Chapter 12

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Gold watched Fauna who still hesitated to say anything. Meanwhile, Gold and her friends were getting impatient, Gold saw the fear in her friends' eyes. She realized that she felt the same, now they will find out the truth about The Sisters. After a few moments, Fauna looked at Gold and the others with a steady look.
"Many moons ago, The Sisters were happy, they didn't live in fear like they do now." Fauna began to speak anxiously. "The Sisters feared nothing, our future seemed normal under Cristie's leadership ... until Foxy arrived with the creatures that belonged to the Void world.”
Gold got scared, so Alfa and the rest of those horrible servants are actually from the world of the dead? Gold gave Fauna a gloomy look.
"He told us every time that he didn't want to cause us trouble, he just wanted to meet a person named Gold." Fauna said.
At her name, Gold froze, why did Foxy want to meet her? Did he know she knew Shiver? Gold felt the eyes of her confused friends on her body, she understood well now the thoughts of her friends, she could not understand why Foxy had come here to meet her.
"Cristie told Foxy that we are not being visited by a person named Gold." Fauna muttered. Gold's entire body began to shake more as she thought why Foxy had come here because of her. He wanted to kill me, he wanted to kill me and he wanted to hurt Roxanne. Gold thought furiously.
"But ... but Foxy didn't believe us, so he questioned all of us about this person." Fauna said. Gold saw Fauna looking only at her, as if she blamed her for Cristie's death. Gold made a serious face, she felt
inside anger and insecurity.
"Foxy said he would settle in our territory for a while to wait for Gold's arrival." Fauna muttered, then she immediately added, "we agreed, on the condition that they’ll stay away from our camp."
Gold looked back, she saw Roxanne listen to Fauna in horror and despair, Gold wanted to react, but she stopped when Dark hugged Roxanne trying to calm her down. Gold smiled weakly, then she looked at Fauna again.
"One day passed, Foxy came back to ask if Gold was here." Fauna said, "We denied it, Foxy then offered to help us at our camp, Cristie agreed, but not all The Sisters knew if they could trust Foxy's helpers."
Gold felt a great anger, she dreamed that Foxy would die that day, not Cristie. But she wondered why Cristie trusted him, Foxy should be banished from their territory, but did The Sisters then have a choice?
“For a few days Foxy's helpers were helping us, meanwhile Foxy and Cristie got to know each other better. I remember Hermione wanting to go against Foxy, saying that they've been our "friends" for days, just so Foxy could talk to someone we didn't know at all. " Fauna said in a dark tone. Gold had the feeling that Fauna saw these memories and spoke them with great reluctance.
"A whole month passed, then The Sisters no longer minded Foxy staying in our territory forever, he seemed to be strong and helpful." Fauna said, then she looked at her desk where she was sitting. "He taught us some battle moves, and we taught him magic.”
Magic? It wasn't just me who taught Foxy magic? Gold shuddered in her mind. Gold thought Foxy wanted to learn magic to use it against Roxanne and the whole group.
“In the last days that Cristie was alive, Foxy got out of control at times. The Sisters tried to help him stay calm once and for all, but he refused us every time. " Fauna said softly. Gold began to sympathize with Fauna, she saw the wizard sitting at the desk with her head bowed, or was it because she felt guilty?
“During the fall, Foxy's servants helped us gather herbs, so we were not in danger of an epidemic there. The day seemed to be normal until Foxy asked Cristie if he could go gather some herbs with her. " Fauna said. Gold sighed heavily, realizing she had listened to Fauna's conversation with Gestra then with Shiver. She had seen Foxy seem depressed that day. He planned the murder, I'm sure of it. Gold thought nervously.
"Before Cristie left, she asked me to take care of our sisters while she was in the woods." Fauna said, her voice changed to despair. Gold felt bad listening to the story from Fauna's perspective, they expected nothing wrong from Foxy, they trusted him like a member.
"Later, Foxy arrived ... with Cristie's body." Fauna said.
Gold shuddered, imagining Foxy dragging Cristie's lifeless body. Why did he do that to Cristie?
"He told us we lied to them, so we will live in pain now as we were supposed to live in that pain before." Fauna muttered, then she looked at Gold. "As we mourned our leader, I saw Foxy look at it with satisfaction, then he disappear into the woods with his servants, and since then, he has not come back to us.”
Gold felt strange, she still had a lot of questions in her head as if Fauna’s answers weren't enough. How did Foxy gain an army of dead people from the Void world? Was he the one who cast a spell on the spirits to keep them trapped in their own world?
"Why didn't you tell them you didn't know me?" Gold asked quickly.
"We tried to tell them that, but Foxy barely believed our words." Fauna said. Gold lowered her head, feeling helpless as if she couldn't turn back time and stop Foxy. Fauna got up and walked over to them, giving Whiteflower a menacing, emotionless look.
"Before Foxy came to us, Whiteflower stopped visiting us to help us." She said, then turned all her back on them. Gold shot Whiteflower a questioning look, she saw Whiteflower was trying to avoid Fauna's gaze.
"I stopped because I found out that Sting left our group, I decided to live my own life by then." Whiteflower replied emotionlessly. There was silence then, but suddenly Hermione and Clarice entered the house.
“How could you do that The Sisters? We trusted you. " Hermione growled. Gold wanted to stand up for Whiteflower, but Whiteflower anticipated her move.
"Everyone has the right to choose their new path, that's how you all taught me." Whiteflower said.
Hermione fell silent, Clarice looked sadly at Fauna, Gold saw the extraordinary despair in her eyes.
"We should never trust Foxy, then my sister wouldn't die under these horrible circumstances." Clarice stammered. Hermione started hugging Clarice, who was sobbing softly. Gold sighed heavily, she stopped looking at Clarice and Hermione, she felt unexpectedly guilty. Foxy was looking for me, but why? Gold thought anxiously. Gold left the house without looking at her friends, she wanted to be invisible now. She dreamed of stabbing Foxy now and avenging Cristie who had trusted him. I shouldn't have taught him magic at all. Gold told herself.
"Gold, why did you leave?" Sting asked. Gold wasn't looking at Sting.
"I'm just shocked." Gold muttered menacingly. Sting grabbed her arm, his face was sad.
“Me too, I can't believe Foxy did it." Sting replied. Gold didn't answer, her anger grew and she felt more unhappy that Cristie had died. As she could still hear her hysterical scream in her head, she trembled.
"Would you like you to go somewhere?" Sting asked thoughtfully.
"No thanks, I want to be alone." Gold snarled, then she headed toward the camp. She felt Sting's gaze on her body. Gold even wanted to kill Foxy now, she dreamed of seeing his dead body in front of her. As soon as she reached the camp, she sat down on a boulder, covering her cheeks with her hands. She still couldn't believe that Foxy had come here just because he wanted to meet her. But Gold knew it was Foxy's trick. He wanted to kill her if he had the opportunity, and only because she told him so that he could open his feelings for Roxanne. Gold looked up at the night sky, wondering if Cristie was watching them from there. Gold suddenly realized something, if Foxy's servants are creatures from the world of the dead, how did they come here? I need to find out as soon as possible. Gold thought quickly. Gold stood up as she noticed Clio and Aura entering the camp, Gold hurried over to them. Both sisters looked surprised.
"Hey, do you know anything about the Void creatures?" Gold asked. Aura and Clio exchanged serious glances.
"The Sisters know their enemy, why should we tell you?" Aura asked.
"I know everything, tell me everything you know please." Gold told them. Clio still looked unsure, but Aura nodded seriously.
"These are the apparitions that have worked with the world of our ancestors in the past." Aura was speaking calmly, "but before Foxy's arrival, the Void apparitions had turned their backs on us, thus the ancestors and apparitions are against each other to this day.”
Gold began to wonder why the apparitions turned their backs on The Sisters' ancestors, was it because of the spell that was cast on them? Gold nodded to both of them in thanks, then started walking towards the apartment where she was sleeping. I have no choice but to go back to the world of the dead to find out more.

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