why do you want to know about this?" Zack asked menacingly. Be aware that I do not trust The Sisters for several moons, so I advise you to leave or you will die here."
Gold was shocked,  Zack thinks she is one of The Sisters?
"What? But I'm not from The Sisters. " Gold said, she was still staring at Zack's mask glistening in the dark.
"I can barely believe your words, once someone told me that, and he used The Sisters spell in my world!" Zack growled. Gold shuddered, is he talking about Foxy? She wondered why Foxy would do this to innocent spirits and phantoms. She remembered teaching Foxy magic, now she regrets it bitterly.
"Trust me, I'm not going to hurt you or any other apparition, I just want to find out the truth why the ghosts are trapped." Gold said calmly, then she added calmly, "I want to help make this nightmare over."
Zack didn't answer Gold, he just stepped out of the darkness looking at Gold. Gold gave him a desperate look, mentally pleading for Zack to help her and trust her.
"It's not a nightmare," Zack growled softly. "Just a way to another life."
“What do you mean by that? You cannot get out of your own world because of this spell! " Gold spoke to him firmly. Zack started to walk around Gold from a short distance, Gold kept a close eye on Zack in case he wanted to attack her accidentally.
“That said one of the wizards who took my subjects to the real world." Zack said.
Gold realized the apparition was talking about Foxy, but why was he calling him a wizard?
"You didn't try to stop them?" Gold asked curiously. Zack paused, stopping looking at Gold, and he lowered his head as if it was a hard memory for him.
"They didn't listen to me, they wanted “a second chance and a better life”." Zack replied threateningly. Gold knew already that the apparitions had been manipulated by Foxy's words, and then they went with him to live again. It all seems still inexplicable. Gold thought uncertainly.
"Since then, the phantoms have ceased to live in harmony with the ancestors of The Sisters!" Zack screamed in a devilish voice. Gold got scared, didn't know what to say, but she decided to ask Zack, "but why?"
Zack chuckled softly, then he appeared in front of Gold.
"Because they took my subjects." Zack replied.
Gold couldn't believe her eyes, she felt great anger towards Zack. I won't let him accuse The Sisters! Gold cried out in her mind.
“It wasn't The Sisters who did that damage! One of The Sisters died because of that "wizard" you're talking about!" Gold snarled sharply. After that Zack looked at her, his silhouette became static. Gold became concerned, tried to hide her fear inside herself.
"You mean Cristie?" Zack asked in a static voice.
"Y .. yes." Gold replied hesitantly. Zack looked up as if he saw something, but Gold did not take her eyes off the ghost.
"I don't care about Cristie's death, she deserved it!" Zack growled in a demonic voice. Zack then attacked Gold, but she dodged his blow and pushed him hard in the other direction.
"I don't want to fight you, tell me everything that happened that day." Gold mumbled quickly. Zack turned sharply towards her, then his silhouette ceased to be static. Gold watched Zack as he started walking towards her. As Zack stood in front of Gold, he caught her using magic, Gold's mind started to freak out, she felt a huge headache. She heard screams and whispers in her head, everything went silent when Zack stopped holding her.
Gold woke up in the same abyss, she began to cough. She spotted Zack next to her, and Gold quickly stood up. Zack gestured with his head to look ahead, Gold did, she saw Alfa and other tall spirits.
"On that day, Alfa was supposed to be one of us, but shortly before his ceremony, a portal appeared and a man emerged from the portal." Zack answered her. Gold suddenly noticed a white portal opening in the darkness, all the apparitions looked in that direction. Gold expected Foxy to come out of the portal. Foxy stood silent for a moment, watching the apparitions. Alfa seemed to be making a battle position in case Foxy wanted to attack.
Gold, however, could not hear what they were talking about, she realized that it was only a spell to see what happened then.
"He began to talk to my subjects as to his own subjects, he asked them if they had made their decision." Zack said. Gold saw Foxy saying something to the phantoms with a calm expression on his face, Alfa then stopped making battle position, he only straightened up.
"I was surprised they didn't listen to me, but to this wizard." Zack growled hostile. Gold saw many ghosts appear at Foxy's side. Foxy smiled a little at that, he was staring at the three figures, it was Zack, Alfa and a tall figure with a mask on his face with a smile on it. She watched closely as Zack and the unknown figure exchanged glances, but suddenly after a while the tall figure with the cape and mask moved away from Zack and stood by Foxy's side, straightening up.
"Even my friend Levis stood by his side." Zack began to say, "Alfa hesitated, but this wizard persuaded him to take revenge on someone."
Gold shuddered as Alfa looked at Zack and then at Foxy, but Alfa appeared at Foxy's side.
“How did they get out? They are dead after all! " Gold said.
"He gave them a second chance at life, he cast a fairly strong spell on them, but a few of the ghosts weren't dead, they were just actually trapped as a living being." Zack explained, then he seriously added, "among them was Alfa, Levis, and Stray.”
Gold couldn't understand how living creatures could live in the world of the dead?
"But how?" Gold asked. After she asked about it, Foxy and the ghosts disappeared, Zack also disappeared into the darkness as well. Zack straightened, looking at Gold.
"When a human is forgotten in the world of the living, he goes to the world of the Void, but there were few cases, most of the ghosts were dead, but Alfa did not go there because he was forgotten, he was an exceptional accident." Zack said.
Gold scowled at the word "exceptional accident." For me, he is only an exceptional problem. Gold thought.
"What happened to him?" Gold asked softly.
"A spell was put on him to have him imprisoned in the Void world." Zack said in a low tone.
Strange, who might have imprisoned him there? Gold asked herself. Was it Foxy again? Gold herself was surprised by the power Foxy has in his hands. Suddenly, she noticed Zack showing her this spell, saw Zack raise his hand and a white spark appears on his hand, and he slammed his hand hard on the ground until Gold seemed to have an earthquake. I have to learn this spell. Gold thought to herself. Gold looked at Zack who then got up and held a spark of dark light in his hand.
"Only a few ghosts are left by my side, now I don't know what to do with this becuase of that stupid wizard!" Zack growled aggressively.
"That “stupid wizard “ is Foxy and he is not one of The Sisters." Gold said hesitantly. Zack didn't answer her, he just growled in anger.
"Foxy .... I promise him that if he gets here, he will bitterly regret what he did." She heard Zack’s mumbling. As the spark from Zack's hand disappeared, he looked at Gold.
"I'm sorry it happened, I promise to bring your subjects back here." Gold swore in a calm voice.
"Really?" Zack said in a static voice. Gold nodded slowly, then she looked back.
“We just have to stop Foxy." Gold snapped. Before Zack could reply, Gold returned to the real world. When her friends noticed this, they rejoiced.
“Gold! Is everything alright?" She heard Sting sitting next to her. Gold noticed that she was covered with a blanket, and she quickly stood up with a proud expression on her face. Sting then stood there too, and took one step back.
"She made it!" Roxanne said in a cheerful voice. All of her friends started freaking out, Gold laughed as she watched the amazed The Sisters.
"Yes, I know everything now.”

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